





布兰妮称爱情甜如蜜 回应家虐谣言

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-12-9 17:57| 查看数: 1069| 评论数: 0|

  在上周,一家八卦王公布了一段录音,声称是小甜甜布兰妮受到男友Jason Trawick毒打的证据,事后布兰妮通过发言人澄清录音完全“子虚乌有”,尽管如此,对于流言蜚语“身经百战”的他来说,也是见怪不怪之事了,而且这丝毫没有到这位女星与男友共赴度假胜地庆祝生日的心情。

  “与Jason Trawick一起度过的周末真是太棒了,这简直就是我过过的最开心的一次生日。”布兰妮告诉媒体。

  在上周末是布兰妮二十九岁的生日,为此这对情侣一同飞往了位于墨西哥的度假胜地,进驻每晚高达5000美金的私人度假豪宅。据媒体报道,男方还特意从洛杉矶亲自定制了一个玫红色生日蛋糕。周一在LA复工的小甜甜更新了自己的微博,“今天与摄影师Mario Testino合作的结果真的很棒,真是让人开心。”周二,有狗仔拍到布兰妮正在沃尔玛超市为即将到来的圣诞节采购置办年货。

  LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

  Despite making headlines last week after Radar Online published a report claiming a voice recording of a woman on tape who claimed her boyfriend abused her was, in fact, Britney Spears (a report that both Spears’ manager and boyfriend strongly denied), the singer says she is having the time of her life.

  “My birthday weekend away with Jason was amazing. Best birthday of my life!” Britney told Us Weekly.

  The couple headed to Mexico to celebrate her 29th birthday and reportedly stayed at a private villa in Conchas Chinas, Mexico, which cost $5,000 per-night.

  According to the mag, Jason reportedly flew in a red-velvet cake from Los Angeles to celebrate the singer’s birthday.

  Brit was back at work in LA on Monday, Tweeting, “Had such an amazing photoshoot with Mario Testino today. So fun!”

  On Tuesday, the singer was spotted by photographers getting ready for the holiday season at a Los Angeles Walmart.


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