






发布者: yucc | 发布时间: 2006-1-19 19:56| 查看数: 4595| 评论数: 2|

大家都看到了。发的贴子虽然不多,但也不是很少。很少的几个人发贴子。回贴量并不是很大,人气不是很旺。想知道一下原因。 想征求一下大家的意见,对于这个版块大家怎么看待! 谢谢支持!


TheYeti 发表于 2006-2-14 06:34:32
泛读 means reading extensively (but not indiscriminately, of course). As such, posts of many different genre could and should be posted for reading purpose. Since you already has an "original work" section on this BBS, this board should then be reserved for reprinted materials. (By the way, please give due acknowledgement to the author by properly citing the name of the author and the source of the reference--i.e. follow proper academic procedure. This is supposed to be a learning forum. Students should be taught the proper academic protocol from day one.) As for the traffic, there is little one can do. People have minds of their own. It is hard to find the right mix of materials that will attract the most number of people. What is important is to keep in mind that it is quality that counts. If you open the floodgate to frivolous posts, the forum will degenerate very quickly.
TheYeti 发表于 2006-2-14 06:49:28
You can also try a "serial" approach. Repeated viewing of a serial will give the impression of a heavily read post. The large number of hits will attract more people to read the post. It's all a matter of psychology. Posts with few readers remain unread, and posts showing large number of hits attract more reader. If you don't mind, have a look at these serials I put up at the Rainlane Treasure Island English Corner and see how people react to them. You can also encourage readers to add material to the serial, make comments or participate in other ways (make sentences, do a translation, and so on.) 有帮助写作的短段精读, 不断加新 http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=8&ID=15724&page=1

Short and interesting news items

http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=11&ID=15393&page=1 and Interesting Words and Phrases Part 3 http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=11&ID=9224

Book reviews by Yeti


Rain songs for Rainlane


These are all in "serial format", with the material added over a period of days, weeks and even months. Here are two examples of "particpatory serials"

翻译: 中国十大城市美眉排行榜


and the "Prepositin+which" project


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