





Cup Of Coffee

发布者: ieboy | 发布时间: 2008-3-29 19:13| 查看数: 2359| 评论数: 2|


Album:Beautiful Garbage
Title:Cup Of Coffee
You tell me you don't love me over a cup of coffee
And I just have to look away
A million miles between us
Planets crashing to dust
I just let it fade away
I'm walking empty streets hoping we might meet
I see your car parked on the road
The light on at your window
I know for sure that you're home
But I just have to pass on by
So no of course we can't be friends
Not while I'm still this obsessed
I guess I always knew the score
This is how our story ends
I smoke your brand of cigarettes
And pray that you might give me a call
I lie around in bed all day just staring at the walls
Hanging round bars at night wishing I had never been born
And give myself to anyone who wants to take me home
So no of course we can't be friends
Not while I still feel like this
I guess I always knew the score
This is where our story ends
You left behind some clothes
My belly summersaults when I pick them off the floor
My friends all say they're worried
I'm looking far too skinny
I've stopped returning all their calls
And no of course we can't be friends
Not while I'm still so obsessed
I want to ask where I went wrong
But don't say anything at all
It took a cup of coffee
To prove that you don't love me
乐队风格绝对现代,折衷气味浓郁却绝无晦之嫌,你可以找到白色软性噪音、硬、新浪潮和电子节拍等时髦的音乐元素。1983年,三位就读3于美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊镇电影学校的三位好友BUTCH VIG(巴升 卫格)STEVE MARKER(史蒂夫 马可)DUKE ERIKSON(杜可伊瑞克森)合伙办了名为Smart录音棚,并组成了一支三人乐队,名为Spooner.录音棚曾为Nirvana,Smashing Pumplins,Nine Lmch Mails,House of pain等乐队制作专辑。而他们自身则默默无闻。他们将舞蹈的节拍揉进了工业摇滚的复杂之中,传统的吉他演奏份量相对减弱,随后他们将乐队改名为GARBAGE,吸收SHIRLEY MANSON作为乐队主唱。


海伦 发表于 2008-3-31 10:08:17
a cup of coffee,伤感...............
mengxxx911 发表于 2008-4-1 17:49:14
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