





[每日新闻]China Daily 4.6早

发布者: streetstone | 发布时间: 2008-4-6 15:09| 查看数: 3783| 评论数: 0|

[Top News]

Human bird flu confirmed


The World Health Organization recently confirmed the first case of human-to-human transmission of avian flu among three brothers in Pakistan,saying it was"limited"and"outbreak did not extend into the community."WHO earlier confirmed one of them was contracted and died from the deadlyvirus.Worldwide tests showed the other two wree also contracted but recovered,including a poultry woeker who was believed to have passed the disease on to family members.

Boats clash,5 missing


South Korean police confirmed that a Chinese fishing boat sank in the southren seawater of S.Korean at around 7:40 am(Beijing Time) Saturday after colliding with a S.Korean cargo ship,leaving at least five sailors missing.At least seven sailors were on board and two of them were saved.Two rescue vessels have arrived at the spot and began to search for the missing sailors.

More Chinese get green cards


According to a US Homeland Security Department report,76650 Chinese mainlanders became legal permanent residentsof the US in 2007,second only to Mexico's more than 188000.California,New York and Florida states saw the most new green cards holders.


Brits pay for PM's grocery


Fatly paid with £100000 plus a year,British Premier Gordon Brown claimed more than £18000 in 2005-06 from taxpayersfor his food,provisions,etc,as was revealed Friday,Tony Blair claimed for a new dishwasher and TV license while he was prime minister,There is no wrongdoing as MPs are allowed to claim thousands of pouns for household items.

Li Xiang reaps RMB30.8M


Phoenix TV anchor Huang Jianxiang tops the 2007 China Emcee Annual Commercial Income List with about RMB40m,yet his glamour is outshined by a stardom fleet from Hunan Satellite TV : Li Xiang(RMB30.8m,No.2),He Jiong(RMB20.7,No.3),Wang Han(RMB13.2m,No.7)and Xie Na(RNB8.3m,No.10).

[odd News]

Weak economy frees inmates


US prisons are feeling the economic crunch as they can barely afford to accomodate inmates now.Kentucky spends $18600 plus to house one inmate for a year,or roughly $51 a day.At least eight states are considering a budget-cutting proposal:freeing tens of thousands of convicts,including drug addicts,thieves and even violent criminals.If adopted,the proposal could save an estimated $450m in California and Kentucky alone.


Night music aids immunity


With all the changes to people's lives,little time is left for music at night since TV sets have become so ubiquitous.But according to an expert with the China Association fo Traditional Chinese Medicine,enjoying music during 9:00-11:00 pm can enhance the immune system,when the system undergoes an adjustment,which requires a calmstate of physical surroundings.Any violent activities will negatively inflluence that process.


Teacher:What is the plural of mouse?


Teacher:Good,now what's the plural of baby?



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