






发布者: TheYeti | 发布时间: 2006-1-20 14:36| 查看数: 2878| 评论数: 4|

不是范文 1 to 22


A few months ago, while helping out a teacher at the diandian net in correcting student practice essays, I decided to write a few for myself. I called them 不是范文 because they are (1) not written in the form specified by your examination topics, (2)not always strictly following the topic, and (3) may have mistakes in them. I made a commitment to Dian-dian 点点, that other than my own forum (Rainlane 雨巷) I am not going to publish the complete set anywhere else. I may, however, publish individual ones under single topic threads. So if you are interested, please view them at

不是范文 1 to 22

http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=8&ID=14772&page=1 (And please do not reprint.请勿转贴)

A few words about 范文. There are different kinds of sample essays. Some are "model" essays written by teachers or experts and they are very good. Some are just selected partially corrected students essays and their quality can go from good to bad. So be very careful when you read them. Some tutorial school suggest you recite them (背诵范文),I don't think that is a good idea when the sample essay has mistakes in them. You may end up in memorizing the wrong concepts. (E.g. in one, the word "oil" is used instead of gasoline/petrol as the fuel for cars . In English "oil" is used for "crude oil", and for cars, lubricating oil." In at least two others, cannot is incorrectly written as two words.)

If all you want is to pass the CET exams, then go ahead and memorize them. But if you have an eye in working with English, or go study overseas, then you should stay away from some of those "standard sentences" or "standard building blocks for essays" as many of them run contrary to good essay writing. I was horrified when I first came across articles in exam-oriented 英语学习论坛s on how to put essays together with prefabircated building blocks. They are just the opposite of what I learned in my composition 101. (The first course in English composition in an English university. Although that was more than 44 years ago, I don't think the rules have changed much.)

There are some very good sample essays written by teachers. Patrick's of Ielts is excellent, and Yummy English's, and Mr.Ding's are also good. You can check them, and others, out by going to this web page and using the link:

http://www3.sympatico.ca/d.stephen/articles.htm Look under the 范文连接 section.


unicom_fj 发表于 2006-1-20 19:34:18
布丁叶子 发表于 2006-2-3 19:39:58
TheYeti 发表于 2006-2-11 14:28:31
我是说我用你们以前考试出过的作文题目,以及点点的丁教师的练习题来写了一些文章。 定名是 “不是范文。”承丁教师不弃,拿了来给他的学生参考。 http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=8&ID=14772&page=1(And please do not reprint.请勿转贴) 为甚么叫做“不是范文”?因为是随意而写,不是跟你们考试的格式写。叫做“不是范文,就是说不能拿来做范文。我不能保证没有错 要知道, 网上范文很多。 有些是专家所写。但有些是稍为修改过的学生文章,其中还有错误。 ( E.g. can not should be "cannot"(i), oil should be gasoline/petrol ) (i) Read "cannot is one word." (Use google to search "cannot is one word." I apologize for using English only. (1) My Chinese character input software (The NJStar Communicator) crashes with my browser. (2)It takes me a long time to input Chinese characters. (3)My Chinese writing has always been bad--since high school. (4)I am of the philosophy that if you want to learn a language, you should use every opportunity to practice it. Therefore, English forums should be used as a vehicle to practice English--otherwise, why use an English forum at all?
BlueMask 发表于 2006-2-12 17:32:13
Tks,TheYeti.U can be called a good teacher. U do work so hard on those articles[em23].Thank u!
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