





how to improve my writing English?can u help me?

发布者: nine | 发布时间: 2006-1-20 16:44| 查看数: 12570| 评论数: 9|

<FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>I had have a long time not to study my English until i found this enfamily,in fact,my English is very poor from cover to cover,especielly writing English and spoken English,beforetime, the motivation of study English is so pure that only in order to pass the examination.Though i passed cet-4,I only can say a,b,c.....</FONT>
<FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>  I am confused why i can't write the fluent sentence,the same sentence ,others can express it clearly and fluently by one sentence but I have to use several simple sentences,and it looks very slack.I don't know how to improve it ,is there any good way ?can u help me?thank u</FONT><FONT face="Arial Black" size=3>[em04][em04]</FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-23 10:58:22编辑过]


July 发表于 2006-1-20 16:49:26
<STRONG><FONT face=Verdana color=#da2549 size=2>nine</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT face=Verdana color=#da2549 size=2>I looked a article about  how to improve our writing english on the forum.But what a pity!I forgot it in.You can find it and study it.Your english is so good in my mind,that's the truth.Please do believe it.</FONT></STRONG>
Quickie 发表于 2006-1-22 07:31:49
<STRONG><FONT size=4>You need to pratice with the wolf :lol:lol</FONT></STRONG>
puppy 发表于 2006-1-22 13:55:25
<FONT face=Arial size=4>Dear nine,</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>    A very good example here my English teacher told me before is considerated to express my opinion to you.  It used to happen or are happening to we Chinese students.  "I'm sorry, my English is poor though I have learned English for at least 10 years since my study started from elementary school.  I can't say any smooth English sentence to express myself properly, so if any failure to make you understood I'll be very obliged and please don't tease at me.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>    I would like to give my modest suggestion to you: Never convey such sentences to the guests you are talking to especially to those English-speaking-country people.  For they will be absolutely surprised to receive your comments about your English ability as if a people no matter what he learns for at least more than 10 years, only to find he didn't know how to apply the knowledge he had learned even it's a little bit basic application.  On the contrary, you will be no surprised to find that if the same thing occurs to the foreign people they tend to say: Well, were I you, I mean if I have studied a language such as Chinese for many years I would be able to publish my composing.  Say, it's not kidding, I'm very serious.  It just depends on how to learn a language.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>    Many Chinese students, I should say, stay very close on the English learning other than applying.  A title for "good English learner" maybe very properly be used to praise we Chinese for our very deeply digging into study in the huge vocabulary and grammar.  Frankly speaking, the pure English study we've learned from our primary schools to our higher special education institute is enough for us.  Anyway for most  Non English practitioners, a not bad English command is due to do with their daily nuisance not only communication but English further learning as well.  Of course it's rather different for those who want to be proficient at English, it's another case.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>    Something always mislead us to be stuck with deep admiration at good expression of foreigners' good application of our mother language--Chinese when we conduct a simply and ordinary communication with them.  No matter how awkward their intonation is and how strange accent it is(Sorry, I'm not deliberate with my words,it's just an example. I will apologize for what I said if it makes some misunderstanding), we prefer to send our generous appraisal to our foreign friends at any costs of our fussy savor of looking down upon ourselves.  </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>    Trust yourself, you are good enough now.  I dare say your English must be good enough if you have really learned it for not a short time in earnest.  Then how to use it, how to build up your self-confidence, and how to conduct a smooth language exchange is just up to yourself, it's not very difficult.  The reason why you think our foreign pals are good at our Chinese is that they can make you understand with their not standard pronunciation and simple expression of sentence.  Not complicated grammar and not sophisticated traditional literature.  So what should you do or what should all of us do?  I believe your foreign friends will be very glad to see if the English knowledge you learned will be capable of delivering a good impression on their mind with your brief and fluent oral English.  So trust yourself, I should say again, you are good enough.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>Affectionately yours,</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>uppy<br></FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-23 19:09:02编辑过]

bobo 发表于 2006-1-22 14:43:23
<FONT face=Arial><EM>A great number of people claim that learning English is a tiring, boring,difficult task, but I prefer to say that it's much easier that you had expected, however the essential thing is determination. Memerizing several words a day, reading an article or two will help a lot for improving English.Remember that Persistence is rewarding.</EM></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial><EM>Take it easy and good luck.</EM></FONT>
Quickie 发表于 2006-1-22 23:32:16
<STRONG>My opionion would be pratice alot of your own writings and read others great writings.</STRONG>
nine 发表于 2006-1-23 11:31:06
<STRONG><FONT size=4>Give a thousand thanks to u from my sincere heart,thank all of u!</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT size=4>uppy,u analysis is very reasonable and detailed as well,maybe sometimes we always assume something as a matter of course, after all English is the other country's language,and we know little its language culture,so everything is unclear to us.and the other is usually I lack confidence,I feel myself not good enough,hehe,thank u,u encourage me very much.trust me and trust u,we will have a bright future.</FONT></STRONG>[em04][em04][em04]
len 发表于 2006-3-24 12:53:03
i have the same feeling! i once considered i should give it up.i can't write the beautiful words and speak a fluently oral language even if i spend all my time on it.but i just neglected an important point that is my study attitude.Learn a language due to our attitude.Relax,be patient and enjoy ourselves.First,i think we must believe we can do it and don't worry it will take much time,Persist hardworking is painful but that is worthy,so i just practiced speaking more and more.i always suppose that someday my dreams will come true and i become the master of language.maybe we are in the same line.i hope you can do that with all your best.Then you have been successful and let's sing a beautiful song together. agree?[em38]
芥末膏 发表于 2006-3-28 11:00:46
<FONT color=#4d2bd5 size=4><STRONG>Learning everything takes time. The more time you focus on it, the more improvement you get. When getting to certain level, improvement is not as distinguishing as when you were at the begining level. But for sure you're moving forward. So you need to hold on your steps toward success.</STRONG></FONT>
Rita娜 发表于 2006-5-9 10:14:41
I am learning from you all!
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