






发布者: 鹦哥 | 发布时间: 2008-5-13 18:48| 查看数: 3056| 评论数: 1|

Hello,everybody!And welcome here to "Let's Talk in English" on PTS and on the radio.My name is Gabe.

And my name's Andrea.We're glad you join us.Today our lesson is called "A Valentine's Day Gift".

A Valentine's Day gift.And this is a Valentine's Day week.It's excitingand it's full of love.So let's get right into today's lesson.Let's lookat these key words.The first one is:favorite...favorite...Gilbert likesmany fruits,bananas are his favorite.

Super...super...Karen is a super student.Her teachers like her.

Heart...heart...Dan is drawing hearts on a letter to his wife.

Hug...hug...Kate's mom gives her a hug every morning.

Gift...gift...Today is your birthday.Here is a gift for you.

Come on...come on...Come on,Sally!Let's do something fun.Well,something fun is saying our key words together again.So,come on!Let's do it.Our first one is:favorite...favorite...





Come on...come on...Well,come on everybody!It's time for us to learn what today's mission is.Eddy?


Yeah,yeah...I have a super gift for you.

A super gift for us?

For us?

A super gift.

What is that,Eddy?

It's today's mission.

That's what we like to here.


OK.Here it is.What is Hugh selling today?

What is Hugh selling today?

Well,keep your ears opening in today's lesson.And you'll find out what Hugh is selling today.Let's go the lesson right now.

[Conversation A]

Simon,Betty!You are two of my favorite people.

Hugh,you say that to everyone.

But you are!

How are you,Hugh?

I am super!Thank you!How about you?

I'm doing well.Thanks!

Great!I have something perfect for you.

Well,in this conversation we see that Simon and Betty and Hugh are inthe post office.What does Hugh say to Simon and Betty?

Well,he says "you are two of my favorite people".

Well,that is one of my favorite key words.The word "favorite".Let'slook at this together.Say it with me?Favorite...favorite...If somethingis your favorite,that means you like it most or you like it the best.Itis your favorite.

Now you can like many things.For example:I like many different kinds of fruits like apples and oranges,and peaches.But,my favorite fruit the one I like best is a mango.

And if you like ice cream.You might like the nover,or strubiry,orchocolate.And my favorite is chocolate ice cream.So,that isfavorite.OK,let's look at this next key word.The wordis:super...super...If something is super,that means it is reallygood.It is better than others.And so Hugh says that he is super,thatmeans he is feeling really good.

So if someone asks you "Howare you?" and you are feeling really good,you can say just what Hughsaid.You can say "I am super".

And maybe you've heard ofsupermarkets.A supermarket has more things in it than a normal maketoutside.That is a supermarket.

And maybe you've also heard of super man.He is a great man.

And we have another super man coming right up.His name is Thomas,and he is going to teach us some super Chinese.

[Conversation B]

Hugh,you say that all the time.What are you selling today?

I'm selling this.I love it.What do you think?

It's...a heart!

It's a heart with arms.

It's a heart hug!

A heart hug?

It's perfect for Valentine's Day.How many do you want?

I see it's perfect for Valentine's Day.Well,Hugh is always sellingsomething intereting.And in our conversation we find out what itis.It's also the answer to today's mission.The question is:What is Hughselling today?

What is Hugh selling today?He's selling a heart hug.

Interesting!Gabe,do you like to buy a heart hug?

Well,I have a heart hug right here.En...I don't know what I would do with a heart hug except maybe hug it.

Oh,that is special!Well,I know what we can do.We can learn our keywords.The first one is:heart...heart...Now a heart is a shape.When yousay a heart,you think about love.

That's right.So a heart is ashape.And a heart is also something that keeps us a life,and it'sinside of our bodys.That is a heart.

Now say it'sValentine's Day is a day to celebrate love.People use hearts a lot tocelebrate.You might have a card with a heart on it or give someone achocolate.That is shaped like a heart.

You also might want to give someone a hug on Valentine's Day.

Let's learn that key word:hug...hug...A hug is what you givesomeone.You put both of your arms out and then put them around ofperson.

That's right.And this word "hug" is both a noun and averb.You can give someone a hug,that's the noun.Or like Andrea said"You can hug someone".

Well,thanks for the hug,Gabe.It's nice to hug someone to show you care about them.Oh,friends,let's learn more from Thomas.

[Conversation C]

Sorry,Hugh.I don't want any.

What?...What about you,Simon?You must want one for Renee.

I'm sorry,Hugh.It's not the perfect gift for her.

Come on,you two!Let me give you a hug.

No,no!That's OK.

Maybe Max wants one.

Yes,Max likes heart hugs.You're right.Good-bye!

Well,maybe Max will like this heart hug.Because we find out here inthis conversation that Simon does not want a heart hug,and Betty doesnot want a heart hug.And Simon says that a heart hug is not the perfectgift for his wife Renee.Well,let's look at this key word.The word"gift".Gift!A gift is something that you give to someone else.A gift!

You can give someone a Valentine's Day gift or a birthday gift.Many different things can be a gift.

That's right.If you want to show someone that you care about them,andthat you appreciate them,then give them a gift.That's always nice.

Well,Simon and Betty don't want a heart hug,so Hugh says "come on,you two!".Let's learn what's that means.

Yeah,come on,everybody!Let's learn this key word.The words are:comeon...come on...Now this is something that you say.If you want someoneelse to do soemthing or if you want them to try something,you say "come on!".

So let's use it!Hey,Gabe,do you want to go hiking with me today?

Well,Andrea,I'm kind of tired.I don't think of go for a hike today.

Come on,Gabe!You'll have a great time.Come on!Hiking is fun!

I'll have a great time?


And hiking is fun?OK!Well,I'll go hiking with you.OK,everybody,comeon,use this phrase today!And come on everybody,let's go see what Thomashas to say right now.



鹦哥 发表于 2008-5-13 18:50:09


[Word Power]

It's time for "WordPower".This week we are learning about Valentine's Day.Do you have agirlfriend or boyfriend?Well,if you do,you can buy him or her aValentine.A Valentine is a card.The card might say "I loveyou".Valentine...Valentine...Flowers are a great gift for Valentine'sDay.Many men buy their girlfriends or wives a big boken offlowers.Flower...flower...Chocolate is another popular Valentine's Daygift.Chocolate is a popular candy.You can buy dark or whitechocolate.Chocolate...chocolate...Jewelry is a really nice Valentine'sDay present.necklaces,earrings,and rings are jewelry.Many women like towear jewelry.Jewelry...jewelry...Are you romantic?When man and womenare in love,they do romantic things.They go to romantic restaurants andsurprise each other with gifts.Romantic...romantic...One of the simples of Valentine's Day is a heart.The heart means love.Love join and sedness are feelings.We seefeelings come from the heart.Heart...heart...Happy Valentine's Day!Nowthat you know these words,you can enjoy Valentine's Day.Remember thesewords,and you will have word power!

[Conversation Replay]

Simon,Betty!You are two of my favorite people.

Hugh,you say that to everyone.

But you are!

How are you,Hugh?

I am super!Thank you!How about you?

I'm doing well.Thanks!

Great!I have something perfect for you.

Hugh,you say that all the time.What are you selling today?

I'm selling this.I love it.What do you think?

It's...a heart!

It's a heart with arms.

It's a heart hug!

A heart hug?

It's perfect for Valentine's Day.How many do you want?

Sorry,Hugh.I don't want any.

What?...What about you,Simon?You must want one for Renee.

I'm sorry,Hugh.It's not the perfect gift for her.

Come on,you two!Let me give you a hug.

No,no!That's OK.

Maybe Max wants one.

Yes,Max likes heart hugs.You're right.Good-bye!

Hi,everybody!It's time for today's calendar phrase.And the phrase is:It's the perfect gift!

It's the perfect gift!

Now if you get a gift from somebody and you open it up,and realess that it's just what you wanted,you can say this:It's the perfect gift!

Or if you shopping and looking for a gift for a friend,and you find it.You can say:It's the perfect gift!

Well,Andrea,I know the perfect gift right now.

What's that,Gabe?

That's today's calendar phrase.Let's go and see the perfect gift.

[Calendar Phrase]

It's the perfect gift!


Hey,Marie!What's in the bag?

Oh,just a small gift for you.Open it!

OK.Wow,Marie,it's the perfect gift!

I'm glad you like it.

I do!It's the perfect gift!

I bought it just for you.

Thank you!It's the perfect gift!

Well,hello,everybody!It's time for us to find out the question of the day.Eddy,what is the question for today?

The question of the day is:What is a perfect gift for you?Why?

What is a perfect gift for you?Why?

Well,you know I think that a heart hug is the perfect gift for me.Ilike hugs and I like hearts,so I would buy one of those heart hugs fromHugh.

I like your answer.What is your answer,everybody?Allright,we want to thank you for joining us here on "Let's Talk inEnglish".

Where are we?Well,we're on PTS and the radio.

And of course,learning English together can be fun!




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