






发布者: 鹦哥 | 发布时间: 2008-5-13 18:56| 查看数: 2260| 评论数: 1|

Hello,everybody!And welcome to "Let's Talk in English" on PTS and on the lovely radio.My name is Gabe.

And my name is Andrea.We're glad you came to join us,because we careabout all of you and we want you to learn English with us.

Andwe hope that you also care about English and care about these keywords.Let's look at the first one now.The word is:care...care...Mrs.Maple cares about her students.She does many special things for them.

Smile...smile...Katie is beautiful when she smiles.She looks very happy.

Cry...cry...Tim cries when he watches sad movies.

Well,friends,we hope you're not crying.We hope you are smiling as yousay these key words.So let's say them together again.The first oneis:care...care...



OK,everybody.Don't cry.We hope you are smiling,because now it's time for us to learn what today's mission is.Eddy!



Is Eddy cry?

Don't cry!You'll be OK,right?

Yeah,I'm OK.

OK.Well,Eddy,can you give us today's mission?Maybe that will make you smile.

OK.Today's mission:Why won't Sara read the card?

Why won't Sara read the card?

That's a good question.Hi,everybody,I want you pay attention to today's lesson.Let's go and see if we can find the answer to today's mission:Why won't Sara read the card?

[Conversation A]

Your friend,Sara.OK,I'm done.

Good.Jim will appreciate your card.

Read it to us.

No,it's personal.

But I'm your brother.

And you're a good brother.

Thanks!I care about you,Sara.I want you to know that.

Thank you,Max!You're sweet!

I know.So,will you read the card now?

Max is sweet.Well,Andrea,why is Max so sweet to his sister?

Well,well,Max really cares about his sister.He is a good big brother.He says to Sara:"I care about you.".

I care about you.And this is a good key word for today.Let's learn thisword:care...care...When you care about someone or something,you wantthe best for that person.You want them to be happy.You care about them.

You care about things that are very special to you or very important to you.I care about my family.I care about my friends.

And you can say that you care about people.You can also say "I care about my greets".If you want to do Valen school,then you care about your greets.You want to do well.

Now whenEnglish we also often use this word in a phrase "take care".It's niceto say "take care" when you say "goodbye" to someone.You're tellingthem to be careful.To take care!

Well,Andrea,Max cares about his sister Sara.Is he a good brother?

Well,yes,he is a good brother.

And he wants to know what Sara is writing in her card.

Well,yes.But sometimes I think Max wants to know a little bit too much about Sara.

That's right.So she says "No,it's personal.".And that is the answer totoday's mission.Today's mission is:Why won't Sara read the card?

Why won't Sara read the card?Because it's personal.

And as we learned before,if something is personal,that means you don'twant to share it with everybody.Maybe you want to keep it to yourself.

And I think Sara wants to share her message with Jim.That's why she writes it to him.

Well,I think Thomas has something to share with us right now.It's for everybody to know.Let's see what he has to say.

[Conversation B]

Max,you make me smile.

That's better than making you cry.

I might cry.You two are so sweet to each other.Let me give you a hug.


Max,you can give someone a hug,too?


Your special someone.

What're you talking about?I don't have a special someone.

Well,you do have a crush on a girl.

She always gets the cheese omelet.

Let's not talk about that.It's personal.

Well,might we find out that Max has a crush on someone.But he doesn't want to talk about it.He says "It's personal.".

It's very personal.So he is just not going to talk about it right now.But we find out that Max does makes Sara smile.

That's right.He makes his sister smile.Now let's learn that keyword:smile...smile...Now friends,are you smiling right now?When yousmile,you are very happy.When you smile,your mouth looks happy.

That's right.The sides of your mouth go up,not down.And when yousmile,you want to let other people know that you are happy.

So what kind of things make you smile?Let us give that question.Gabe,what makes you smile?

You know,thinking about happy memories makes me smile.Sometimes itmakes me laugh.And when I'm spending time with my friends or withfamily that usually makes me smile as well.

Well,I am glad those are great things to smile about.

Andrea,what about you?What makes you smile?

Many things make me smile.You know it makes me smile just thinkingabout how many students join us everyday here on "Let's Talk inEnglish".

It doesn't make you cry?

No,it doesn't make me cry,but...

That's good.

Cry is a key word.Let's learn it!Cry...cry...Now friends,when youcry,you're usually not smiling.When you cry,water comes out of you eyesand goes down your face.

That's right.And you can cry when you're sad.But Renee says that she might cry just because Max is so sweet.

So sometimes we also cry when we were very happy.Well,let's keep learning more from Thomas.

[Song Time]

Hey,everybody!It's that time again.

What time?

Song time!

Today we're looking at the song "Happiness".Now friends,do you rememberwhat we learned from this song last time?What about the word"reside"?Now when you resides somewhere,that means that you live there.

And in this song someone is looking for what?They're looking forhappiness.That's right.Sometimes we all feel sad.Do you feel sadsometimes?Well,sometimes I feel sad for such a long time that I wonderwhere happiness is.I wonder if happiness is hiding somewhere.

Well,that's right Gabe.You know sometimes I get really really sad,I look for happiness.Well,I look forward faring,why?But,I can't find it.

And so we get even more sad,because we can not find happiness.So we ask"Happiness,happiness...where...where do you reside?".

Oh,oh...Is Gabe OK?Jivins,come on!It's OK.



Of course it's OK.

Yes,it's OK.

Because happiness is right here.Happiness says that he is not far away.There is no need to fly in the sky so high.

No need to fly in the sky so high?

Nope,no need at all.There is no need to fly.Here in the song it says"no need to fly".But really you can add the words "there is" at thebeginning:There is no need to fly in the sky so high.You don't need togo far and away or up in the sky to find happiness,do you?

No,you don't.Well,the song also says "And you don't need to seek itwith the tears you cry".Now friends,when you seek something,that meansyou are looking for it.You're seeking happiness or you're looking forhappiness,but you don't have to do that with the tears you cry.Wherecan you find happiness?Well,you can find it right inside.

That's right.So this is happiness answering that question:Where do youreside?What does happiness say?That's right.Happiness says "you canfind me right inside.Your heart is where I abide."Isn't that nice?

Oh,yes,that is so nice!Well,friends,let's look at this word"abed"."Abed" has the same meaning as "reside" by it means to livesomewhere.But it's a little bit stronger than "reside".When you abedsoemwhere,that means it's a place that you are very comfortable.Whenyou abed there,it feels like home.

So if I am visiting you and living in your house for a while,that I might say that "I am abiding with you".I'm sharing life with you both the happy times and the sad times.I'm abiding with you.

Well,friends,what do you think?Do you know where happiness abeds? it's right inside.Isn't Gabe?

That's right.It's right inside.And let's go and see what else this songhas to say right now.Let's listen to today's "Song Time".



鹦哥 发表于 2008-5-13 18:57:23


[Song Time]


[Conversation Replay]

Your friend,Sara.OK,I'm done.

Good.Jim will appreciate your card.

Read it to us.

No,it's personal.

But I'm your brother.

And you're a good brother.

Thanks!I care about you,Sara.I want you to know that.

Thank you,Max!You're sweet!

I know.So,will you read the card now?

Max,you make me smile.

That's better than making you cry.

I might cry.You two are so sweet to each other.Let me give you a hug.


Max,you can give someone a hug,too?


Your special someone.

What're you talking about?I don't have a special someone.

Well,you do have a crush on a girl.

She always gets the cheese omelet.

Let's not talk about that.It's personal.

You know what Andrea?I appreciate you.

Oh.Well,thank you,Gabe!I appreciate you,too.

And you know I also appreciate everybody here."I appreciate you" that is today's calendar phrase.I appreciate you!

I appreciate you!

So if you like something about somebody,then you can say "I appreciateyou".Think of the different things that you like about somebody andthose are the things you appreciate about someone.

If someone does something nice to you,you can also say "I appreciate you".It's another way to say "thank you".

That's right.And right now I have something that I appreciate.

What's that,Gabe?

And something is I like.

Well,what is it?

And it's today's calendar phrase.We hope you appreciate this calendar phrase.

[Calendar Phrase]

I appreciate you.



Jan,I appreciate you.


You always give good advice.

Well,thanks!I appreciate you,too.Marie.


You're so sweet!And you're a good friend.

Thanks,Jan!I appreciate you.

And I appreciate you!

All right,friends,it's time for the question of the day.I hope that Eddy is OK.Eddy,are you still crying?

No,I'm fine...I'm fine.Thank you.

Why...why were you crying?

Well,it's almost Valentine Day,and I don't have a sweetheart.

Oh,Eddy,that's OK.

That's OK.I do.

En...OK,Eddy,you do have the question of the day?

I do.The question of the day:What makes you cry?

What makes you cry?

Well,sad movies make me cry.But I can not to watch them a lot.

No,and this is not a sad movie,this is "Let's Talk in English".We hope it doesn't make you cry.We hope it makes you smile.

That's right.Thank you everybody for joining us here on "Let's Talk in English".

We're on PTS and the radio.

That's right.Smile!you're never for ... us with LA smile.Bye-bye!


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