






发布者: 鹦哥 | 发布时间: 2008-5-13 18:58| 查看数: 2644| 评论数: 1|

Happy Valentine's Day,everyone!And welcome to "Let's Talk in English" on PTS and the radio.My name's Andrea.

And my name is Gabe.It has been a nice lovely week.

That's true.It's been a week to fall in love.Well,friends,let's take alook at today's key words together and say them with us.Our first oneis:fall in love with someone/something...fall in love withsomeone/something...Maomi fell in love with Paris.She wants to livethere.

Marriage...marriage...Anna and Herman are celebrating 50 years of marriage.

Remember...remember...Did you remeber to do your homework?I hope so.

Kid...kid...Don't be sad.I was only kidding.

Husband...husband...Daniel is Andrea's husband.

OK,everybody!Well,let's look at these words again.Fall in love withsomeone/something...fall in love with someone/something...





Well done,everyone.Now let's go see our friend Eddy!

I'm in love.



I'm in love.

What?Really?You are?

Wow,did you fall in love?

Yes,I fell in love with Grapes.Eh...


Uh,well,you can have a grape later.First we want to know what today's mission is.

Uh,today's mission:What is one of Renee's favorite dishes?

What is one of Renee's favorite dishes?

Well,friends,we'll find out today.Let's begin with our conversations.

[Conversation A]

This is delicious.Macaroni and cheese is one of my favorite dishes.

I know.I'm glad because it's easy to make.

I can't believe you cooked this dinner.And Max even let you use his kitchen.

Well,he knows we celebrated our first Valentine's Day here.The Diner is a special place for us.

Oh,Simon,I fall in love with you more every day.

That's what marriage is about?

I agree.

Well,this is very sweet.We see Simon and Renee at The Diner celebrating Valentine's Day.

That's right.They're celebrating Valentine's Day.They will be sharingmemories together.Renee says "this is delicious".What're they eating?

Well,they're eating something very special.It's the answer to today'smission.The question is:What is one of Renee's favorite dishes?

What is one of Renee's favorite dishes?Macaroni and cheese is one ofRenee's favorite dishes.And that's kind of like noodles with cheese.

Yes,it's easy to make,but it is good.And Simon made it for hiswife.Renee says "oh,Simon,I fall in love with you more everyday".

Oh,how romantic!

It is!It is so romantic!Well,friends,let's learn that key word.It is"fall in love with someone/something".Now that's a long one,so let'ssay it again:fall in love with someone/something.Now when you fall inlove,you have feelings of love for someone or something.It's a feelingthat you don't have right away,but you start to get it.

That's right.And let's use this right now.Tom and merry were friends for a long time.And then,they started to fall in love with each other.

Well,maybe they got married.Then they can also fall in love withmarriage.Our key word is:marriage...marriage...When two people getmarried,they are husband and wife.And this relationship is called"marriage".

And love is what marriage is all about.

And we're going to learn more about what our conversation is all about from Thomas.

[Conversation B]

Do you remeber our first Valentine's Day together?

Of course!

Do you remeber the poem I wrote you?

You wrote me a poem?

You don't remeber?

I'm just kidding.Of course I remeber.We were here at The Diner and you read the poem on the stage.

I was nervous.

And cute.I'll never forget that night.

Well,Andrea,I have a question for you:Who was cute in this conversation?

Well,let me see if I remeber.Yes,yes!I remeber it was Simon.

That's right.Simon was cute.And Renee will never forget that night.Shewill remeber it forever.Now let's look at this key word "remeber".Sayit with me:remeber...If you remeber something,that menas that you thinkof something that happened before.You think of something that happenedin the past.You remeber it.

And Renee is remebering her first Valentine's Day with Simon that happened in the past,but she is thinking about it again.

And you know what I remeber something.I remeber my first day of school.I was so nervous and sgired to walk into the classroom,but I remeber it very clearly.

Friends,your teacher might also ask you "what do you remeber from today's lesson?" We've finished our show see what you can remeber.

That's a good idea.And so Simon says "Do you remeber the poem I wrote?".What does Renee say?

Well,she says "You wrote me a poem?".

Well,of course Renee remebers the poem,she is just kidding.Let's lookat this word:kid...kid...If you are just kidding about something,

that means you're not serious about it,you are joking.You can say "I am kidding".

Well,Gabe,actually,Thomas is not going to be able to teach about Conversation B today.So we're going to have to keep teaching.

Are you serious?

No,I'm just kidding!


I'm sorry.

What're you doing?

I'm kidding is fun!

OK,Thomas take it away.Andrea...

I was just kidding.

[Read It]

You walked up to the microphone.I kept looking at you and smiling.Ialways remeber the words to your poem."Dear Renee,you are my bestfriend and the love of my life.Will you be my wife?".I was sosurprised.I ran to you and gave you a big hug.I said "Yes".I was sohappy that you would be my husband.I'll never forget our firstValentine's Day together.

Well,in our "Read It" paragraphRenee remebers her first Valentine's Day with Simon.And this is justreally sweet.Gabe,I think I'm going to cry.

Andrea,don't cry!We're teaching right now.Keep smiling!

Oh,that's right.OK,I am still smiling,but it is really sweet.We see that on Valentine's Day Simon propost.He asked Renee to marry him.

That's right.He said "Renee,you're my best friend and the love of my life.Will you marry me?".

And Renee said "Yes" that is when she decided that Simon would be herhusband.Our key word is:husband...husband...Now,when a couple of twopeople are in a marriage,there is a wife and a husband.The husband isthe man.

That's right.So the man in a marriage is the husband.Of course,Simon had a poem and it ramed.Hesaid "You're my best friend and the love of my life.Will you be mywife?".So again,a wife is the woman in a marriage.And the husband isthe man.

Well,we have more to learn about this.So let's go see Thomas.



鹦哥 发表于 2008-5-13 18:59:45


[Inspector E]

Hello,everyone!Mr.Ehere.This week Simon and Renee had a romantic dinner at TheDiner.During the dinner,Renee talked about one of her favoritedishes.Do you still remeber what it was?Let's take a look."This isdelicious.Micaroni and cheese is one of my favorite dishes.""I know.I'mglad...".Interesting!Micaroni and cheese are two different foods.So whydid Renee say micaroni and cheese is one of her favorite dishes?Shouldit she say "are"?Usually a plural subject(复数主词) takes a pluralverb(复数动词).Well,the reason Renee said "is" and not "are",is becausemicaroni and cheese is the name of a popular American dish.These twofoods are often far of together.So Renee is talking about the name of one dish and not two foods.Here are some other examples."Pina butter and jely","chicken and brucly","bigen and eggs".So,what's your favorite dish?My favorite dish is sbergidy and maples.Now practice what you've learned.Remeber:use it or lose it!This is Mr.E.Signing off.

[Conversation Replay]

This is delicious.Macaroni and cheese is one of my favorite dishes.

I know.I'm glad because it's easy to make.

I can't believe you cooked this dinner.And Max even let you use his kitchen.

Well,he knows we celebrated our first Valentine's Day here.The Diner is a special place for us.

Oh,Simon,I fall in love with you more every day.

That's what marriage is about?

I agree.

Do you remeber our first Valentine's Day together?

Of course!

Do you remeber the poem I wrote you?

You wrote me a poem?

You don't remeber?

I'm just kidding.Of course I remeber.We were here at The Diner and you read the poem on the stage.

I was nervous.

And cute.I'll never forget that night.

You walked up to the microphone.I kept looking at you and smiling.Ialways remeber the words to your poem."Dear Renee,you are my bestfriend and the love of my life.Will you be my wife?".I was sosurprised.I ran to you and gave you a big hug.I said "Yes".I was sohappy that you would be my husband.I'll never forget our firstValentine's Day together.

Hello,everyone!Let's look attoday's "Calendar Phrase".Today is Valentine's Day,and you can use ourcalendar phrase:Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Now you can say this to your family or to your friends,right?

That's right.Andrea,you're my friend.I have something for you,because I appreciate you.Happy Valentine's Day!

Oh,Gabe,thank you!You give me some pavage for Valentine's Day.

That's right.I know you like vegetables.

I do.That is very special.Thank you!OK,everyone!Let's learn more about our calendar phrase skit.

[Calendar Phrase]

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi,Jan.Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey,John.Happy Valentine's Day!


Here!Have a piece of chocolate.


You're welcome.

I'm sorry.I don't have anything to give you.

That's OK.Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks!See you in class.


Well,everyone,Welcome bace!Let's find out what are question of the day is for Valentine's Day.


Eddy,it's your turn.

Oh,yes.Question of the day:How will you celebrate Valentine's Day?

How will you celebrate Valentine's Day?

I will celebrate Valentine's Day by doing something special with sweetheart.We'll go to a special restaurant.

Well,that sounds romantic.Thank you everyone for joining us today.Here on "Let's Talk in English".

On PTS and on the radio.

Happy Valentine's Day,eveyone!

That's right.

We hope you celebrate it in a fun way.See you next time!



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