






发布者: 鹦哥 | 发布时间: 2008-5-13 19:01| 查看数: 2434| 评论数: 1|

Hello,everybody!And welcome to today's show of "Let's Talk in English" on PTS and on the radio.My name's Gabe.

And my name is Andrea.Well,friends,it has been a week to talk about love.And today "On the Go" we're learning about Valentine's Day gifts.

That's right.So we're going to continue talking about things that haveto do with love.And I love talking about these kinds of things.Wellfirst,let's learn some key words.The first one is:creative...creative...
Charles is very creative.He has wonderful ideas.

Balloon...balloon...Hazel will get balloons for the birthday party.

Candy...candy...Don't eat too much candy.You might get sick.

Basket...basket...Gail has a basket of fruit on the table.Greatjob,everone!Now let's say these key words together again.The first oneis:creative...creative...



Basket...basket...OK,everybody!Before we can go on the go forValentine's Day,we need to find out what today's mission will be and Iknow the perfect person to ask.

Who's that,Gabe?

His name is Eddy.





Woo...where is Eddy?

Maybe he is not the perfect person.



Eddy,What're you doing?

Are you OK?

I thought it's Saturday.

Eddy,it's not Saturday.It's Friday.We're on the go!

That's right.

Oh,oh...tell me.Oh,OK,this is embarrasing.I'm ....Oh,what do you want?

Eddy,we need today's mission.

Uh,today's mission,OK!Today's mission:uh,what does Daniel make?

What does Daniel make?

Well,we will find out what Daniel will make today in "On the Go".Let's go there right now.


Happy...Happy Valentine's Day!I don't know what to do.Today is Valentine's Day and I need a good gift for my girl.

I have the same problem.Flowers just don't work any more.

You know what?I think we need to be more creative this year.

Creative?You mean think of a new kind of gift?

Yeah!Let's make a creative Valentine's gift.Let's get creative on the go!

Valentine's Day is important time to show your love one how much youcare about them.OK,so I need something colorful.Colorful like...balloons.Balloons come in all shapes and sizes,but you can also make things out of balloons. Balloon flowers,this could work.

Well,let me tell you,Andrea.That was really really hard.

Well,Gabe,I'm sorry.But I'm glad you looking for a creative gift.At thebegining of our "On the Go" we saw that Daniel and Gabe do not findvery good gifts for the girls in their life.Now they're going to learnto be creative.

And you know I thought that my flowers weregood.But it's true,girls want something a little more creativesometimes.And let's look at that key word.The word is"creative".Say itwith me?Creative...Ifyou are creative,that means you like to use yourmind to think of new things or to think of different things that maybehave not been done before.You are creative.

If someone is creative,they usually have many good ideas,but not ideas that everyone else has.Different ideas that are you neek and special.So when you're looking for a creative gift,you want to find something that is special.

Well,do you like to do things in a new or a different way?Then you cansay:Hey,I'm creative!And I hope that Daniel and I make creative gifts.

Well,we do see that Daniel found some colorful balloons.He might be able to make some balloon flowers.

That's a good idea.And let's look at this key word.The wordis:balloon...balloon...Now a balloon is something that you have to useair to blow into.When you blow air into a balloon,then it getsbigger.Balloon!

Balloons are colorful.You can use balloons for a party or a celebration.You can decorate a room with balloon.

And you can also make creative things with balloons.And that's whatDaniel will do.Well,let's go and see someone else who is alsocreative.Let's go and visit Thomas right now.


Something creative?What about candy?Maybe I can do something creativewith candy.Heart shaped candy is always nice.Love comes from theheart.These chocolates look beautiful and sweet,just like mygirl.Oh,now I have a lot of good candy.I just need to do something tomake a look extra special.

I have an idea.This is so easy.Wefirst blow up the balloon like this.Very good!And then,we twist theballoon into a little shapes like this.I think it's...Oh,guys,that's not how to do it.Let's take a look at the professional.

Well,we see that Gabe is also looking for a creative gift for his girl.And Gabe,can you tell us again what did you find?

I did something really creative.I made a gift for Valentine's Day made out of candy.

Well,that is great!Everyone loves candy.I'm sure you all want to learnthat key word:candy...candy...Candy is something that you eat.Candy isvery sweet.It is good,but you don't want to eat too much.

That's right.Because candy does have a lot of sugar in it.But candy isa nice thing to get on a Valentine's Day,because candy is sweet,andbecause my girl is sweet.So she knows that she is sweet when she getscandy.

OK.And you have a lot of candy.Many different kinds ofcandy.You know chocolate is my favorite kind of candy.Gabe,what aboutyou?

Well,my favorite kind of candy is candy that has pinas in it.I love candy with pinas.

Oh,that sounds good.We also found the answer to today's mission in this conversation.The question is:What does Daniel make?

What does Daniel make?Well,Daniel makes flower balloons.

Well,we saw those flower balloons earlier,but now Daniel has made achoice.He is going to make these flower balloons for his girl.Gabe hascandy.He's going to make something special with the candy for hisgirl.So Gabe,can you tell us what're you going to make?

Well,well,you'll find out in a minute,but it is something creative,andI have to do with candy and it's a little more creative than justcandy.I did something else,too.

Are you sure?

I am sure,but you'll find out in a minute.

OK.Sounds good.For now,let's learn more from Thomas.



鹦哥 发表于 2008-5-13 19:02:13



Most gifts look extra specialwhen they have special wrapping paper.Putting wrapping paper around mygift basket will make a look more pretty and interesting.Well,I thinkmy balloon flowers are almost done,but something is missing.Could Ihave a heart place?(OK.)Look,I mean these flowers and balloons.My girl will would really be surprise by them.

That's really creative,Daniel.Look at this.I made a creative candy basket with lots of candy inside.(Well...)Oh,come on!

It's nice.It's pink.






Good,a good one!

Haha...well,looks like our ladies really enjoyed our creative ideas.

Thank you're right.


Happy Valentine's Day and see you next time "On the Go".

On the go!


Ha...you see that was what I did with the candy.I put it in a basket.Wasn't that a good idea?

I think it was a good idea.I think Daniel also had a good idea.Both of your girls were very happy.

Well,Andrea,we had some creative gifts,and so that's why they werehappy.Well,let's look at this key word.The word is:basket...basket...Abasket is something that you use to put other things in.It's a basket.

You can use a basket to go shopping.You take your basket with you,andthen put all the things you want to buy in a basket.Or you can alsohave a basket on a table.You can have a fruit basket,a basket field with fruit.

That's right.Or if you're runningto do something creative for Valentine's Day,and you want to usecandy,then maybe you can put the candy into a basket.And then give itto your special someone.A basket.

Yes,Gabe.You had a verycreative idea.Another good thing about giving someone a basket is thatthey can use it for many things.Your girl can eat all of her candy,but that you still be able to keep the basket.

OK.So today we have learned a couple of different things.One is to dosomething creative.Don't do the same thing all the time.Think ofsomething different to do.Something creative!

OK.And I know that all of you will be able to do that as you celebrate Valentine's Day and someone you love.

OK.Well,right now it's time for us to go and hear from Thomas.Because we love him,don't we?

We do,we do!

That's right.

It's wonderful,Andrea.

Gabe,what is wonderful?

It just sounds great.Andrea,I'm in love.

Gabe,you're in love?

I am in love.But,we'll talk about that later.Right now we need to learntoday's calendar phrase.Today's phrase is:I'm in love.

I'm in love.

Andrea,you are...you are in love?

Yes,Gabe,I'm in love.

Well,of course!You just got married.

Yes,I'm in love with my husband.Now Gabe,who are you in love with?

Well,I'm in love with my valentine that I took up for Valentine's Day.

Now,that is a good answer.

Well,if you are in love with somebody,then this is a good phrase to know:I'm in love.

I'm in love.

And I think right now it's time for us to go and watch this in today's calendar phrase skit right now.

[Calendar Phrase]

I'm in love.

John,can I tell you something?

Sure,Dan.What is it?

Well,I'm in love.


I'm in love.

With who?

With Marie.


Yes,I'm in love with Marie.

Well,what are you going to do?

I'm going to buy her flowers.

Oh,then you should go.


The flower shop closes in 10 minutes.


Hello,everybody!And welcome to my favorite part of right now.Let's find out what today's question of the day is.

OK,that...that will be me.


Question of the day by Eddy.Here it is:What do you want for Valentine's Day?

What do you want for Valentine's Day?

Well,I thought that Daniel and Gabe can you might with some creative gifts.But for Valentine's Day I would like a special card with a nice poem inside.

Oh,what a special card!That sounds so nice.Well,everybody,what do youwant for Valentine's Day?And here is another question:What would youlike to give someone else for Valentine's Day?You know I always likegetting special things on Valentine's Day from special people.Anyway,

students,we want to thank you for joining us here today on "Let's Talk in English".

We're on PTS and the radio.

And we hope you have enjoy today's "On the Go" and enjoy the rest of your day.Bye-bye,now!



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