






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2008-5-17 21:31| 查看数: 3040| 评论数: 0|

 “Making November history”

  2007-2008 学年第30期

  By Heesung Shin

  Spencer, Yolanda and Gertrude discuss the upcoming presidential elections.

  Spencer: Hey check it out, McCain just clinched the GOP nomination. And Huckabee finally called it quits.

  Gertrude: Wow, it’s about time. I don’t think he really had much of a shot anyway.

  Yolanda: What about the democratic nomination? Obama and Clinton are still pretty much neck and neck?

  Gertrude: Yea I think so.

  Spencer: Man, is it just me or does it seem like the last few elections, including this one, were really heated? I keep hearing about how voter turnout has been very high.

  Yolanda: You’re absolutely right. Voter turnout was below 50% for the 1996 election. But it’s been increasing since then.

  Spencer: So what’s the deal with Obama? He’s the first black American with a real chance at the White House.

  Gertrude: I mean it’s incredible. Less than fifty years ago, our county was being torn apart during the Civil Rights Movement. And now look, we may have our first black president.

  Yolanda: Not only that, Clinton may become our first female president.

  Spencer: It’s pretty amazing to be in the midst of such huge changes.

  Yolanda: But guys, what about the issues? It’s real peachy that we’re filling out the presidential demography, but my concern is about policy. Especially foreign policy.

  Gertrude. Me too. You know, Russia just elected a new leader. And China has already entered its formative years of development. And global crises like starvation and nuclear proliferation are gonna occupy so much of the headlines, as it already is.

  Yolanda: Do you know what the candidates’ stances are on these issues?

  Gertrude: Well, I’m somewhat familiar with the stances of the candidates, but so much of their decisions remain unmade, so it’s hard to really get a feel for their platform.

  Spencer: Yea seriously, sometimes when I consider issues and candidate platforms, I feel like these candidates sum up their platform with a catchy slogan, instead of real hard policy.

  Gertrude: So guys, if you were to vote right now, who’d you want to see in the Oval Office?

  Spencer: Well, the democratic nomination is still up for grabs, but if I had to choose now, I’d definitely go with Clinton. I know her tenure in the Senate was relatively short, but she has experience that no other candidate has – that is, she was the First Lady! She was in the White House for eight years as the First Lady, and I think that experience is highly underrated.

  Yolanda: Hm, that’s a good point. But for me, I’m definitely a conservative, and I’d give it to McCain. When it comes to foreign policy, I really support a conservative model, and I think it’s clear that America needs to be more conservative in its foreign policy decisions.

  Gertrude: Well, I’m gonna pick the third candidate, Obama. I think he’s got the legs to be a great diplomat, and also revitalize the US economy. I prefer a moderate candidate who’s got good balance.

  Yolanda: Just think about it guys, we’re on the eve of one of the most important elections in a long time. I can’t wait till November!


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