





Should Order People Live with Their Adult Children

发布者: laughing | 发布时间: 2008-5-21 13:50| 查看数: 3182| 评论数: 1|

In the past, most of chinese order people live with their adult children. In their opinion, order people have more life experience. And if their live together, when the children need their help, they can help them. But there are some difference opinion, Many people think that order people and adult children have different habits. So if they live together, they will not happy.

So ,state you position clearly.


silverdestiny 发表于 2008-6-4 07:12:54
As an teenager, i might not have as much experience to comment on this topic yet, but i will try my best to present my feelings about this issue.

Even though, i am not as familiar as i want to be about the chinese family structure traditions, i still think that the human society and the modern world have changed dramatically from the old times which might have require families to live together longer. Today, the world is more about the independent individuals and smaller families.The western culture had always been more independent when talking about family structure issues.As an example, my mother was born american and raised in a typical american family.Right after her graduation from high school, she provided for herself like her living fonds for college and never again depended nor "lived" with parents anymore.(we do visit my grandparents, but you know what i mean )

so, ya... did i say too much?
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