






发布者: wonderful | 发布时间: 2006-1-25 21:14| 查看数: 4901| 评论数: 7|



fairy 发表于 2006-1-29 13:38:54
mengxxx911 发表于 2006-2-2 23:23:13
记住一点~~我们都是人类~~我们有的错误他们也会犯~~~ 丢脸很正常~~~挽会面子很重要~~不要说什么为了国家人们党才挽面子的~~是为了自己~~~~
TheYeti 发表于 2006-2-3 12:35:47
以下是引用wonderful在2006-1-25 21:14:18的发言:
Not really. 吃是最重要啊 is for us Chinese. Eating is a social ritual for Chinese. Last sunday, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corportation) ran the second part of a 4 part series on China. Each part is 2 hours long. In the first hour of the second part, the theme was "Food is Heaven" and talks about the Chinese culture of food. Much of what it said coincided with what I know and observed. "Food is heaven" is a figurative translation of Confucius's 民以食为天. (BTW, the second hour talks about the major water and air pollution problems facing China due to its rapid economic growth.) Could you be a bit more specific about "假如你和外国人一齐,哪个地方我们要care的?" I have studied, worked and lived surronding by non-Chinese ever since I finished high school in Hong Kong. (I am now retired and still living in Canada). So I think I would be able to answer your question provided you are specific in what you want to know. I am not a regular vistor here. I just happend to come by after reading "mentions" of this forum elsewhere. If you have a specific question, and would not mind putting in down in English (simple English is fine), you can put that question up at the Community Lounge at Rainlane 雨巷宝岛英语园地 http://www.rainlane.com/list.asp?boardid=26 We prefer you putting the question down in English since the Community Lounge is for practicing English, not just "talking about English." There are also other members there who are studying or working outside of China for years.
mickeylee 发表于 2006-2-13 09:49:59
coffee 发表于 2006-2-16 16:46:40
wonderful 发表于 2006-2-16 16:56:47
不是拉,我的外教喜欢住在我家里... 我真的觉得他们对吃的很重要... 假如我自己一个人在家.我饿了就吃东西,不饿就不吃....他们不行啊, 比如我门在餐厅吃饭,吃到实在吃不下了,他们就说:休息一下吧,待会在继续.....wow..... 唉,不知道为什么他们给我的影响--"吃"就是最深刻, 其次就是说话方式,如果一直往自己的意思去说,就是我们并没有恶意,但在他们看来就是.......
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 16:58:09编辑过]
david 发表于 2006-2-16 16:58:58
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