






发布者: bobo | 发布时间: 2005-10-15 15:24| 查看数: 29256| 评论数: 62|

Inspired by Soso's error correcting activity, I decide to start a series of posts talking about WORDs. We have to pay great attention to words since they are the basic elements of English. Here I would like to paste one word every day with its several synonymies and a couple of examples to demonstrate how to use these words in a sentence. If I missed anything important, don't hesitate to complement it, or if you want to give more representative samples, just go ahead and forward the post. Asking questions about words is also welcomed here. Now here is the first......... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 受到soso在改错活动的启发,我决定在这里开展一个有关单词的活动,称为每日一词。作为英语中最基本的元素我们决不能忽视单词的重要性。以后我将每天在这里写出一个单词,以及它的近义词和用法。 如果我漏掉了什么重要的信息,请勿迟疑将它补全,你也可以在这里给出有代表性的例句,同样欢迎提出你的问题。 下面开始第一个.........

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-27 10:20:42编辑过]


bobo 发表于 2005-10-15 15:33:25
ability n. 能力;才干;技能;本领。 capacity, 能力;才能。
skill, 技能、技巧。
talent, 天才;才能。
这些词都是在说一些特性,而这些特性使一个人能够做到某件值得且通常是甚为困难的事。Ability强调所成就的事实或能力(A person of great musical ability),而Capacity则强调做到某种成就的潜能(A capacity of learning),Talent通常被视为在某方面会有特殊成就的天赋才能;artistic talent。Skill常指为在一需要有实用及专门知识的技术类的行业中,经事实证明的熟练技能,skill in carpentry。
david 发表于 2005-10-15 18:24:45
bobo 发表于 2005-10-15 19:25:40
sure....I'll try. 1.我们给他找到了更适合他能力的工作。 2.有的人有比其他人更承受痛苦的能力。 3.这个小姑娘有着非凡的音乐才能。 4.那个电影中的演员有着高超的驾驶技巧。 Give your translation and you will see the answers.
david 发表于 2005-10-16 10:55:55
butterfly 发表于 2005-10-16 11:21:04
very good.i like it very much.
babyfish 发表于 2005-10-16 12:25:53
以下是引用bobo在2005-10-15 19:25:40的发言:
sure....I'll try. 1.我们给他找到了更适合他能力的工作。 2.有的人有比其他人更承受痛苦的能力。 3.这个小姑娘有着非凡的音乐才能。 4.那个电影中的演员有着高超的驾驶技巧。 Give your translation and you will see the answers.
We help him find a job more adaptable to his ability. Some people get more ability in enduring the painfulness than others . The girl owns a extraordinary gift of music . The actor in that movie has a lofty ability of driving .
bobo 发表于 2005-10-16 15:28:38
Thank you all for your participation. And now I give the second word here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- able adj.能干的。 capable,能干的。competent,胜任的。qualified,有资格的。 Able用在 be 动词或 feel 后面时,表示具有某一方面的能力(capacity),但并不表示具有特殊的水准:He was able to ski.他会滑雪。不过当able在名词前面时,就表示超越了一般的能力(ability),技能(skill)等:an able skier.滑雪健将。Capable表示能达到一般水准的能力:a capable teacher一位称职的教师。Competent表示合乎工作纯熟的标准:a competent typist一位胜任的打字员。Qualified表示符合制定的训练或经验的标准:a qualified physician一位合格的医生。
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-16 15:38:46
1. We helped him find a job more compatible with his ability/capacity.
2. Some people have a better ability to endure pain than others.
3. The girl has extraordinary musical talent/ability.
4. The actor in that movie has incredible driving skills. More synonyms are capability, aptitude, competence, faculty...
bobo 发表于 2005-10-16 15:45:58
Here are some examples, I will give the answers tomorrow: 1.这孩子还不会写字。 2.玛丽是个很能干的女子。 3.他能够在四分钟内跑一英里。 4.她没照看小孩子的本事。 5.Williams是个技术高超的司机。 6.Tom花了5年才具备了律师资格。
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-17 10:26:50
1. The kid is unable to write yet.
2. Mary is a capable woman.
3. He is able to run a mile within 4 minutes.
4. She is incapable of looking after children.
5. Williams is a skillful driver.
6. It took Tom 5 years to become a qualified lawyer.
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-17 10:37:08
这是个非常好的练习。我从中学到了很多东西。 建议Bobo把翻译改成填空。因为翻译的灵活性太大。如果没有上下文,同一句子会有无数种翻译。比如:这个小姑娘有着非凡的音乐才能 可以用ability, 也可以用talent,还有更多。。。又比如: 有的人有比其他人更承受痛苦的能力。只有在Some people have a greater capacity for biterness。 里只能用capable. 如果是自己翻译,很多词都可以用。所以我觉得填空比翻译会更加有效地考察对近义词的掌握。
bobo 发表于 2005-10-17 22:30:01
谢谢slowpoke的建议。我给出的近义词是我认为可能比较常用且有些时候容易造成一些问题的,后面的例句基本上也是围绕给出的几个近义词给出,本来还想同时讨论些形近意异的词,但一时想不出来,希望有更多的成员能参与进来大家一起探讨,这样可以有更多的收获。 下面给出昨天的几个句子的翻译.... 1.The child is not yet able to write. 2.Mary is a very capable woman. 3.He is capable of running a mile within 4 minutes. 4.She is not competent to look after young children. 5.Williams is a competent driver. 6.It takes Tom five years to become a qualified lawyer.
bobo 发表于 2005-10-17 22:53:11
abnormal adj.变态的;畸形的;不正常的。(different, esp in an undesirable way, from what is normal, ordinary or expected.) aberrant 脱离常规的;异常的。(not following the normal or correct way.) atypical 非典型的;不合形式的;不规则的;不正常的;变态的。(not representative or characteristic of its type, not typical.) irregular 不规则的;不合常规的;不整齐的;不一致的;不平坦的。(not regular in shape, arrangement etc; not coming, happening, going etc regularly; varying or unequal; contrary to the rules or to what is normal or established。) Abnormal常表示奇特的(an abnormal interest in bats)或不健康的(an abnormal temperature)。Aberrant及Atypical都表示与正常或典型的不同,但aberrant含义尤强,有时还表示心智功能的不正常(aberrant behavior异常的行为;an atypical response不正常的反应)。Irregular含义较广,可表示不一致,或不遵照一定模式(irregular rhythm不规则的旋律)或表示不平常或不适当(a highly irregualar procedure一个极不合常规的程序)。
david 发表于 2005-10-18 13:13:11
where is the execise?
bobo 发表于 2005-10-18 22:28:30
上一篇帖子里主要是几个形容词,不是太难区分,我偷了点懒,罪过罪过。[em31] 另:试验了一下,把例句做成填空的形式对我而言有点困难,手头也么有太好的资料,所以请大家见谅。 下面是今天的内容: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ abolish v. 废止;革除。end the existence of (a custom, an institution, etc) eradicate, 根除;扑灭。destroy sth completely; put an end to sth. exterminate, 消灭;根绝。destroy completely (a race or group of people or animals); wipe out. extinguish, 熄灭;扑灭。cause sth to stop burning; put out. extirpate, 根除;灭绝。remove or destroy sth completely. obliterate, 灭迹;删除。remove all signs of sth; rub or blot out. 这些动词的意思都是结束。Abolish常常意指废止现存的条件或规定:abolish a law;abolish taxes。Exterminate表示故意的,有选择的,淘汰的手段来毁灭有生命的东西:exterminate rats。Extinguish常表示熄灭火焰,或被比拟为火焰的东西,如人类的生命或希望。Eradicate和Extirpate表示根绝或毁灭没有生命的东西,如彻底的根除。两个词都有扫除所有痕迹的意思。而Obliterate表示做得更为彻底:villages obliterated by bombing.村落已被炸得片瓦不存。

bobo 发表于 2005-10-18 22:30:28
BadBoy 发表于 2005-11-7 09:24:47
Just give it a try: 1.Should execution be abolished? 2.Smallpox have almost been eradicated. 3.They do their upmost to extinguish the flame. 4.The government makes great effort to abolish the social abuse. 5.The explosion of that nuclear bomb obliterated every living thing in the village. 6.She trise to obliterate all the memory of her father.[em04]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-9 9:17:33编辑过]
kelly 发表于 2005-11-7 10:37:11
能否把音标也附上 多谢!
betty 发表于 2005-11-8 15:54:15
1.这孩子还不会写字。 the child is not able to write.

2.玛丽是个很能干的女子。 mary is a very capable girl.

3.他能够在四分钟内跑一英里。 he is able to run one mile in four minutes.

4.她没照看小孩子的本事。 she is not capable to look after little children.

5.Williams是个技术高超的司机。 williams is a competent driver.

6.Tom花了5年才具备了律师资格。 it took tom five years to be a qulified lawyer.

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