






发布者: bobo | 发布时间: 2005-10-15 15:24| 查看数: 29258| 评论数: 62|


betty 发表于 2005-11-8 15:55:30
1.这孩子还不会写字。 the child is not able to write. 2.玛丽是个很能干的女子。 mary is a very capable girl. 3.他能够在四分钟内跑一英里。 he is able to run one mile in four minutes. 4.她没照看小孩子的本事。 she is not capable in looking after little children. 5.Williams是个技术高超的司机。 williams is a very competent driver. 6.Tom花了5年才具备了律师资格。 it has taken tom 5 years to be a qualified lawyer.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-8 16:04:24编辑过]
yucc 发表于 2005-11-11 20:13:28
好像没有音标啊! but it is very great!![em17]
BYT 发表于 2005-11-14 23:51:23
very good!!! thanks for your work!!!
shirlly 发表于 2005-11-22 13:54:14
The boy isn't able to write. Mary is a capable girl. He is able/capable to run a mile in 4 minutes. She is not capable to look after the kids. William is a qualified driver. It took 5 years for Tom to be a qualified lawer.
kevin 发表于 2005-12-20 09:17:12
梦天使 发表于 2005-12-23 11:34:29
9751220 发表于 2005-12-24 12:59:51
I like this
9751220 发表于 2005-12-24 13:01:17
I hope you keeping up
bobo 发表于 2006-1-19 19:45:05
I have to apologize that this post has been halted for such a long time, since I am back, this section will continue to bring some useful words to you....thanks for your attention and participation.[em07]
bobo 发表于 2006-1-19 19:57:42
absurd adj.荒谬的;可笑的 ludicrous 滑稽的,可笑的
preposterous 反常的,荒谬的
ridiculous 可笑的,荒谬的
这些字都用来形容明显的缺乏意义或不合逻辑。Absurd含义最普通:an absurd suggestion一项荒谬的建议。Preposterous的含义比Absurd强烈,描述完全不合理的情形:a preposterous story一个不合理的故事。Ludicrous和Ridiculous常指可引人发笑的荒谬(absurdity);Ridiculous含有笑柄的意思:a ludicrous costume一件可笑的服装;a ridiculous idea一个可笑的想法。 反义字:sensible,明智的;有理性的。
bobo 发表于 2006-1-19 20:05:52
The four words for today are all adjectives to express the feeling of absurdity, there is no sentences today, you can enlarge your vocabulary and use them in your articles to avoid repetition.
bobo 发表于 2006-1-20 13:32:24
abuse v.滥用,妄用,虐待,辱骂 maltreat,虐待
abuse及其同义词皆表虐待、滥用。abuse常表示以行为或言语伤人;这种伤害可能是有预谋的及恶意的,或者是过度沉湎于喝酒、药物或滥用特权造成的结果:abused his eyesight by reading in poor light.在光线不足的地方阅读伤害了他的视力;a child who had been abused by its parents.一个惨遭父母虐待的儿童。misuse通常指因无知或忽略而把事物作为不当的使用:misuse our natural resources滥用天然资源。mistreat和maltreat两者皆指粗鲁的对待人或动物而造成其身体上的伤害;maltreat特别表示恶意的残酷:an angry man who mistreated his son by boxing his ears.一个愤怒的男人以打耳光来虐待他的儿子;maltreating the dog by pulling his tail.拖拉狗尾巴来虐待狗。
bobo 发表于 2006-1-20 13:44:31
例句: 我看见别人糟蹋书就感到讨厌。 他觉得受到了公司的苛待。 那可怜的狗总是被它的主人毒打。 总统滥用职权推行这项法案。
bobo 发表于 2006-1-22 14:12:25
例句: 我看见别人糟蹋书就感到讨厌。 I hate to see books being mistreated. 他觉得受到了公司的苛待。 He felt misused by the company. 那可怜的狗总是被它的主人毒打。 The poor dog was always maltreated by its master. 总统滥用职权推行这项法案。 The president abused his authority to push the act.
bobo 发表于 2006-1-22 14:14:27
Words for today: accidental adj. 偶然的,无意中的 chance 偶然的
bobo 发表于 2006-1-22 14:25:28
Words for today: accidental adj. 偶然的,无意中的

chance 偶然的
fortuitous 偶然的,意外的
haphazard 偶然的,随便的
random 随便的,无目的的
这些字都是形容意料之外的。accidental即无意中发生的:an accidental mistake一项无意的错误。chance和fortuitous表示没有理由或没有事先计划的:a chance (fortuitous) meeting一次偶然的邂逅。haphazard及random表示没有选择或次序的方式:a haphazard (random) collection一项随意的收集。 反义词:intentional,有意的,故意的

mickeylee 发表于 2006-1-22 19:38:24
accidental adj. 偶然的,无意中的 He make an accidental mistake. 他犯了一项无意的错误!
chance 偶然的 fortuitous 偶然的,意外的 We knew each other by a chance (fortuitous) meeting. 我们在一次偶然的邂逅中认识。
haphazard 偶然的,随便的 random 随便的,无目的的
I am walking on the road at random(haphazard). 我漫无目的的在路上走着。
bobo 发表于 2006-1-23 18:01:41
Words for today: accompany v 陪伴;跟随 chaperon 伴护
conduct 引导,向导
escort 护送
今天的词的意思都是和另一个人在一起或一起去,但总体来说容易区分。accompany表示与别人在同一地位、关系或状态,一起行动。accompanied her friend on a trip to Europe 和她的朋友们一起去欧洲旅行。conduct强调引导别人:conducting a tour of the city.引导一个旅行团游览城市。escort表示护卫性质的引导:Police escorting the President during the parade.游行期间警察引导护卫总统。escort还有遵守社会礼仪的意思:Jack escorted Mrs. Clark to the concert.杰克伴护克拉克太太参加音乐会。chaperon特别表示保护性的伴随,经常用于年轻人由成年人伴护:chaperoned her friend's daughter during her travels.伴护她朋友的女儿旅行。
bobo 发表于 2006-1-24 19:17:06
words for today: accuse v.控告;归咎 arraign 审问,责难
charge 告发,起诉
impeach 告发,检举,弹劾
indict 控诉
这些字共同的含义是“因一项过失、错误、或犯罪而责难某一个人”。其中accuse和charge是最普通的用语,可用于法律上和私人间。arraign,impeach,indict是正式的法律用语。To arraign即是传唤犯人到法庭来答辩所控之罪;to impeach是指在意适当法院中告发犯错的公职人员;to indict是根据陪审团的决定对疑犯提出正式的控诉。
bobo 发表于 2006-1-24 19:38:58
例句: Tom被指责考试作弊。 Jack对于被指责为无能感到非常生气。 他因盗窃被传讯。 委员会决定弹劾总统。 他被控谋杀。
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