





环球商务 口袋英语100句(5)

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-7-20 14:10| 查看数: 2133| 评论数: 0|

81.We cannot accept L/C available by draft at 30 days‘ sight.我方不能接受见票30天后信用证方式付款。

82.The quality of the order must be exactly the same as that of our sample.所定货物的品质必须与我方样品完全一致。

83.I made a reservation. This is the confirmation slip.我预定了,这是预定确认书。

84. How much do you charge for a single room with breakfast?


85. Could I pay with traveler's checks?


86. I‘d like to reserve a seat on Flight number GJ2 to Beijing.我想预定飞往北京的航班号为GJ2的一张机票。

87. Id like to change/reconfirm my reservation on Flight number AR880 on the 16th of this month.我想更改/在确认一下我预定的本月16日机号为AR880的航班。

88. we expect payment in advance on first orders.第一次订购我们希望预付货款。

89. Please pay us within sixty days from the invoice date.请从发票开票日算起,60天内付款。

90. This order shall be packed in cartons with polyethylene tops.这批货的包装是用顶部带有聚乙烯的纸箱。

91. Our packing charge includes $1 for the drum, which sum will be credited on return.包装费中1美元是包装桶的费用,该项费用再还桶时可退回。

92. The insurance covers All Risks at 110 percent of the invoice value.按发票面值的110%投保一切风险。

93.And the extra premium involved will be for your account由此所产生的额外保险费应由你方支付。

94.We‘re going to have to put your account on C.O.D.今后我们不得不将您的户头改为C.O.D.(交货付款)

95.We can quote you either C.I.F. or CFR plus commission, if you prefer.如果你愿意的话,我们可以在C.I.F. (运费、保险费在内价)或C.F.R.(运费在内价)的基础上,加上佣金给你报价。

96.Could you agree to payment by D/A? This is a sample order.您能否同意通过承兑交单的方式付款?这是订单样品。

97.As you know, it doesn‘t pay to open an L/C with a bank for such a small amount.你是知道的,为了这么一小笔钱开一个信用证账户并不值得。

98.We have an easy-payment plan. One-third down, and the balance in six months.我们有分期付款的方法。首期付三分之一,其余的分6个月付。

99.It's just a formality but for hire-purchase, we usually require references.按照手续,记账购货我们通常是需要担保的。

100.Drafts drawn under this credit must be negotiated in China on or before July 20, 2001. after which this credit expires.依此信用证开的汇票必须在2001年7月20日前在中国议付,过期无效。


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