





中国日报单词表(汉英)China daily vocabulary list ( Chinese-English

发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2008-8-1 15:14| 查看数: 24955| 评论数: 38|


atomyou 发表于 2008-9-18 16:15:23



atomyou 发表于 2008-9-18 23:26:48





chinadaily words.rar

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shunitang 发表于 2008-10-29 09:31:55
so strange,I remembered I uploaded the attachment here,today I can't find it...

tks for your great assistance,atomyou!
shunitang 发表于 2008-10-29 09:32:53

公务员考试 civil service exam (About 1m candidates have applied for the 2009 national civil service exam, an increase of 25% over this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has said. 据人力资源和社会保障部统计,约百万人已报名参加2009年国家公务员考试,比2008年报考人数增长了25%。)

讨债 debt collection (Indian call centers are seeing a tremendous increase in the debt collection business as the US financial crisis plunges many Americans into debt. Work as a collection agent is increasingly hot with ambitious Indian graduates who fake American accents and are busy calling debtors daily. 随着金融危机的爆发,越来越多美国人陷入债务危机,这也给印度的呼叫中心带来源源不断的催债业务。追债也成为雄心勃勃的印度大学毕业生热心追求的新职业,他们模仿着美国口音,每天忙着给欠债人打电话。)

私生子 lovechild (New Yorker John R. Burton has filed a suit for a share of John F.Kennedy's estate, claiming to be the lovechild of the former US president and Marilyn Monroe. The 53-year-old also called for DNA testing to prove he is the late president's eldest son. But Susan Frunzi, who is representing the Kennedy estate, doubted the truthfulness of the suit and said "it's a frivolous lawsuit." 53岁的纽约男子约翰·R·巴顿自称是美国已故前总统肯尼迪与梦露的私生子。他向法院起诉,要求合法继承肯尼迪的遗产。约翰还希望接受DNA测试,来证实自己是肯尼迪长子。但负责为肯尼迪家族处理财产的律师苏珊却对此嗤之以鼻,称之为一桩"轻佻的案子"。)

遗体告别仪式 farewell ceremony (The farewell ceremony of Chinese renowned director Xie Jin will be held at 3 pm Sunday in Shanghai. 中国著名导演谢晋的遗体告别仪式将于26日下午3时在上海举行。)

住房交易税费 housing transaction taxes and fees (An executive meeting of the State Council chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao on October 17 called for scaling up the construction of affordable houses and lowering housing transaction taxes and fees so that more people could buy homes. The meeting also analyzed the current economic situation and arranged the economic work in the 4th quarter. 国务院总理温家宝17日主持召开国务院常务会议,分析当前经济形势,安排部署四季度经济工作。会议要求,加大保障性住房建设规模,降低住房交易税费,支持居民购房。)

财团 consortium (Manchester City are likely to cancel the contracts of their trio of Thai players following a takeover by a United Arab Emirates consortium, the club's representative said Thursday. 曼城俱乐部驻泰国代表16日说,随着俱乐部被阿联酋财团收购,此前俱乐部和3名泰国球员签订的合同可能被废除。)
shunitang 发表于 2008-11-3 15:32:06
房地产商 real estate developer (London has planned £1b for the athletes' village for the 2012 Olympic Games, part of which will be provided by an Australian real estate developer. However, the current financial crisis has caused a shortfall in funding. The British government has to provide £95m to avoid disruption to the construction of the village. 2012年伦敦奥运村计划投资10亿英镑,其中部分将由一家澳大利亚房地产商承担。然而受金融危机影响,这笔资金迟迟无法到位,英国政府只得紧急伸出援手,拿出9500万英镑,确保有足够经费建设奥运村。)

可透支额度(信用卡) sky-high credit line (Many US banks including the American Express, Bank of America and Citigroup have begun tightening standards of applicants and are sharply curtailing both credit card offers and sky-high credit lines, US media reported. More borrowers defaulted on their payments as the US economy slows and unemployment rises, probably bringing another wave of unprecedented losses, the report said. 据美媒报道,由于经济衰退,失业率上升,很多人无法偿还信用卡透支的欠款,美国银行可能面临更大损失。因此,美国运通公司、美国银行、花旗银行等多家银行纷纷抬高申请持卡的标准,减少信用卡发行量,并降低持卡人可透支额度。)

保税港区 bonded port area (The State Council has officially approved the Qianhai Bay Bonded Port Area in Shenzhen recently. 日前,国务院正式批复同意设立深圳前海湾保税港区。)

白人至上主义者 white supremacist (Two US men have been arrested and charged for plotting a "killing spree" against African-Americans and ultimately targeting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, the US attorney's office in Tennessee said Monday. Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, 18, were self-described white supremacists. They planned to kill 88 people, including 14 who would be beheaded. 美国田纳西州联邦检察官27日说,他们破获了一起谋杀民主党总统候选人奥巴马和袭击更多非洲裔人的阴谋,并逮捕和起诉了两名行凶未遂者。据称,这两人分别是现年20岁的考瓦特和18岁的舍莱索曼。他们自称 "白人至上主义者",原计划打死88名黑人,并斩首其中14人,将刺杀奥巴马作为"最后行动"。)
shunitang 发表于 2008-11-11 09:16:53
长途航班 long-haul flight (As the economic crisis forces carriers to look for savings, Air France has become the 1st airline to introduce surcharges for the seats next to emergency exits or at the front of rows, where long legs can be stretched out. The £40 will first be applied to s, according to an Air France spokesman. 受经济危机影响,法国航空公司为缩减开支将在业内率先加收乘客伸腿费。据悉,法航将提高紧急出口旁边和第一排座位的机票价格,理由是这些座位可提供更大的伸腿空间。法航一发言人称,为额外伸腿空间支付的费用为40英镑,计划首先在长途航班上收取。)

座谈会 symposia (Professionals from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan discussed issues including economic and financial cooperation in the symposia held Wednesday. 在5日举行的座谈会上,海峡两岸专家讨论了经济金融合作等议题。)

内政部长 interior minister (A small plane crashed in Mexico City Tuesday, killing the nation's interior minister and at least 7 others, and setting dozens of cars ablaze. 一架小型客机4日晚上在墨西哥首都墨西哥城坠毁,墨西哥内政部长及另外7人遇难,并导致数十辆轿车着火。)

“大三通”(两岸) the three direct links (The mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits President, Chen Yunlin, held talks with the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation Chairman, Chiang Pin-kung, in Taipei Tuesday morning for their first summit in Taiwan. Chen and Chiang signed agreements on 4 issues concerning direct sea transport, increased chartered flights, direct postal service and food safety cooperation at 2 pm Tuesday, which means the realization of "the three direct links" of post, trade and transport services. 4日上午,海协会会长陈云林和海基会董事长江丙坤在台北举行会谈,这是两会最高领导人首次在台湾举行会谈,极具历史意义。下午2时左右,双方就两岸海运直航、空运直航、直接通邮、食品安全等四大议题签署协议,这意味着两岸将正式实现直接通邮、通商、通航的"大三通"。)

黑车 unlicensed cab (Cab drivers in main urban zones of Chongqing stopped work Monday to protest a number of issues, including numerous unlicensed cabs and insufficient supplies of compressed natural gas, which powers most taxis. 重庆市主城区出租汽车司机3日举行罢工,抗议黑车泛滥、出租车加气难等问题。)
jingshu 发表于 2008-11-13 21:23:20
It is useful.
shunitang 发表于 2008-11-19 14:50:41
缓刑 suspended sentence (Zhou Zhenglong, the farmer found guilty of faking photographs of an endangered tiger, left Xunyang County Detention Center in Shaanxi for home Tuesday after a court handed down a suspended sentence as a result of an appeal. "华南虎案"被告周正龙二审获判缓刑后,18日离开陕西旬阳看守所,返回家中。)

和平大使 Messenger of Peace (Actress Charlize Theron is named as a UN Messenger of Peace, at United Nations Headquarters, in New York, November 17, 2008. 演员查理兹•塞隆2008年11月17日在纽约联合国总部被任命为联合国大使。)

小额贷款公司 small-credit company (Shanghai's first small-credit company Shanghai Baoshan Baolian Small-Credit Co. was launched Saturday and started issuing loans as part of the city's moves to help small enterprises withstand the economic downturn. 周六,上海首家小额贷款公司"上海宝山宝莲小额贷款有限公司"开业。该公司注册资本金为5000万元,目的是帮助上海小型企业走过经济低迷时期。)

伪造材料 forged document (50 students from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan have been thrown out of United Kingdom-based Newcastle University for using forged qualification documents, UK media reported. 据英国媒体报道,50名中国大陆和台湾留学生因伪造留学申请材料,日前被英国纽卡斯尔大学开除。)

黄牛票 scalped ticket (The senator overseeing Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony said Monday that she's writing to Internet sites like eBay asking them not to sell scalped inauguration tickets. 负责奥巴马就职典礼的一位参议员10日称,她已给eBay等网站写信,要求网站不要倒卖就职典礼黄牛票。)

贷款限额 credit ceilings (Commercial banks' credit ceilings will be abolished to channel more lending to priority projects, rural areas, smaller enterprises and technical innovation. 商业银行的贷款限额将被取消,以便向优先项目、农村地区、小型企业、技术革新项目等发放更多贷款。)
shunitang 发表于 2008-11-27 13:33:57
群体性事件 mass incident (A senior leader Monday urged local government to take pro-active measures to address people's issues in case individual conflicts turn should into mass incidents. 一位高级官员24日督促说,地方政府应采取积极措施解决人民困难,防止个人矛盾转化为群体性事件。)

电子眼 road camera (Traffic police have to put up signs telling drivers where road cameras have been installed. 公安部新修订的道路安全规定要求交通部门公布电子眼设置的地点。)

高压线 high-voltage wire (A 15 year-old teenager in Chongqing was electrocuted when he tried to steal some high-voltage wire with a kitchen knife. 近日,重庆一名15岁的少年拿着菜刀去偷高压线时,被当场电死。)

网瘾 Internet addiction (Chinese doctors have officially defined Internet addiction as an ailment. Net users are classified as meeting the definition of addiction when they spend 6 hours or more per day online for more than 3 months and exhibit at least one symptom including having trouble sleeping or concentrating, yearning to be online, irritation, and mental distress. 近日,中国医学界正式将"网瘾"诊断标准化。网瘾症状界定有7项标准,其中一项是,平均每天连续使用网络达到或超过6小时,而且持续达到或超过3个月。其余症状还有:失眠或注意力不集中;总是想着去上网;暴躁;精神忧郁等。)

诽谤 smear (Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has been ordered to appear in court Wednesday in connection with an alleged smear campaign that targeted President Nicolas Sarkozy. 因涉嫌诽谤总统萨科齐,法国前总理德维尔潘19日被传唤参加法庭审讯。)

上访者 petitioner (Authorities in Gansu have put the protest under control after a group of petitioners attacked local government buildings Monday night. 17日晚,甘肃省陇南发生上访者冲击市委机关群体性事件,目前事态已得到控制。)
shunitang 发表于 2008-12-6 19:59:10
兰花指 orchid fingers (In Peking Opera, finger movements express different emotions and characters. For actresses, this is called "orchid fingers". 在京剧中,手势表达着不同的情感和性格。京剧旦角的这种手势就叫做“兰花指”。)

反弹 rebound (Wall Street rebounded Tuesday from the worst tumble since October. The Dow Jones rose 270.00, or 3.31%, to 8419.09. 遭遇10月以来最大跌幅后,纽约股市12月2日强劲反弹。道琼斯指数涨270点,收于8419.09点,涨幅为3.31%。)

临时价格干预措施 interim price control measure (The National Development and Reform Commission announced its decision Monday to scrap its interim price control measures on grain, food processed from grain, edible oil, meat, dairy products and eggs starting from January as a step to tackle inflation, now that the country's CPI, the main gauge for inflation, slowed in October for the 6th month in a row to 4%. Food producers and traders will resume the right to set prices of those products independently. 发改委1日表示,因10月CPI为4%, 同比涨幅连续第6个月回落,自12月1日起,将解除1月起为应对通货膨胀而对成品粮及粮食制品、食用植物油、肉、奶、蛋等食品类商品的临时价格干预措施,生产者和经营者可自主定价。)

版税收入 royalty income (Guo Jingming topped the list of China's millionaire authors of 2008 released Monday for the 2nd year with a RMB13m royalty income, followed by Zheng Yuanjie with RMB11m and Yang Hongying with RMB9.8m. 2008中国作家富豪榜周一新鲜出炉,郭敬明以1300万元的版税收入蝉联冠军,郑渊洁以1100万、杨红樱以980万的身家分列富豪榜第二、三位。)

高档公寓 high-end flat (A group of 53 rich people from Yuncheng, Shanxi, arrived in Beijing Saturday on a charter flight to buy houses, the first of its kind in China. The group, consisting of private company bosses, coal mine owners and professors, target villas and high-end flats priced at RMB3m-10m and have ordered 3 villas after they visited the first site. 周六,由53名私企老板、煤矿主和大学教授等组成的山西运城购房团包机抵京,将集中选购300万-1000万元的别墅和高档公寓。据了解,包专机进京团购房屋在全国尚属首次。购房团在看完第一个楼盘后,就预订了3套别墅。)

封口费 hush money (60 people have been punished for collecting hush money from a Shanxi coal mine after a fatal accident, 28 of whom were fake journalists, according to the General Administration of Press and Publication. Four journalists involved were expelled from the profession and 14 executives removed from their posts or dismissed. The vast majority of the RMB319300 hush money has been paid back. 近日,新闻出版总署对山西某煤矿"封口费"事件中的60名涉案人员给予处罚通报,假记者约占一半。其中,有4名记者被清除出记者队伍,还有14名媒体责任人被免职、解聘。涉案金额31.93万元,绝大部分已追回。)
冰袆 发表于 2008-12-7 16:03:33
killerzx 发表于 2008-12-12 19:46:05
shunitang 发表于 2008-12-19 11:25:09
侵权责任 tort liability (The draft tort liability law is a basic law to protect people's civil rights and ensure they can get redress if their rights are harmed, the NPC's Law Committee said in a document submitted to the meeting recently. 全国人大立法委员会在近日向大会提交的文件中表示, 这份草拟的侵权责任法是保护公民**以及确保公民在权利受损时得到赔偿的一项基本法律。)

人口贩卖 human trafficking (A man convicted of leading a human trafficking ring that sold women and children was sentenced to death Tuesday in Guizhou. 一个贩卖妇女儿童团伙的头目16日在贵州被判处死刑。 )

生物降解的 biodegradable (The biodegradable plastic garbage bags used at Beijing Olympics venues will be available on the Chinese market next year. 曾在奥运场馆广为使用的生物降解塑料袋有望在明年进入市场。)

误差幅度 margin of error (The poll shows Blagojevich's approval rating at an abysmal 8%. The telephone poll's margin of error is plus or minus 4%. 民意调查显示,布拉戈耶维奇的支持率大跌,仅为8%。此次电话民调的误差幅度约为正负4%。)

记者证 press card (After Beijing police detained 8 people who posed as journalists blackmailing interviewees and selling fake press cards, China is planning a nationwide renewal of press cards, Nong Tao, an official from the General Administration of Press and Publication said Wednesday. The new press cards, which will be issued in February 2009, will carry more anti-fake markings on them. 继北京警方打掉1个出售假记者证、勒索封口费的8人假记者团伙后,国家新闻出版总署官员农涛10日表示,计划于2009年2月在全国范围内换发新版记者证,届时新版记者证将带有更多防伪标识。)

入住率 occupancy rate (Latest statistics indicated the occupancy rate of Shanghai hotels is currently sitting at 40%, a sharp decline from the same period last year. 最新数据表明,上海酒店入住率目前仅为40%,比去年同期大幅下降。)
shunitang 发表于 2008-12-19 11:28:09
原帖由 killerzx 于 2008-12-12 19:46 发表


yeah,they are useful but kinda hard to use..

if u read the news often,then you can meet them as more as often..
shunitang 发表于 2009-1-7 11:47:21
橙色预警 orange alert (The National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert, saying snow and sleet will sweep across central, eastern and southern regions from Friday night through Saturday. 中央气象台发布暴雪橙色预警,预计周五晚到周六我国中部、东部、南部地区将有新一轮强降雪。)

代孕 surrogate births(Japanese obstetricians adopted a ban against surrogate births in 1983. 1983年日本产科界通过了一项禁止代孕的规定。)

有色眼镜 tainted glasses(Some western countries always observe China through tainted glasses, and they are unwilling to see the country's rapid development. 一些西方国家总是透过有色眼镜看中国,他们不愿看到中国飞速发展。)

跨国婚姻 Mixed marriage (Frequent migration across borders, driven by the country's rapid economic growth, is a major reason behind the growing number of mixed marriages. 跨国婚姻增多的主要原因是我国经济高速发展所带来的频繁移民。)

生物燃料 biofuel (An Air New Zealand passenger jet powered in part by vegetable oil successfully completed a flight Tuesday to test a biofuel that could lower airplane emissions. 新西兰航空公司一架客机30日完成了使用植物油作为部分动力燃料的飞行实验,用于实验的生物燃料可能降低飞机的废气排放。)

无固定期限合同 open-ended contract (The labor law makes the use of written contracts mandatory and encourages open-ended contracts to protect the rights of workers. 《新劳动合同法》规定,为保护劳动者的合法权益,企业必须与劳动者签订书面合同,并鼓励签订无固定期限合同。)
shunitang 发表于 2009-2-5 10:23:02
一夜情 one-night stand (Facial features can be clues as to whether a member of the opposite sex is after a one-night stand or something more permanent, researchers say.研究人员称,男人的脸型能够给女性提供足够的线索,以判断他们之间是最终走进婚姻的殿堂,还是以一夜情收场。) (2009-01-23)

寄宿家庭 home stay (A home stay provides the opportunity to experience foreign culture while living in a foreign home.寄宿家庭可以让你居住在外国人家中感受外国文化。) (2009-01-23)

全球首映 world premiere (Movie stars Jet Li and Jackie Chan attended the world premiere event of their latest film "The Forbidden Kingdom" in Beijing April 16.影星李连杰和成龙4月18日在北京出席了联袂出演的新片《功夫之王》全球首映礼。) (2009-01-23)

连环杀手 serial killer (A female serial killer who terrorized Mexico City as the "Little Old Lady Killer" was sentenced to 759 years in jail on Monday for killing 16 elderly women. 本周一,以"小老太太杀手"之名震惊墨西哥城的女连环杀手因杀害16名老年妇女而被判入狱759年。) (2009-01-20)

网络战 cyber warfare (US military officials seeking to boost the nation's cyber warfare capabilities are looking beyond defending the Internet: They are developing ways to launch virtual attacks on enemies. 意图增强美国网络作战能力的美军官员目的不仅是增强网络防卫能力,而是想方设法策划对敌发动网络攻击。) (2009-01-19)

变性人 transgender (Thomas Beatie, a transgender man of Oregon, gets pregnant by artificial insemination. 来自俄勒冈的变性男子托马斯·贝蒂通过人工受精方式怀孕。) (2009-01-16)

消费型国家 nation of spenders (China is turning into a nation of spenders as its per capita GDP exceeded the 2,000 US dollar mark, which leaves room for bulging domestic demand. 随着我国人均国内生产总值超过2000美元,国内消费市场总体空间进一步扩大,中国正在向消费型国家过渡。) (2009-01-15)

连环追尾 pileup (More than 100 cars and trucks are involved in the massive pileup on Highway 99 just south of Fresno as patches of dense fog obscured visibility on the heavily traveled roadway, the California Highway Patrol officials Paul Solorzano Jr. said. 加州高速公路巡逻局官员保罗·索洛萨诺说,出事路段交通繁忙,属于弗雷斯诺市以南的第99号高速公路。当时雾很大,能见度很低,造成100多辆车连环追尾。) (2009-01-14)
shunitang 发表于 2009-2-5 10:23:38
内置的 built-in (Japanese toy company Tomy released a digital camera with a built-in printer. 日本玩具制造商Tomy公司推出了一款配备内置打印机的数码相机。) (2009-02-04)

海外汇款 overseas remittance (Despite the global economic crisis, the amount of overseas remittance to Vietnam in 2008 is estimated to go up by $1.3b to $8b, Vietnamese officials said Tuesday. 越南官员6日说,虽然正值全球经济危机,但是粗略估计,2008年越南的侨汇收入仍然增长了13亿美元,达到80亿美元。) (2009-02-03)

私奔 elope (2 childhood sweethearts, aged 6 and 7, eloped from Hanover in northern Germany on New Year's Eve, wanting to tie the knot under the African sun. 德国北部汉诺威一对年纪分别为6岁和7岁的小情侣新年前夜竟然私奔,他们想跑到非洲的艳阳底下结为连理。) (2009-02-02)

一致决议 binding resolution (Egypt expressed its regret at the UNSC's failure to adopt a binding resolution calling for a stop of the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza, Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki said in a statement. 埃及外交部发言人萨基在声明中表示,埃及对联合国安理会未能就呼吁以色列停止对加沙的袭击形成一致决议表示遗憾。) (2009-02-01)

炒作 hype (Don't take media reports on the new movie seriously. Some reports are just hype. 看有关这部新片的报道可别当真,有些纯粹是炒作。) (2009-01-30)

名人恋 celebrity romance(French first lady Carla Bruni, whose celebrity romance with President Nicolas Sarkozy sent his ratings into a tailspin, is proving a hit with the public in her new role.法国新任第一夫人卡拉·布吕尼时下人气大涨,而总统尼古拉斯·萨科齐则因大搞名人恋,导致其民众支持率一路下滑。) (2009-01-28)

客串 guest star (Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston will smooch on season finale of FX's "Dirt." In the episode, Aniston, guest stars as a lesbian magazine editor and rival to Cox's character, ruthless tabloid queen Lucy Spiller.报道说,安妮斯顿在好友考克斯的新剧《丑闻》中客串了一个同性恋女主编的角色,在《丑闻》大结局时,两位女主编还上演吻别镜头。) (2009-01-23)
shunitang 发表于 2009-8-13 13:18:58
工资指导线 salary guideline (Despite signs of economic recovery, millions of workers face wage cuts and freezes under new salary guidelines. 在新的工资指导线标准下,尽管经济有复苏的迹象,数百万工人仍面临降薪的局面。) (2009-08-13)

网络模特 Online modeling ( Online modeling has become the part-time job of choice for college girls, the Beijing Evening News reported. 据《北京晚报》报道,网络模特近来成为许多女大学生兼职的首选。) (2009-08-12)

居家度假 staycation (Staycations have achieved high popularity amid the financial crisis of 2007–2009 in which unemployment and gas prices rose.居家度假的形式在2007年-2009年经济危机期间失业率和油价不断攀升的情况下大受欢迎。) (2009-08-11)

短信博士 texting PhD (A postgraduate in the UK has been awarded what is thought to be the country's first texting PhD . Dr Caroline Tagg, 33, spent three-and-a-half years tapping out an 80000-word thesis about SMS texts and its language at Birmingham University. 英国一名女研究生因研究手机短信日前被授予博士学位,她被认为是该国第一位"短信博士"。此人名叫卡洛琳•塔格,今年33岁,她花了3年半时间在伯明翰大学做短信研究,并写出了8万字的论文。) (2009-08-10)

公交老人专车 Senior-only bus ( A senior-only bus catering exclusively to passengers over 70 started to run in Shanghai Wednesday with a promise to make travel safer and more comfortable for seniors.上海市开通"公交老人专车",专供70岁以上老人乘坐,以提高老年人乘车的安全性和舒适度。) (2009-08-07)

午睡吧 nap bars (Some white collar workers in Shanghai are complaining that they don't have cozy space to take a rest during the lunch break as a nap on the office desk always goes uncomfortable. They call on businessman to operate 'nap bars' in commercial areas. 上海市写字楼中不少白领抱怨无法利用午休时间好好休息,在办公桌上打盹儿很不舒服。一些人已经提议商家在商业区开设“午睡吧”供白领休息。) (2009-08-06)

房奴 mortgage slave (Such high housing prices have rendered me a mortgage slave.这么高的房价已将我沦为房奴。) (2009-08-06)

"可印刷"电池 "printable" battery (German scientists recently developed the first "printable" battery in the world, which weighs less than one gram and measures less than 1mm thick. The paper-thin battery can be produced through a printing process.德国研究人员最近开发出了世界上首款"可印刷"电池,它薄如纸张,每个重量不足1克,厚度不到1毫米,用印刷技术就能生产。) (2009-08-05)

你真奥巴马(Obama) You are cool (The 160-page English slang lexicon records such terms or phrases as 'You so obama,' which means 'You are cool,' 'presh' for cute or precious and 'schwa' for wow. 这本英语俚语词典共160页,囊括了"你真奥巴马",意思是"你真酷"。其它被收入的词汇如"presh",意思是可爱的、宝贵的,等词语。) (2009-08-04)

即溶泳衣 dissolvable bikini (The dissolvable bikini looks like a real bikini but disappears after just a few seconds in water. 从表面看,这种泳衣和真正的比基尼没有任何区别,但入水几秒钟后,它却能被彻底溶解掉。) (2009-08-03)

漫游费 roaming fees (China Mobile has slashed the international calling and roaming fees for the 2nd time in nearly 4 years, according to people.com.cn. 据人民网报道,近日,中国移动大幅降低了国际长途和漫游资费,这是中国移动近4年内第2次大幅度下调国际资费。) (2009-07-31)

针灸 needle treatment/acupuncture (Lucky pets are getting the needle treatment in the US.如今,幸运的宠物们在美国也能享受针灸治疗了。) (2009-07-30)

黑帮 mafia gangs(China's Ministry of Culture has banned websites featuring or publicizing online games which glamorize mafia gangs.中国文化部发布通知要求各地立即查处运营或宣传"黑帮"主题网络游戏的网站。) (2009-07-29)

应急办公室 emergency response office(The downpour hit the county for about 20 hours from Sunday evening, damaging 95 houses and 533 hectares of farmlands up to 3:30 pm, said the provincial government's emergency response office. 省政府应急办表示,截至15时30分,自周日晚开始袭击县城的暴雨已经持续了约20小时,毁坏房屋95座,农田533公顷。) (2009-07-28)

咨询热线 counseling hotline(Six counseling service hotlines were opened Sunday by the regional health bureau in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, after the July 5 riot, Xinhua reported.据新华社报道,新疆维吾尔自治区卫生厅透露,自周日起,新疆专门开通6条心理咨询专线,以抚慰"7•5"事件人们的心理创伤。) (2009-07-27)
逍遥 发表于 2009-8-18 11:48:26
恩啊,不错,是China daily 阅读百科~~
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