






发布者: zjjxljd | 发布时间: 2008-8-18 13:57| 查看数: 1505| 评论数: 0|

(小事一桩)That’s a piece of cake. That 's as easy as pie! I can do it with my eyes closed.

(请你客气点)Who do you think you’re talking to? Don’t get fresh with me.

等着瞧)You’ll see. Time will tell.

多管闲事)(It is ) None of your business. Mind your own business. Who asked you? This has nothing to do with you.

别狗眼看人低)Do I look like a fool? Who do you think I am? What kind of a fool do you take me for?

不要告诉别人)Don’t tell anybody (about it). This is just between you and me. This doesn’t leave this room. This is for your ears only.

当然)You bet. You know it. You betcha.

你在开玩笑)You have got to be kidding (joking). Are you kidding? You are kidding.

没错,就是这样)You got that right. You wit the rail on the head.

世界真小)It’s a small world. Small world! You never know whom you will bump into.

既然如此,你自己来吧)Do it yourself, then.

这才象话)This is more like it.

太过分了)This is going too far.

我老早就告诉过你了)See. I told you (so).

那又怎样)So what?

就指望你了)I’m counting on you. You’re my only hope.

想想办法吧)Do something (about it). Don’t act stupid.

你有何不满)Any complaints? Do you have anything to say?

船到桥头自然直)Thing will work out. It will work out. Everything will be fine.

(小辫子)被抓到了)You caught me.

我早就知道了)I’m fully (with) aware of that. You don’t have to tell you?

我认输了)Beats me. You got have right. I can’t hack this.

你到底要说什么)Don’t beat around the bush. Get to the point. What are you try to say?

你以为你是谁)Who do you think you are?

就我所知)As far as I know.

正如你看到的)As far as I see.

家里是唱戏)随你吧)As you wish, if you want.

我很乐意)Be my pleasure.

信不信由你)believe or not, he’ll come.

就你和我知道)Between you and me.

我想两个都是)Both, I guess.

与此同时)But in the mean time.

我能干)But I can do that.

但这确实发生了)But it did happen.

听起来有必要)But it sounds necessary.

但有些事情已经改变了)But something has changed.

不过这次我赢了)But this time I won.

我得处理这件事情)But I have to deal with it.

是偶然)By accident.

该死,你要弄死我)Damn, you are killing me.

太好了,我得到了)Damn, I got it.

你想干什么,就干吧)Do what you want.

医生说没问题)The doctor says no problem.

够了就是够了)Enough is enough.

大家都一直说)Everybody keeps say that.

一切都得到了控制)Everything get control.

一切都正常)Everything is fine.

一切都会好的)Everything is going to be fine.

都是我的错)Everything is my fault.

她说的都是假的)Everything she said is lying.

一切都乱了)Everything went wrong.


真有趣)Funning things.

好身材)Good look body.

好主意)Good thinking.

太好了,真是太好了)Great, just great.

她见鬼去吧)She can go to hell.

她死于事故)She died in accident.

他给了我个不是机会的机会)He gave me the choice which was no choice.

他有点失常)He got a little wild.

他是个漂亮的男孩)He is a good-looking bay.


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