





McCain Closes Gap On Obama In Poll

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-21 19:28| 查看数: 1420| 评论数: 1|

Sen. John McCain has all but closed the gap with Sen. Barack Obama, underscoring how international crises -- and some well-placed negative ads -- have boosted the prospects of the Republican presidential candidate.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll also points to a big challenge for Sen. Obama as his party gathers in Denver next week for its convention: rallying Sen. Hillary Clinton's supporters to his cause. Only half of those who voted for Sen. Clinton in the primaries say they are now supporting Sen. Obama. One in five is supporting Sen. McCain. The Republican has reached out to Clinton supporters by offering steady praise for the former first lady and hinting that he'd be open to a running mate who supports abortion rights.

Overall, the poll finds the race a statistical dead heat, with 45% favoring Sen. Obama and 42% Sen. McCain. That three-point Obama advantage is down from six points a month ago, a trend found in other national polls as well. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, meaning the Obama lead could range from zero to six points.

The poll has some cautionary notes for Sen. McCain as well. It shows that his supporters are much less enthusiastic than Sen. Obama's, and finds widespread concern among voters about his age.

Voters noticed. Three in 10 in the new poll say only Sen. McCain is running a 'negative campaign,' versus just 5% who say the same about Sen. Obama. Still, this doesn't seem to be hurting Sen. McCain, reinforcing the notion that in politics, attacks work. Typically, pollsters say, when one side is seen as negative, both are. This poll found just one in five saying both candidates are running negative campaigns.

Sen. McCain has also found two winning issues in the past month. In response to high gasoline prices, he seized on a proposal that proved resonant with voters: expanding oil drilling offshore. Then, an international crisis -- Russian troops entering Georgia -- played to his greatest strength and reminded voters of dangers abroad. The new poll was in the field from Aug. 15-18, after the Georgian conflict broke out. By 52% to 27%, voters said Sen. McCain would be better than Sen. Obama on 'international crises such as Iran or Russia and the nation of Georgia.'

Despite Sen. McCain's progress in this poll, there were signs of problems as well. Nearly four in 10 voters say they are concerned that Sen. McCain, who turns 72 next week, is too old to assume the office. And when the poll gave voters the opportunity to choose among third-party candidates Ralph Nader and Bob Barr, in addition to the two major-party candidates, a small portion did just that, most of them coming from Sen. McCain's column. In a four-way race, Sen. Obama keeps 95% of his supporters while Sen. McCain keeps just 90% of his, a sign that some of the McCain voters are simply supporting him because they don't like the alternative.

Overall, Sen. Obama continues to have big leads among young voters and Hispanics. Sen. McCain is favored by older voters and regular churchgoers.

The poll has other bits of good news for Sen. McCain and his party. For months, independent voters leaned Democratic on a number of measures. This month's survey found them more up for grabs.

Sen. McCain appears to be steadily gaining some traction with the electorate. The portion of people who view him positively has inched up from 39% in June to 42% in July to 45% in August.

Laura Meckler


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-21 19:28:47


翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)与巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在支持率上的差距似乎正在拉近,凸显出国际危机以及恰到好处的负面宣传提升了这位共和党总统候选人的竞选前景。

《华尔街日报》与美国全国广播公司(National Broadcasting Company)联合进行的一项调查也显示,奥巴马在民主党下周在丹佛举行的大会上将会面临一大难题:将希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的支持者拉到自己的阵营中来。在预选中支持希拉里的人只有一半表示现在改为支持奥马巴。有五分之一的人转而支持麦凯恩。这位共和党人经常说一些赞美这位前第一夫人的话,并暗示他愿意接受一位支持女性堕胎权的竞选伙伴,以此来打动希拉里的支持者。

Associated Press






虽然麦凯恩在这次调查中取得了进展,但也出现了一些问题。将近四成的选民表示,他们担心下周就将72岁的麦凯恩年纪太大,难以行使总统职责。该项调查让投票者在两大主要政党候选人之外增加拉尔夫•纳德尔(Ralph Nader)和鲍勃•巴尔(Bob Barr)作为选择时,有一小部分人选了后两者,其中大多数都来自支持麦凯恩的阵营。在这场四人大战中,奥巴马保住了95%的支持者,而麦凯恩只保住了90%的支持者,这表明,投票给麦凯恩的一些人只是因为不喜欢别的候选人。

Getty Images





Laura Meckler
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