





China Orders Labor Camp For Protest Bid

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-21 19:31| 查看数: 1949| 评论数: 1|

Chinese authorities ordered two women to spend a year of 're-education through labor' after they applied to stage a protest at an Olympic protest zone over being evicted from their homes, a human-rights group said.

The incident highlights the failure of the Olympic Games to secure greater freedom of expression in China.

The two women, 77-year-old Wu Dianyuan and 79-year-old Wang Xiuying, had repeatedly applied for permits to hold a protest in one of the three designated protest zones set up around Beijing.

According to Human Rights in China, Ms. Wu and Ms. Wang, former neighbors who were evicted from their homes in 2001, applied to Beijing police five times between Aug. 5 and 18 to hold a protest. In one case, they were detained and interrogated for 10 hours.

On Aug. 17, they were told they had been sentenced to one year of re-education through labor for 'disturbing the public order,' according to Human Rights in China. The sentence is to be served outside a labor camp, with restrictions on their movement, though they could be sent to a camp if they continue to disobey. A day after the decision, the two tried again to apply for permission to protest, but were denied because they had been sentenced.

Under pressure from the International Olympic Committee, Beijing had agreed to allow demonstrations in special zones far from the main Olympic venues. Officials said 77 applications have been made, though none have been approved.

Unapproved protests during the Games, including several from groups opposing China's policies toward Tibet, have been quickly quashed by Chinese authorities. Five Americans here to blog about human rights and to protest China's policies in Tibet were detained by authorities Tuesday, according to Students for a Free Tibet.

An American artist has been detained by Chinese authorities since 3 a.m. Tuesday Beijing time, an art center in New York with connections to the artist said. Students for a Free Tibet told the art center that James Powderly hadn't been heard from since his detention, and his whereabouts were unknown.

Shai Oster


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-21 19:32:21




Associated Press






据中国**(Human Rights in China)称,二人在8月5日至8月18日期间,先后5次向北京市公安局申请进行游行示威。其中一次她们还被扣留盘问了10小时。吴女士和王女士以前是邻居,2001年她们的房屋被强制拆迁。



奥运会期间曾出现过一些未获批准的抗议活动,其中几起是反对中国对西藏政策的组织进行的,但这些示威都迅速被中国政府平息。据自由西藏学生组织(Students for a Free Tibet)称,北京有5名在博客中撰文谈论**问题和抗议中国对西藏政策的美国人周二被官方拘留。

美国艺术家詹姆斯•包德利(James Powderly)自北京时间周二凌晨3时以来一直被中国有关部门扣押,这是纽约一个与他有联系的艺术中心透露的。自由西藏学生组织告知该艺术中心,自包德利被拘留后就一直没有得到他的消息,也无人知道他的下落。

Shai Oster
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