





ask for help

发布者: evabells | 发布时间: 2006-2-12 21:08| 查看数: 4547| 评论数: 2|

I am new here. First, give a best regard to everyboby. I want to promote my english ability not only the written english but also oral .I always tell me i will do my best,but failed at all time.Bescuse i can not persist in it.I hate learn by heart the english words if i know it is a very impotant things.Formerly, in the univestiy,I had learned english every day because there were some eaxms i wanted passed,and there are many classmates would supervise and urge me. After i graduated,i almost give up my english learning.In this year,I made a big decision to learn english well. i took part in this forum. I long for seek for firends to learn english together that we help and supervise and urge each other. Would someone will help me? I really thank you very much indeed.


david 发表于 2006-2-12 21:44:10
Hi,evabells.welcome to our forum.Thank you for your trust.Now we are orgnize our members to learn New Concept English in our UC chatroom.Please read the following post. I hope you can join us.We can learn English together. This is the arrangment of our chatroom:
mickeylee 发表于 2006-2-13 09:05:20
here has many friends like you. all of them want to learn english. so i think you are the good decition to join our forum. all of our members are very good.
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