





Obama Picks Biden To Fill Populist Role

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-27 08:15| 查看数: 1746| 评论数: 1|

Sen. Barack Obama used his first appearance with his vice-presidential running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden, to push a more populist economic message, emphasizing his pick's blue-collar roots and painting Republican rival Sen. John McCain as out of touch.

'This working-class kid from Scranton and Wilmington has always been a friend to the underdog,' Sen. Obama said of Sen. Biden to the 35,000 people gathered outside the Old State Capitol here, the same site where Sen. Obama declared his candidacy 19 months ago.

The two men plan to tour economically stressed swing states before arriving together in Denver for their party's nominating convention, which opens Monday.

Recently, the presidential debate has shifted to the candidates' personal wealth and who can best relate to voters struggling with high gasoline prices and mortgage payments.

Sen. Obama has over the past week adopted a more specific economic message, borrowing some of the populist rhetoric used by his former rival Sen. Hillary Clinton.

On Thursday, Sen. Obama attacked Sen. McCain for saying in an interview that he wasn't sure how many homes he had. The Obama campaign has launched two television advertisements highlighting the gaffe.

Sen. Biden, 65 years old, used his speech Saturday to praise the presumptive Democratic nominee and paint Sen. McCain as elitist.

'Your kitchen table is like mine . . . . You talk about how much you're worried about being able to pay the bills,' Sen. Biden told the crowd. Sen. McCain will 'have to figure out which of the seven kitchen tables to sit at.'

Republicans launched extensive attacks against Sen. Biden just hours after Sen. Obama sent a text message to supporters early Saturday morning officially announcing his choice.

A new Republican National Committee Web site calls Sen. Biden 'Obama's Off-Message Man' and provides a catalog of critical statements Sen. Biden made about Sen. Obama when the two were rivals during the Democratic presidential primary.

Sen. Biden played into this criticism on Saturday when he accidentally referred to Sen. Obama as 'Barack America.' The misstatement came after Sen. Obama introduced his running mate by saying, 'So let me introduce you to the next president -- the next vice president of the United States, Joe Biden!'

Sen. Biden, of Delaware, who is chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, could help fill a national-security void in Sen. Obama's relatively thin resume. Polls show that voters believe Arizona Sen. McCain is the more-prepared candidate to serve as commander in chief.

Sen. Obama called Sen. Biden 'one of America's leading voices on national security' and 'a statesman with sound judgment who doesn't have to hide behind bluster to keep America strong.'

'He looked Slobodan Milosevic in the eye and called him a war criminal, and then helped shape policies that would end the killing in the Balkans and bring him to justice,' Sen. Obama said.

Sen. Obama dedicated a large portion of his speech to retelling Sen. Biden's personal story. Within weeks of his senate election in 1972, Sen. Biden's wife and daughter were killed in a car accident. He then adopted the habit of commuting by train from Wilmington, Del., to Washington on days the Senate was in session, a 1 1/2-half hour journey that he continues to make today.

A Roman Catholic, Sen. Biden often talks about receiving a 'second change in life' after surviving surgery on two brain aneurysms shortly after ending his first presidential bid in 1988. He suspended his second White House run this past January after a weak showing in the Iowa caucus.

'He is still that scrappy kid from Scranton who beat the odds; the dedicated family man and committed Catholic who knows every conductor on that Amtrak train to Wilmington. That's the kind of fighter who I want by my side,' Sen. Obama said.

Sen. Obama has had a hard time connecting to Catholics and economically strapped white voters in key swing states who largely voted for Sen. Clinton in the Democratic primary. The campaign is betting Sen. Biden can help bring in these voters.

'I'm here for the cops and the firefighters, the teachers and the line workers, the folks who live -- the folks whose lives are the measure of whether the American dream endures,' Sen. Biden said to applause.

He called Sen. Obama 'the son of a single mom, a single mom who had to struggle to support her son and her kids.'

After more than 30 years in Washington, Sen. Biden is one of the senate's least-wealthy members. With the exception of a $112,000 book advance, he showed little income in 2007 beyond his $165,000 Senate salary and the $20,500 his wife, Jill, whom he married in 1977, made by teaching at Widener University in Pennsylvania.

The setup at the Saturday rally was similar to the February 2007 event during which Sen. Obama declared his presidential run. On both occasions the Illinois senator evoked Springfield's most-famous politician, Abraham Lincoln.

The rally came with Sen. Obama facing criticism for choosing someone whose three decades in Washington could run counter to the Obama campaign's message of change.

'Joe Biden is that rare mix -- for decades, he has brought change to Washington, but Washington hasn't changed him,' Sen. Obama said. 'He is still that scrappy kid from Scranton who beat the odds.'

The Obama campaign declined to give details about Sen. Obama's selection process other than saying he called Sen. Biden Thursday night to offer him the place on the ticket. Michelle Obama called Jill Biden Saturday morning to congratulate her. The two women appeared with their husbands in Springfield.

Sen. Clinton's supporters grumbled Saturday that their candidate wasn't taken more seriously as a vice-presidential pick. One person close to the Clintons said Sen. Obama didn't call Sen. Clinton or former President Bill Clinton to ask their advice or inform them of his decision, a detail that could create tension at this week's convention.

'We're not talking about any of that,' Obama spokeswoman Linda Douglass said when asked whether Sen. Obama reached out to the Clintons. 'We're only talking about Joe Biden, the perfect running mate.'

Amy Chozick


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-27 08:15:45


主党总统候选人、参议员巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)上周六首次携手竞选伙伴约瑟夫•拜登(Joseph Biden)亮相竞选集会。奥巴马借此机会发出了迎合选民的经济信息,着重强调拜登蓝领工人的出身,同时不忘攻击共和党候选人约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)脱离民众。



最近一段时间,美国总统竞选辩论的中心已经转移到了候选人的个人资产以及谁更能 会选民在高企汽油价格和抵押贷款面前承受的压力。

过去一周,奥巴马采用了更为具体的经济方针,并从他的前竞争对手参议员希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)那里借用了一些迎合选民的口号。





共和党全国委员会(Republican National Committee)新创建的一个网站称拜登是“奥巴马的走题搭档”,他们还搬出了民主党初选期间,拜登对奥巴马的批评言论清单。


特拉华州参议员拜登目前是参议院外交关系委员会(Foreign Relations Committee)主席。奥巴马找他作竞选搭档可以弥补自己相对单薄的履历中,国家安全问题方面的不足。民意调查显示,选民们认为亚利桑那州参议员麦凯恩更有经验和资历统帅美国。


奥巴马说,拜登曾经直视着米洛舍维奇(Slobodan Milosevic)的眼睛,称他为战争罪犯;随后协助制定了有助于结束巴尔干杀戮、并将米洛舍维奇绳之于法的外交政策。




在此前的民主 初选中,关键大州的天主教选民和经济陷入困境的白人选民大多都把票投给了希拉里,改善与这两大选民群体的关系成为奥巴马的重要任务。他的竞选阵营希望拜登加盟可以拉近与这些选民的距离。



在华盛顿参政30多年后,拜登是参议院个人资产最少的议员之一。根据拜登2007年的收入申报,去年他的收入主要包括一笔112,000美元的预付版税、165,000美元的参议员工资和1977年结婚的妻子吉尔(Jill)在宾夕法尼亚州威得恩大学(Widener University)教书的20,500美元收入;此外几乎没有其他收入。

上周六的集会与2007年2月奥巴马宣布参选美国总统的聚会有很多共同之处。这位伊利诺伊州参议员在两次集会上都提到了该州首府史普林菲尔德最著名的政治家林肯(Abraham Lincoln)。





奥巴马发言人琳达•道格拉斯(Linda Douglass)在被问及奥巴马是否联系过克林顿夫妇时表示,我们不讨论这个问题,我们现在只讨论拜登,他是完美的竞选伙伴。

Amy Chozick
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