





Europe's Gloom Is Boon To Dollar

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-28 11:22| 查看数: 2212| 评论数: 1|

As the economic picture in Europe darkens, the U.S. dollar is proving to be the main beneficiary.

Early Tuesday, a surprisingly weak reading on a key measure of business confidence in Germany sent the euro skidding to a six-month low against the dollar. The British pound, meanwhile, dropped to its weakest point against the dollar in two years.

The euro and the pound recovered slightly later in the day. But analysts say the path ahead is likely down as investors adjust to a world where major economies outside the U.S. experience a sharper-than-expected slowdown and might even tip into recession.

That shift has been a boon to the dollar, which has gained about 8% vs. the euro, 9% vs. the pound and 5% vs. the Japanese yen since mid-July. Late Tuesday in New York, one euro fetched $1.4645 and one pound bought $1.8386. The dollar traded at 109.64 yen.

In the U.K., falling housing prices, high levels of borrowing and a troubled financial sector mirror many of the ills currently plaguing the U.S. But the pound had fared relatively well up until now: It touched a 26-year high against the dollar late last year, and as recently as last month, one pound still bought $2.

That high level left the British currency intensely vulnerable to a reversal. The pound is 'the world's great whipping boy at the moment,' says Mark Farrington, head of currency at Principal Global Investors in London. To put it another way, the pound is taking on a role formerly occupied by the dollar.

Figures released last week showed that the U.K. economy, Europe's second largest, stagnated in the second quarter, ending 15 years of economic expansion. Analysts at French bank Societe Generale said Tuesday they expect Britain to suffer a mild recession starting this quarter.

The British Bankers' Association reported the number of mortgage approvals for house purchases in July remained low, and down 65% from a year earlier.

The downbeat data out of Germany, the largest economy in the euro zone, further stoked fears that the prime engine of the region's growth could be sliding toward recession, as well.

A much-watched index of business confidence from Germany's Ifo Institute dropped to a three-year low. The government confirmed the German economy contracted in the second quarter compared with a year earlier.

As the gloom deepens, investors are starting to build in expectations that the Bank of England and the European Central Bank will be forced to cut interest rates to revive growth. David Powell, a currency strategist at Bank of America in London, says his firm expects the Bank of England to lower its key interest rate by a hefty 1.5 percentage points, to 3.5%, by the end of 2009.

The ECB raised its key interest rate to 4.25% in June in the face of rising inflation, but some investors believe the bank could start cutting rates early next year as growth continues to deteriorate and inflation starts to moderate.

In the U.S., by contrast, 'rates may not go up much or fast, but they're going up . . . [and] that sets an entirely different backdrop to what we've had,' says Adnan Akant, a currency specialist at money manager Fischer Francis Trees & Watts.

The dollar spent much of this year getting punished for U.S. economic woes and the Federal Reserve's campaign to slice interest rates. Lower U.S. interest rates reduce the appeal of short-term investments in dollars.

One favorite way to express that pessimism was to sell the dollar against the euro. That helped send Europe's common currency to an all-time in July.

Joanna Slater / Neil Shah


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-28 11:22:50

欧洲下雨 美元天晴






如此高位让英镑很容易出现反转。伦敦Principal Global Investors外汇负责人马克•法灵顿(Mark Farrington)说,眼下,英镑成了“全球头号替罪羊”,取代了美元之前的角色。

上周公布的数据显示,二季度,欧洲第二大经济体英国持续15年的经济增长宣告中止,陷入停滞。法国兴业银行(Societe Generale)分析师周二表示,预计英国本季度开始将经受温和的衰退。

据英国银行家协会(The British Bankers' Association)公布,7月份获批住房按揭数量保持低位,较1年前下降了65%。


德国经济研究所(Ifo Institute)发布的权威经济景气指数降至3年低点。政府证实,德国经济二季度较上年同期出现收缩。

随着经济前景愈加迷茫,越来越多的投资者预计,英国央行(Bank of England)和欧洲央行(European Central Bank)为恢复增长将被迫降息。美国银行(Bank of America)驻伦敦外汇策略师戴维•鲍威尔(David Powell)说,他所在部门预计,英国央行2009年年底前将把关键利率下调1.5个百分点,至3.5%。


资产管理公司Fischer Francis Trees & Watts外汇特设经纪人埃德南•爱肯特(Adnan Akant)说,美国方面利率不会明显或迅速上调,但仍会上调……这带来了与我们一直看到的形势完全不同的前景。



Joanna Slater / Neil Shah

[ 本帖最后由 chrislau2001 于 2008-8-28 11:29 编辑 ]
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