





Nintendo Captures Top Spot In Japan For Innovation

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-30 17:30| 查看数: 1518| 评论数: 1|

TWO YEARS AGO, videogame maker Nintendo Co. was nearly written off as a serious contender in the battle of next-generation consoles.

Its GameCube console, which made its debut in 2001, languished in third place far behind Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox. Few people believed the new console that was about to come out could compete seriously with rivals' sleek devices with cutting-edge technology.

Nintendo has proved its skeptics wrong. While the Kyoto-based company's Wii console is a simple device in terms of technology, it introduced a brand-new way of playing videogames with an intuitive controller that can be wielded like a tennis racket or a sword. After its launch in November 2006, Wii has become the hottest-selling gaming console around the world.

Nintendo not only revived its business, it transformed the market by attracting an untapped audience of people age 25 and older to a product that usually is associated with children and teenagers.

That helps explain why Nintendo took the top spot in the featured category, 'Innovative in Responding to Customer Needs,' in The Wall Street Journal Asia's latest Asia 200 survey of readers.

Aided by the strong showing in the category, Nintendo vaulted to the No. 2 spot overall for Japan, behind repeat winner Toyota Motor Corp. Nintendo, which hasn't been a top-10 overall finisher in the survey since 2002, also benefited from a top-five finish in the corporate-reputation category.

Readers chose Internet-and-communications conglomerate Softbank Corp. as Japan's second-most-innovative company. Softbank made a huge bet two years ago by paying $15 billion to acquire the cellphone operations of Britain's Vodafone Group PLC. The company, run by maverick CEO Masayoshi Son, has reinvigorated the previously lagging operator with a broad lineup of mobile phones and a menu of price plans that are less expensive than those of rivals.

The No. 3-ranked company in innovation, Honda Motor Co., has seen steady growth in the U.S. with its small, fuel-efficient cars. Sales this year will be boosted by the popular Civic and the fuel-sipping Fit, two of the best-selling cars in the huge U.S. market as drivers shun sport-utility vehicles in favor of smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles. The car maker, which came in No. 4 overall, also has made a big push to expand in emerging markets like China and India, where it has sold motorcycles for decades.

Seven & I Holdings Co. ranked fourth in innovation, buoyed by an aggressive expansion of 7-Eleven convenience stores throughout Asia and the U.S. Analysts say the company has mastered the retail model of serving fresh food and providing space for services like personal banking in densely populated urban areas.

Toyota came in fifth in innovation, while topping the country's overall ranking for the sixth consecutive survey. Consumers in the U.S. have continued to flock to the Prius hybrid and other fuel-efficient vehicles while sales of Toyota's trucks and SUVs have struggled amid higher gasoline prices. The car maker's Lexus brand is the best-selling luxury line in the U.S. Toyota also has seen rapid growth in China in the past few years. Readers ranked Toyota No. 1 in the categories of long-term management vision, corporate reputation, financial reputation and quality of its products and services.

Ranked ninth in innovation, Canon Inc. took the No. 3 spot for Japan overall. The world's largest maker of digital cameras and laser printers has posted eight straight years of record operating profits on strong sales of copiers, laser printers and digital cameras. It came in second in both company reputation and quality of services and products.

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., the maker of Panasonic consumer-electronics products, was No. 5 overall and scored high marks in almost every category. The Osaka-based company continues to post solid profits as strong demand for its plasma televisions has helped it weather increasing competition.

Founded more than a century ago as a maker of traditional Japanese playing cards, Nintendo is used to reinventing itself to keep up with changing times. After broadening its business to toys in the 1960s, it made a crucial decision to become a videogame maker a decade later.

The company got its big break in the 1980s when it released its Nintendo Entertainment System, which introduced arcade-style games into homes. Some of its early hits included Super Mario Brothers and Donkey Kong, propelling the games' creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, into stardom.

The 55-year-old Mr. Miyamoto was also behind the development of the Wii -- Nintendo's answer to staying competitive in an industry that increasingly was focusing on powerful and expensive technologies that cater to hardcore game fans.

While Sony and Microsoft went head-to-head on sophisticated consoles that played fast-action games with realistic graphics, Nintendo limited its capabilities to make it more affordable. It focused on making its videogames easy to use and interesting enough for nonvideogame fans.

Wii is played with a controller that looks like a television remote control -- a deliberate decision because TV remote controls are an object familiar to everyone. It contains a sensor inside to allow games to be played by moving it around.

Its biggest hit has been a game called Wii Sports, which lets users play tennis, go bowling and golf by swinging the controller like a racket, ball or golf club with characters that they can design to look like themselves.

Earlier this year, it released another innovative game in the U.S. called Wii Fit, in which users can play exercise games by standing on a board that can detect subtle shifts in weight.

The strategy, led by Nintendo President Satoru Iwata, has paid off handsomely. Wii is outselling both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and has so far sold 24.5 million units world-wide. Nintendo's net profit jumped 48% in the latest fiscal year, ended March.

On top of the Wii's popularity, Nintendo continues to dominate the portable-videogame market with its DS device. The company has increased the game-player population with a lineup of easy-to-play games as well as educational and reference titles. The machine, whose name stands for dual screen, has a touch-screen that can be used with a stylus.

In Japan, the DS has racked up sales as older adults buy them to play quiz games, designed to keep brains from getting rusty, and study educational subjects like English. One school district in Kyoto uses them in eighth-grade classes to help students learn English vocabulary.

Nintendo's strength has prompted changes in the industry as independent publishers, including U.S. powerhouse Electronic Arts Inc., have started putting more weight on developing games for the Wii and DS. Its rivals, Sony and Microsoft, also are developing easier-to-play games that depart from the usual fast-action style that appeals to traditional game players.

Although some industry watchers doubt Nintendo's ability to keep the momentum going, plenty of others believe it will continue.

Yukari Iwatani Kane


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-30 17:31:16



任天堂2001年首次推出的GameCube游戏机在销量排名上仅居第三,远远不及索尼 (Sony)的PS2和微软(Microsoft)的Xbox。当时几乎没有人相信,任天堂即将推出的新款游戏机能与对手技术尖端、设计时尚的游戏机一较高下。



因此,在《亚洲华尔街日报》最新进行的“亚洲最受推崇的200家企业”(Asia 200)读者调查中,任天堂能在“对顾客需求做出创新性反应”一项中拔得头筹,这也就不足为奇了。




由于在该项中的出色表现,任天堂在“整体表现”中跃居日本公司的第二位,仅落后于蝉联冠军多年的丰田汽车(Toyota Motor)。此外,任天堂在“公司声誉”一项中也进入了前五名。自2002年以来,任天堂还从来没有进入过整体表现的前十名。

读者将互联网和通讯企业集团软库(Softbank)评为日本第二大最具创新性的公司。软库两年前曾不畏巨大风险,斥资150亿美元收购了英国沃达丰空中通讯公司(Vodafone Group PLC)旗下的手机业务。目前公司在特立独行的首席执行长孙正义(Masayoshi Son)的带领下,推出了款式多样的手机,价格也低于对手的产品,一举摆脱了此前萎靡不振的局面。

创新性位居第三的是本田汽车(Honda Motor)。该公司以小型节能汽车推动了其美国业务的平稳增长。随着车主们避开运动型多用途车(SUV),而转向更小、燃油更经济的车型,广受欢迎的思域(Civic)和低油耗的飞度(Fit)成为美国市场上的热销轿车,本田的销售也将因此获得提振。本田在整体表现上获得了第四名。该公司还加大力度扩大中国、印度等新兴市场的业务,本田已经在这些国家有数十年的摩托车销售经验。

Seven & I Holdings Co.位列创新性第四位,这应归功于该公司旗下7-Eleven便利店在亚洲和美国的大举扩张。分析师称,该公司已掌握了在人口稠密的城市地区售卖生鲜食品并在店内引入私人银行等服务的零售模式。



松下(Panasonic)牌消费电子产品的生产商松下电器产业公司(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.)位居整体表现的第五,几乎各项得分都很高。在等离子电视机强劲需求的推动下,总部位于大阪的松下电器安然度过了不断加剧的竞争大战,继续获得可观的利润。


上个世纪80年代任天堂推出了任天堂娱乐系统(Nintendo Entertainment System),把投币式游戏机引入了家庭,业务进而迅猛发展。早期的热销产品包括超级玛莉兄弟(Super Mario Brothers)和大金刚(Donkey Kong),这些游戏的创作者宫本茂(Shigeru Miyamoto)也因此成名。




任天堂最热销的一款游戏机是Wii Sports,玩家可以挥动控制器,就像挥动网球拍、保龄球或是高尔夫球球杆一样,他们可以把自己设计成游戏中的人物,借助这些动作获得打网球、保龄球和高尔夫球的体验。

今年早些时候,任天堂又在美国推出了一款创新性的Wii Fit游戏机。玩家可以站在游戏机的一块踏板上玩体育锻炼游戏。踏板能够感知人体压力的轻微变化。

这个由任天堂总裁岩田聪(Satoru Iwata)牵头的战略获得了丰厚回报。Wii的销量超过了PS3和Xbox 360,到目前为止,全球已销售2,450万台。任天堂的净利润在截至3月份的一个财年中增长了48%。



任天堂的实力引发了游戏行业的变革,包括美国游戏软件巨头电子艺界(Electronic Arts)在内的一些独立游戏软件开发商已开始加大力度开发用于Wii和DS的游戏。任天堂的竞争对手索尼和微软也正在开发更容易玩的游戏,这类游戏与通常只吸引传统游戏玩家的动作游戏迥然不同。


Yukari Iwatani Kane
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