





Chinese Jetmaker Gets Western Help

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-4 08:31| 查看数: 1619| 评论数: 1|

Western companies are playing a prominent role helping China become a serious new competitor in the global aerospace industry.

About half of the equipment on the ARJ21, the first regional jet made by government-run AVIC I Commercial Aircraft Co., is made by U.S. companies. The 90-seat aircraft represents China's latest bid to eventually challenge Boeing Co. and European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co.'s Airbus in the market for bigger planes. A twice-delayed maiden flight is now scheduled for Sept. 21.

Even the U.S. government is involved. The Federal Aviation Administration, citing safety and the participation of so many U.S. firms, opened a bureau in Shanghai last year to help the Chinese win certification for the ARJ21 to fly in the U.S.

Canada's Bombardier Inc., which makes competing regional jets, is angling for a role in ACAC's development of a larger version of the aircraft. It has said it expects to invest $100 million in the larger jet, citing parts-sharing and cost-saving potential for its own jets.

The world's aerospace companies are eager to gain a foothold in a market where air traffic is expected to grow 8.9% annually by Boeing's forecast. Their participation could help China do in aerospace what it has done in industries ranging from toys to cars: move from a basic fabricator to a global competitor.

'We understand that they may well want to develop an indigenous industry, but we want to stay a part of it as long as we can,' says Clayton Jones, chief executive of Rockwell Collins Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which provides radios, navigation equipment and other avionics systems for the ARJ21. 'If I don't move in there, somebody else will,' he says.

A serious challenger to today's plane- and parts-makers is probably decades away. Passenger jets are extremely complex to design and build. The ARJ21, which lists for $30.5 million, has suffered several delays. Most recently, an equipment delivery delay forced the jet to miss a scheduled inaugural flight in March.

Boeing and Airbus already are offering a new generation of larger jets built from fuel-saving lightweight composite materials instead of the ARJ21's traditional metals. The ARJ21 is 'an important airplane for Chinese industry,' Boeing Commercial Airplanes President Scott Carson said at the Farnborough International Airshow in July. But he added, 'It's not a very exciting airplane and doesn't take you very far into the future.'

Still, the assistance of Western parts makers allows China's fledging aircraft makers to buy complex cockpit instruments and flight-control systems and focus on assembly, marketing and creating a much-needed after-sales support network. It also guarantees that Western companies will enjoy maintenance and support roles when the planes go into service. Chinese aviation officials expect to spend more than $600 million on the program; industry experts say they will likely spend much more.

The ARJ21, dubbed the 'Flying Phoenix,' has won 206 of the 300 orders that ACAC says it needs to break even. The Shanghai-based company touts the plane as well-suited for the high-altitude airports and lightly traveled air routes of western and central China, where Beijing has targeted economic development efforts. Chen Jin, ACAC's vice president for sales and marketing, says the aircraft manufacturer eventually hopes to sell the plane in emerging markets such as Malaysia, Turkey and India. It is preparing to open a sales office in Munich and is seeking air certifications for the jet in Europe.

The sales executive acknowledges there are hurdles to winning sales outside China. 'We don't have a very well-known brand, and we don't have a good after-sales service network,' Mr. Chen says. The global market for regional jets is crowded, with newcomers from Russia and Japan joining the fray against Bombardier and Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA, known as Embraer.

But ACAC has strong domestic demand. Airbus estimates China will need $391 billion worth of new aircraft of 100 seats or more by 2026, and China's state-controlled airlines could favor domestic manufacturers at the expense of Western companies.

General Electric Co. foresees over the next 20 years a need for at least 500 regional jets in China, a figure that equates to more than $15 billion in engines, spare parts and services. 'That was enough to get us excited,' says Mike Wilking, president of GE's aviation business in China. GE supplies engines for the ARJ21. Parker Hannifin Corp., which makes fuel, hydraulics and flight control systems for the plane, expects 500 ARJ21s could earn it $275 million in revenue and at least that much in after-sales services. During the jet's design phase, Parker sent three engineers and a program manager to Shanghai from its headquarters in Irvine, Calif.

Components maker Goodrich Corp. has won key positions in several projects, providing wheels and brakes on a Russian-made jet, lighting on the ARJ21 and engine housings on Japan's Mitsubishi Regional Jet. Goodrich Chairman and Chief Executive Marshall Larsen said he has 'mixed feelings' about the situation.

Russia and China will need more than 20 years before they will pose a competitive threat, he says. But he adds, 'If they can put people in space, they'll definitely be able to build airplanes.'

Bruce Stanley / J. Lynn Lunsford


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-4 08:33:23



国有企业中航商用飞机有限公司制造的第一架支线客机ARJ21上约有一半的设备是由美国公司制造的。中国希望最终能在大型飞机市场上挑战波音公司(Boeing)和欧洲航空防务航天公司(European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co.)旗下的空中客车公司(Airbus),而这款有90个座位的ARJ21喷气机则是为实现这一目标做出的最新努力。该机的处女航曾两度被推迟,目前定于9月21日进行。

Associated Press





爱荷华州Rockwell Collins Inc.的首席执行长克雷顿•琼斯(Clayton Jones)说,我们明白他们可能希望发展本土产业,但是我们希望尽可能地参与其中;如果我不这样做,别人也会取而代之。该公司为ARJ21提供无线电、导航设备等航空电子系统。


波音和空客已经生产出新一代更大型的喷气机,采用了省油轻质复合材料,而非ARJ21所采用的传统金属。波音商用飞机业务总裁斯科特•卡森(Scott Carson)在7月份的范堡罗国际航展(Farnborough International Airshow)上说,ARJ21对中国航空业来说是款重要的飞机;不过它并不是一款令人非常兴奋的飞机,未来前景有限。



陈进承认在其他国家和地区实现不俗的销售仍有困难。他说,我们并非很有名的品牌,售后服务网络也不够好。支线客机的全球市场竞争非常激烈,俄罗斯和日本公司已加入进来,对庞巴迪和Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA带来了挑战。


据通用电气公司(General Electric Co.)预测,未来的20年里,中国将至少需要500架支线客机,也就是说约需要价值150多亿美元的引擎、零部件和服务。通用电气驻中国航空业务总裁迈克•威尔金(Mike Wilking)说,这已足以令我们兴奋了。通用电气为ARJ21提供引擎。为该机生产燃料、液压系统和飞行控制系统的派克汉尼汾公司(Parker Hannifin Corp.)预计,500架ARJ21能使其获得2.75亿美元的收入,而售后服务的收入至少也有这个数。在飞机设计阶段,派克从加州总部派了三名工程师和一位项目经理到上海。

元件制造商古德里奇公司(Goodrich Corp.)在数个项目中赢得重要角色,该公司为俄罗斯生产的一款喷气机供应轮子和制动系统,为ARJ21提供照明设备,为日本三菱公司(Mitsubishi)生产的支线客机提供引擎房。该公司的董事长兼首席执行长马歇尔•拉森(Marshall Larsen)说,他对这种形势是既喜又忧。


Bruce Stanley / J. Lynn Lunsford
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