






发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2008-9-4 13:33| 查看数: 1182| 评论数: 1|

Dell Inc. will soon introduce a mininotebook computer, people familiar with the matter said, entering into a fast-growing market for inexpensive, no-frills portables that offer Internet capabilities at low prices.

One person familiar with the matter said the new device will likely sell for less than $400. That price range would put the Dell device into competition with products such as the Eee PC from Asustek Computer Inc., which helped define a breed of systems that are sometimes called netbooks.

Dell's product release was described in an email from Box.net, a company that says it will provide online services like photo and document storage that will 'come preinstalled on the Dell Mini,' which Box.net said would be announced Thursday.

Anne Camden, a Dell spokeswoman, confirmed that her company works with Box.net on Web access to online storage.

The people familiar with the new device said it will have a screen size of slightly less than nine inches and will be available with either Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system or a Linux operating system.

Market-research firm Gartner Inc. expects rising sales of low-end mininotebooks and estimated last month that companies would ship 5.2 million of the machines this year, eight million next year and as many as 50 million in 2012.


shunitang 发表于 2008-9-4 13:33:56
据知情人士透露,戴尔公司(Dell Inc.)很快将推出一款迷你笔记本电脑,进军发展迅速的低价便携式电脑市场。这类设备通常没有过多繁复功能,但可以上网。

一位知情者表示,新电脑的售价可能低于400美元。这个价位将使其得以同华硕电脑(Asustek Computer Inc.)的Eee PC等产品一较高下。Eee PC的出现从某种意义上说定义了一种新的产品体系,后者有时被称为“上网本”。

Box.net在一封电子邮件中介绍了戴尔将发布新品的消息,并称这款名为Dell Mini的产品将于周四面市。Box.net还表示,将为这款新品提供图片及文件存储等在线服务,而且这些功能已经被预装到电脑中了。

戴尔公司发言人安妮•卡姆登(Anne Camden)证实公司与Box.net就在线存储功能进行了合作。

据熟悉这款新产品的知情者介绍,它的显示屏略小于9英寸,部分机器安装了微软(Microsoft Corp.)的Windows操作系统,也有一些采用了Linux操作系统。

市场研究公司Gartner Inc.预计低端迷你笔记本电脑的销售将呈上升之势,8月份时曾预测此类电脑今明两年的发货量将分别达到520万和800万台,到2012年时发货量将增至5,000万台。
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