





Coke, Huiyuan Deal Could Fuel Thirst

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-4 15:04| 查看数: 1948| 评论数: 1|

WITH ITS US$2.4 billion offer to acquire China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd., Coca-Cola Co. has put the mainland beverage market under a spotlight. Some analysts believe there is room on stage for Huiyuan's rivals.

Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. and Uni-President China Holdings Ltd. have seen their share prices tumble in recent months along with Huiyuan's. All three beverage producers, which are listed in Hong Kong, have suffered from a combination of high inflation in China and a broad downward bias in Hong Kong and the mainland. Major snowstorms in south China in February and the Sichuan earthquake in May also put a dent in sales and marketing by the mass-market firms.

But Coke's offer of 12.20 Hong Kong dollars (US$1.56) a share for Huiyuan, China's largest juice maker by market share, shows that the industry's shares have been oversold, some analysts say. Huiyuan's shares were down 49% this year to HK$4.14 on Aug. 29, the last day its shares were traded before the Coca-Cola announcement. Huiyuan's shares soared Wednesday to close at HK$10.94, up 164%.

One analyst says foreign suitors might also be watching Tingyi and Uni-President, which are strong in bottled water, iced tea and juice. The rich price for the Coke deal shows that a successful beverage company 'represents something valuable to foreign companies which plan to penetrate into China's market,' Ken Lee, a research analyst with UOB Kay Hian (HK) Ltd., writes in a research note.

A spokeswoman for Tingyi, which sells products under the 'Master Kong' label in China, says the company doesn't need a merger partner. A spokesman for Uni-President, the mainland China subsidiary of Taiwanese food and beverage giant Uni-President Enterprises Corp., declines to comment.

Though the nonalcoholic beverage market in China isn't expected to match previous growth rates, it is still expected to expand by leaps and bounds. Consumption of nonalcoholic beverages, excluding hot drinks, in China rose 82.5% between 2002 and 2007, and is forecast to increase another 55% through 2012, according to market research firm Euromonitor International.

Meanwhile, inflation pressures are showing signs of slowing. World-wide commodity prices have softened in recent weeks, and the industry is shifting toward higher-end products that appeal to less-price-sensitive consumers in China.

As Chinese consumers accumulate more disposable income and become increasingly health-conscious, Uni-President and Tingyi are preparing to meet a growing demand for high-quality and healthy beverages, which produce higher margins, with new product lines, such as sugar-free organic iced tea, bottled water and pure fruit juice.

It can be a difficult shift. Tingyi says its sugar-free offerings aren't popular yet. 'It takes time for customers to accept it,' its spokeswoman says.

But Euromonitor International forecasts that carbonated drinks will 'struggle to strongly increase sales, due to its unhealthy image,' according to the firm's latest industry report. Meanwhile, 'fruit/vegetable juice, [ready-to-drink] tea, Asian specialty drinks and bottled water are expected to benefit from their healthy positioning.'

Uni-President has fallen 22% from its December initial public offering price of HK$4.22 a share. It finished Wednesday up nine Hong Kong cents, or 2.8%, at HK$3.28. Tingyi is down 24% from HK$12.40 on Jan. 2, finishing Wednesday at HK$9.39, up eight Hong Kong cents. China's largest domestic beverage producer, Wahaha, isn't publicly traded.

Uni-President derives 74% of its revenue from beverage sales, which rose 13% in the first half from a year earlier, to 3.7 billion yuan ($541.5 million). The unit attributed the growth in part to its increased focus on higher-margin beverage businesses. Tea-drink sales rose 34%, while juice sales fell 14%.

However, the unit posted an 18% drop in first-half profit, which it attributed to a loss of 128 million yuan from the yuan's strength against the U.S. and Hong Kong currencies. Excluding the foreign-exchange loss, Uni-President had recurring earnings growth of 31%, according to a research note by BNP Paribas. The bank has a 'buy' rating on Uni-President with a target price of HK $4.88 over the next year.

Morgan Stanley has an 'overweight' rating on Uni-President, its equivalent of a buy, and a target price of HK$4.35 over the next 12 to 18 months. In a report dated Aug. 22, analysts Angela Moh, Penny Tu and Jessica Wang wrote that the company's 'restructuring efforts will continue to pay off, as the company focuses on rationalizing its product mix toward higher-margin products while keeping operating costs under control.'

Tingyi has seen continued growth this year, although its drinks sales are showing signs of maturity. Overall sales increased 36% in the first half to US$2 billion, and profit was up 31%, but its beverage division lagged behind slightly, with sales growth of 25%. Tingyi's iced tea and mineralized water rank first in mainland China by market share, according to a June survey by ACNielsen.

The company seeks to boost its overall share in the nonalcoholic beverage market to 20% this year, up from 16.8% last year, with a US$300 million investment in its beverage business. The company's chief executive has mentioned plans to spin off its major operations -- instant noodles, beverages and bakery products -- into separate listings within the next five years, though its board hasn't considered such a move, the spokeswoman says.

In an Aug. 15 research note, BNP Paribas retained its buy call on the stock with a 12-month target price of HK$11.60, noting that it was likely to benefit from declining prices for 'soft' commodities such as food.

Tingyi is rated overweight by Morgan Stanley, with a target of HK$10.35 over the next 12 to 18 months. 'With its solid distribution network and strong brand, Tingyi remains a good proxy for the secular growth story in China's food and beverage industry,' the authors wrote Aug. 26.

Despite the heavy competitive pressures from foreign firms such as Coca-Cola, Uni-President and Tingyi remain well-positioned since they make more than just juice. Each derives a significant portion of revenue from its instant-noodle business -- 26% for Uni-President and 48% for Tingyi.

Regulatory changes may also give the companies a boost. New national beverage standards in China will force producers to focus on quality. The introduction of such measures is likely to give bigger companies such as Uni-President and Tingyi an advantage since they have also had a role in setting the new standards, Euromonitor noted.


Ting-I Tsai in Taipei contributed to this article.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-4 15:05:27


出手24亿美元收购中国汇源果汁集团有限公司(China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd.)后,可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Co.)把中国大陆的饮料市场拉到了聚光灯下。有分析师认为,汇源果汁的竞争对手依然有施展才华的空间。

最近几个月,康师傅控股有限公司(Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp.)和统一企业中国控股有限公司(Uni-President China Holdings Ltd.)的股价同汇源果汁一样经历了大幅下挫。中国的高通胀以及内地和香港经济增长的普遍放缓都打击了这三家在香港上市的饮料生产商,而今年冬季的南方雪灾加上5月份的四川大地震更是影响到这些大众市场企业的销售及营销工作。


一名分析师表示,有意向的外国投资者或许还会关注康师傅和统一,他们的瓶装水、冰茶和果汁业务也相对不俗。大华继显(香港)有限公司(UOB Kay Hian (HK) Ltd.)分析师Ken Lee在一份研究报告中写道,可口可乐的丰厚出价说明一家成功的饮料企业对那些打算深入挖掘中国市场的外国企业来说意味着商业价值。

广告康师傅的发言人称,他们并不需要合并伙伴。统一的发言人则拒绝置评。统一是台湾食品饮料巨头统一企业(Uni-President Enterprises Corp.)设在大陆的子公司。

尽管中国的非酒精饮料市场可能不会重现往日的增长速度,但仍有望大踏步前进。市场研究机构欧睿信息咨询有限公司(Euromonitor International)的数据显示,2002至2007年期间,中国不包括热饮在内的非酒精饮料消费额增长了82.5%,预计到2012年底时还将再增长55%。







然而统一上半年的利润却出现了18%的缩水,公司将此归咎于人民币兑美元及港币升值而带来的1.28亿元损失。法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)的一份研究报告称,剔除外汇损失,统一的收益增幅为31%。该行给予统一“买进”评级,对它明年的目标价预期为4.88港元。

摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)对统一的评级为“增持”(相当于买进),未来12至18个月目标价为4.35港元。该公司分析师莫仁瑛(Angela Moh)、Penny Tu和Jessica Wang在8月22日的报告中写道,随着统一强调产品结构的合理化调整,在向高利润率产品倾斜的同时依然控制好营运成本,它们的重组努力将继续给公司带来积极影响。

虽然康师傅的饮料销售业务显示出饱和迹象,但该公司今年依然没有停下增长的脚步。上半年的总体销售额增加了36%,达到20亿美元,利润也提高了31%,不过饮料部门稍稍落后,销售增速为25%。根据AC尼尔森(ACNielsen Corp.) 6月份的一项调查,康师傅冰茶和矿泉水的市场占有率名列内地首位。






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