





Thai Prime Minister Resists Push To Resign

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-4 15:08| 查看数: 1794| 评论数: 1|

Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said Thursday he would stay on in his post to defend democracy, despite growing pressure to resign after the army refused to break up a large group of demonstrators who seized his government headquarters in Bangkok.

The army's unwillingness to use force against tens of thousands of protesters who invaded Government House on Aug. 26 has weakened the prime minister's authority. Army chief General Anupong Paochinda's vow not to take sides to defend Thailand's democratically elected government spurred speculation that Mr. Samak would have to resign or dissolve Parliament and call fresh elections. Some political analysts described the army's actions as a 'silent coup.'

Mr. Samak declared a state of emergency Tuesday after violent clashes between government supporters and antigovernment protesters left one person dead and dozens badly injured. The decree enables Thailand's military to help restore order to Bangkok's streets.

'I won't resign -- I have to stay on to protect the democratic system,' Mr. Samak said in a radio broadcast early Thursday, referring to his opponents, who wish to uproot Thailand's democracy, as a dangerous cult.

Adding to his troubles, Mr. Samak confirmed that his foreign minister had resigned.

Many of the thousands of largely conservative, middle-class protesters say corruption has flourished in Mr. Samak's seven-month-old, democratically elected government.

A threat from state-enterprise unions to cut power and water to government buildings and police stations fizzled out Wednesday, partly because of the army's request that the unions reconsider their strike plans.

On Wednesday, Thailand's central bank appealed for a quick resolution of the political impasse, warning that it could hurt the economy if prolonged.

Protest leaders have targeted Mr. Samak since he formed a coalition government in February following the restoration of democratic rule after a 2006 military coup that ousted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra. They say Mr. Samak is a proxy for Mr. Thaksin, a telecommunications tycoon who transformed Thailand with his populist politics before the military, wary of his growing power, removed him. Mr. Thaksin is now in Britain seeking political asylum to evade corruption charges brought against him in Thailand.

Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political-science professor at Chulalongkorn University, suggested that new elections could provide a 'clean slate.'

However, 'if Mr. Samak is forced out while the PAD is still illegally occupying the Government House compound, that would show that Thailand's democracy is nothing, that it's mob rule,' Mr. Thitinan said.


Jenny Paris contributed to this article.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-4 16:38:58


国总理沙马(Samak Sundaravej)周四宣布,虽然辞职压力越来越大,但他将继续坚守岗位,保卫泰国的民主体制。此前,军方拒绝驱散占领总理府的大批示威者。

泰国军方不愿对自8月26日以来占领泰国总理府的数万名反政府抗议者使用武力,这一点已经削弱了沙马的威信。泰国陆军总司令阿努蓬(Anupong Paochinda)表态称不会偏袒泰国民选政府,引发人们猜测沙马势必辞职或解散国会,进行新的大选。一些政治分析人士称军方的行动为“无声的政变”。









2006年泰国发生军事政变,泰国前总理他信(Thaksin Shinawatra)被赶下台,后来民主政治得以恢复。而自今年2月沙马组建联合政府以来,他就一直是反对派领袖的指责对象。他们说沙马是电信大亨他信的代理人。他信以自己所信奉的民粹政治对泰国进行改造,直到担心他权力越来越大的军方将他赶下台。他目前在英国寻求政治避难,以逃避泰国国内对他提起的贪污指控。

朱拉隆功大学(Chulalongkorn University)的政治学教授提蒂南(Thitinan Pongsudhirak)认为,新的大选将会提供一份“干净的候选人名单”。

然而,提蒂南表示,如果沙马在人民民主联盟(People's Alliance for Democracy)仍然非法占领总理府的情况下被迫辞职,那只能表明泰国的民主毫无意义,只是暴民统治。

James Hookway / Stephen Wright
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