





Coke Deal To Test China's New Antitrust Law

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-5 13:42| 查看数: 1577| 评论数: 2|

COCA-COLA Co.'s $2.4 billion deal to acquire China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. offers the first major test of China's new antitrust law -- one that comes amid public concern over the loss of national brands.

The new law, which took effect last month, attempts to streamline and standardize the government's antitrust activities. Previously, no unifying law was on the books, and several agencies had a say in matters of general competition and mergers.

How Beijing's regulators handle the case could offer a clue as to whether the law will remove a layer of murkiness from China's deal landscape or add another one. Although Chinese officials have indicated they will lean toward international best practices, implementation rules clarifying the new law have been slow to come out. It isn't clear whether the government agencies involved would be equipped to handle the case so soon.

Antitrust officials who scrutinize deals involving Chinese companies will consider the size of the market and the combined company's position in it, said Liu Cheng, an attorney in the Beijing office of law firm DLA Piper. Other officials who regulate all types of foreign investment in China also will be involved.

Defining the market could be tricky. According to Merrill Lynch analysts, Coca-Cola will control 37% of the Chinese juice market with its brands if it succeeds in the acquisition. Coke holds 28% of the overall juice market, but focuses on the lower end with its Minute Maid brand. Huiyuan competes mostly in the high-end juice market, holding a more than 40% market share.

The Ministry of Commerce, which oversees the application of the antimonopoly law, will define the market. Mr. Liu said the ministry's antitrust office hasn't been staffed yet.

The ministry said Thursday it hasn't received a filing from either Coke or Huiyuan. It didn't elaborate or take a stance on the deal.

In addition, Beijing regulators will consider more esoteric issues, such as whether Huiyuan's position as a nationally famous brand -- a status granted by the government -- would be affected.

'There are no clear standards,' Mr. Liu said of the national-brand issue. 'It's really on a case-by-case basis and really hard to estimate.'

Coke has indicated in its statements that it is willing to meet regulators' requirements. 'We've clearly communicated that we will use the expertise that we have as global beverage company to further develop the Huiyuan brand,' a Coke spokesman said Thursday.

Coke Chief Financial Officer Gary Fayard said Wednesday the beverage company estimates it will take until spring 2009 to win approval. Huiyuan didn't return calls.

China has allowed a few brands to be sold to outside investors. Anheuser-Busch Cos. bought Harbin beer in 2004. But China also has been skeptical of Western takeovers. In July, U.S. private-equity firm Carlyle Group ended its years-long effort to buy a majority stake in Xugong Group, one of China's biggest manufacturers of construction machinery, amid persistent regulatory resistance.

As with past cross-border deals, government leaders will ultimately determine whether a deal goes through. They may face public pressure to keep a domestic brand in local hands. Gauging public sentiment in China is difficult, but according to an online poll conducted by Chinese Web site Sina.com, 82% of more than 40,000 respondents oppose Coke's purchase of Huiyuan.

Coke has been working for decades to stay in Beijing's good graces. It spent an estimated $400 million to sponsor the Beijing Olympics, infusing its advertising with patriotic themes to appeal to growing Chinese nationalism.

The company also has a longer history in China than Huiyuan. It has been doing business there since 1979, while Huiyuan was founded in 1992.

Rick Carew / Sky Canaves


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-5 13:45:35


中国民众日益担忧民族品牌流失之际,可口可乐(Coca-Cola Co.)计划斥资24亿美元收购中国汇源果汁集团(China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd.)的交易给中国新的反垄断法带来了第一个重大考验。






DLA Piper律师事务所北京办事处的律师刘程(音)表示,负责审查中资公司交易的反垄断官员会考虑市场规模以及合并后公司的市场地位。负责监管所有外资在华投资事务的官员也会参与审批。

要确定市场规模可能并不容易。根据美林公司(Merrill Lynch)分析师的数据,如果可口可乐成功收购汇源果汁,其品牌产品将占据中国果汁市场37%的市场份额。目前可口可乐在中国整体果汁市场的占有率为28%,但业务主要集中在较低端的美汁源(Minute Maid)品牌产品上。汇源果汁的竞争领域主要位于高端的果汁市场,在这一市场的占有率超过了40%。






可口可乐公司首席财务长菲雅德(Gary Fayard)周三表示,公司预计交易有望在2009年春季前获得批准。汇源果汁没有回复记者的置评电话。

中国已经批准了数起外资收购中国品牌的交易。2004年,安海斯-布希公司(Anheuser-Busch Cos.)获准收购了中国的哈尔滨啤酒。不过中国也一直对西方投资者的收购持怀疑态度。今年7月,由于面临中国监管部门的持续阻力,美国私人资本运营公司凯雷集团(Carlyle Group)放弃了为收购中国徐工集团工程机械有限公司(Xugong Group Construction Machinery Co.)多数股权而耗费数年的努力。徐工机械是中国最大的工程机械制造商之一。




Rick Carew / Sky Canaves
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