





Bankers in Asia feel a fee pinch

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-9 10:33| 查看数: 1868| 评论数: 1|

The last refuge for investment bankers is under siege.

Fees in Asia are falling as stock and debt offerings evaporate and companies hold back on deals.

It is a stark contrast to 2007. Then, Asia was a bright spot as business dried up elsewhere. By the end of August last year, nine of the 10 busiest investment banks had made more than $100 million in Asian revenues from areas measured by Dealogic. This year, only Citigroup Inc. and Credit Suisse Group managed to do that.

Bankers say this isn't a crisis -- while starting to trim staff or shuffle employees off to places such as India, where the banks have traditionally been underexposed.

But the figures are grim.

The volume of funds raised on Asian stock markets has halved this year to its lowest level since 2003, according to Thomson Reuters. Stock issuance in Japan and Singapore hasn't been so low since 1998.

In the debt markets, volume is down 41%, evidence that Asia hasn't escaped the credit crunch.

There are some brighter spots. Local-currency debt markets, particularly in China, are holding up. Mergers-and-acquisitions volume is down just 3% this year. But that is because of a few big deals, such as the merger of telecommunications companies China Netcom and China Unicom, a transaction pushed through by the Chinese government. Deals driven by straight market logic have been scarcer.

Admittedly, this isn't all there is to the banking business in Asia. For example, the public-market revenue measured by Dealogic only accounted for about 6% of revenue from Asia for both Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Deutsche Bank AG in 2007.

The rest comes from less-visible areas such as private placements, pre-initial-public-offering financing, over-the-counter derivatives and trading. But banks can't escape the reality that the big public deals are both their shop window and a key barometer for overall activity.

Even Asian bankers won't escape the pain being felt in New York and London.

Andrew Peaple / Mohammed Hadi


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-9 10:33:24




这与2007年的形势形成了鲜明对比。当时,在世界其他地区的业务枯竭之际,亚洲是个亮点。至去年8月,在Dealogic调查的业务领域,10家业务最为繁忙的投行中有9家的亚洲收入超过了1亿美元。今年,只有花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)和瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse Group)做到了这一点。



汤森路透(Thomson Reuters Corp.)的数据显示,亚洲股市今年筹集的资金额缩减了一半,降至2003年以来的最低点。日本和新加坡的股票发行也触及1998年以来的最低水平。


不过也有一些亮点。本币债市,特别是中国人民币债市的表现依然稳固。并购交易额今年只减少了3%。但这是因为少数几桩大型交易提供了支撑,比如在中国政府推动下完成的中国网通(China Netcom)与中国联通(China Unicom)的合并。由市场自身因素推动达成的交易则是少之又少。

当然,这并非各银行在亚洲业务的全部。举例来讲,Dealogic调查的公开市场收入只占高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank AG) 2007年亚洲业务的约6%。



Andrew Peaple / Mohammed Hadi
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