





Designers Seek Foreign Sales To Offset Domestic Slump

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-9 13:18| 查看数: 1891| 评论数: 1|

As New York's fashion week starts Friday, many designers are courting overseas retailers in an effort to make up for expected cutbacks in orders from U.S. department stores.

Oscar de la Renta Ltd. expects buyers from 25 foreign stores at its runway show Wednesday, compared with three or four who have made the trip in the past, says Alex Bolen, chief executive officer of the New York fashion house.

Designers Thakoon Panichgul and Derek Lam, meanwhile, have added longer hemlines and, in the case of Mr. Lam, long sleeves, to appeal to buyers from the Middle East. Mr. Lam plans to unveil the styles in his showroom rather than on the runway.

Menswear designer John Varvatos is skipping the New York runways this season, after showing for nine consecutive seasons. Instead, he presented his line in Milan in June, as part of an effort by Greensboro, N.C.-based VF Corp., which owns the label, to boost business in Europe and Asia. The label is expected to generate about $80 million in revenues at retail this year.

The designers are responding to the dismal state of consumer spending in the U.S., which has caused retailers to trim orders even for designer clothes.

Stores typically place orders at showroom appointments after shows in Manhattan's Bryant Park -- roughly four to six months before the styles show up in stores. But with August sales continuing to sag, some U.S. retailers have been signalling that they won't be buying as much as in years past. 'We're going to be very conservative' in purchasing spring designer looks, Saks Inc. Chief Executive Officer Stephen Sadove told investors in late August, noting a wobbly stock market has left wealthy Americans insecure about their finances.

In wooing foreign retailers, designers are taking advantage of the weak dollar. 'The economy here is just so terrible. The dollar is horrible, which makes their buying power amazing,' says Carmen Marc Valvo, who sells $600 cocktail dresses and evening gowns that retail for $1,500 to $3,000 at stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue. Although the dollar has strengthened lately, he adds: 'What we offer, and the price we offer it at, makes it like candy for the Europeans.'

After staging his usual runway show in New York, he plans to take his spring collection to a Paris showroom for the first time, so he can pitch his apparel to retailers from Europe and the Middle East.

Another thing U.S. designers have going for them is that they deliver fresh styles more frequently than European designers. 'Having newness on the floor all the time is great,' says Laura Larbalestier, a buyer for Selfridges & Co. in London, who has gotten more comfortable with American styles in recent years.

Designer Phillip Lim's clothes have sold well at the U.K. department-store chain, says Ms. Larbalestier, giving her confidence to add other U.S. designers such as Mr. Panichgul. At fashion week, she plans to check out several U.S. labels, including Rodarte and Erin Wasson.

Going global nevertheless can be risky for U.S. designers, many of whom run small businesses without a lot of financial backing. American styles don't always translate well, and there's no guarantee emerging markets such as Russia or China will continue to grow. Some designers say their European sales are already softening and they could delay expansion plans if the slowdown continues. What's more, while many U.S. designers buy fabrics and base some production abroad, leasing a warehouse or opening stand-alone stores certainly adds to their costs.

'When things weren't working in New York in the '80s and '90s, people would say, 'well, there's a good business in Japan,'' notes designer Vera Wang. But then the luxury market in Japan stalled. Still, earlier this year Ms. Wang began leasing a warehouse outside Hong Kong to speed shipments to Far East customers.

The economic slowdown is adding urgency to designers' overseas push. Tracy Reese, whose U.S. sales began softening this summer, signed a London distributor last month to add customers in Italy, Spain, Ireland and Germany. She hopes international sales, which now contribute 15% of her business, will generate 25% of sales by the end of next year.

At Oscar de la Renta, total sales are up more than 25% so far this year, but international sales are stronger and now account for 30% of the total, Mr. Bolen says. The privately held company doesn't disclose financial information. Last year, Oscar de la Renta brands were estimated to generate retail revenues of about $750 million. The company plans to open boutiques in October at Harrods in London along with stores in Athens and Madrid this fall. A Moscow store is planned by year end.

Some small labels say they have little choice but to go overseas. 'We knew if we wanted to stay alive we had to,' says eveningwear designer Pamella DeVos. A number of U.S. specialty stores that sold her Pamella Roland label have closed and wholesale sales in the U.S. were flat in 2007, she says.

She hit the road, displaying her collection at a Paris showroom earlier this year. In October, she plans a runway show and party in Dubai in conjunction with a trunk show at Saks Fifth Avenue there. She hopes overseas sales will generate 40% of her business by 2010, up from 25% now, and says sales so far this year are up a bit, due to new orders from stores in Russia, Japan and France.

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Vanessa O'connell / Cheryl Lu-lien Tan


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-9 13:20:42



纽约时装品牌Oscar de la Renta Ltd.的首席执行长阿历克斯•博伦(Alex Bolen)说,预计该公司下周三的时装展将有25家外国公司到场,而过去远道而来的公司通常只有三四家。

Dan Lecca

纽约时装品牌Oscar de la Renta的目标是到2010


与此同时,Thakoon Panichgul和德里克•林(Derek Lam)这两位设计师都加长了服装的下摆,林还采用了长袖的设计,以吸引来自中东的买家。林计划在自己的陈列室发布新款时装,而不在时装展中发布。

男装设计师约翰•华费陶(John Varvatos)不参加今季的纽约时装展,此前他已连续参加了9次。相反,他于今年6月在米兰展示了自己的新系列,这是拥有该品牌的VF Corp.增强欧洲和亚洲业务的举措之一。该品牌预计今年将实现约8,000万美元的零售收入。


百货公司通常会等曼哈顿布赖恩特公园(Bryant Park)的时装展结束以后,在服装品牌的陈列室下定单──差不多4到6个月后这些款式才会在商店亮相。但由于8月销售额继续下滑,一些美国零售商已经暗示他们的进货量不会像前些年那么大。Saks Inc.的首席执行长斯蒂芬•萨多夫(Stephen Sadove)8月底对投资者表示,在定购名牌春装方面我们会非常保守,并强调动荡的股市令富裕的美国人对自己的财务状况没有把握。

在招徕外国零售商方面,设计师们利用了美元走软的机会。Carmen Marc Valvo说,美国经济糟糕得要命,美元也糟透了,这令外国公司拥有了惊人的购买力。他在Saks Fifth Avenue等店面出售价格600美元的鸡尾酒会礼服和零售价1,500-3,000美元的晚礼服。他说,虽然美元最近有所走强,但我们所提供的产品加上它的价格,对欧洲人来说简直是太有吸引力了。


美国设计师的另一大优势是,他们推出新款的频率高于欧洲设计师。伦敦Selfridges & Co.的采购员劳拉•拉巴莱斯蒂尔(Laura Larbalestier)说,店里总是有新品的感觉很棒。她最近几年越来越喜欢美国服装品牌。

拉巴莱斯蒂尔说,设计师Phillip Lim设计的服装在这家英国连锁百货公司的店铺卖得很好,这一点令她有了信心,她又加上了Panichgul等其他一些美国设计师的服装。在时装周上,她打算看看几个美国品牌,包括罗达特(Rodarte)和艾琳•沃森(Erin Wasson)。


设计师王薇薇(Vera Wang)说,上世纪八九十年代,当纽约不景气的时候,人们会说,日本的业务还不错。但随后,日本的奢侈品市场也陷入停顿。不过,今年年初,王薇薇开始在香港外围租赁仓库,以加快向远东客户供货。

美国经济增长减缓加剧了设计师们向海外发展的紧迫性。特蕾西•里斯(Tracy Reese)今年夏天在美国的销售额开始趋于疲软,上个月,里斯与一家伦敦分销商签定协议,在意大利、西班牙、爱尔兰和德国发展客户。她希望国际销售额占总销售额的比例明年年底能达到25%,当前为15%。

博伦说,Oscar de la Renta的总销售额今年迄今增长了逾25%,但国际销售额表现更为强劲,现在占总销售额的30%。这家公司由私人控股,无需披露财务信息。去年,Oscar de la Renta旗下品牌的零售收入估计为7.50亿美元左右。该公司计划今年10月在伦敦的Harrods开设精品店,秋季还将在雅典和马德里开设店面。莫斯科的一家店面计划今年年底开张。

一些小品牌表示,他们别无选择,只能向海外发展。晚装设计师Pamella DeVos说,我们深知,如果想生存下去,就必须这样做。她说,她名下的Pamella Roland品牌在美国的一些专卖店已经关门,2007年整个美国的销售成绩平平。

她转向海外发展,今年早些时候在巴黎展示了自己的服装。她计划10月在Saks Fifth Avenue举办大规模时装展,同时在迪拜举办时装展和晚会。她希望到2010年,海外销售额占总销售额的比例从当前的25%上升到40%,并表示由于俄罗斯、日本和法国的店铺下了新定单,今年迄今的销售额有所增长。

Vanessa O'connell / Cheryl Lu-lien Tan
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