






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-12 08:46| 查看数: 1977| 评论数: 1|

Lehman Counterparties, Clients Walking A Delicate Line

Trading counterparties and clients of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH) were treading a delicate line Wednesday, voicing support in the Wall Street investment bank, while also quietly looking to reduce some exposure to the firm in order to protect assets.

Across Wall Street, the consensus was that Lehman didn't have the sudden confidence problems that had overwhelmed Bear Stearns Cos. and pushed it into a fire sale in March. For many Lehman counterparties, however, there was an acknowledgment that they had to guard themselves as the firm's share price continues to fall, even as they wished to support Lehman and its employees.

On Wednesday, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), Merrill Lynch & Co. (MER), Morgan Stanley (MS), Deutsche Bank AG (DB) and Credit Suisse Group (CS) said they continued to trade with Lehman. Large fixed-income money managers Pacific Investment Management Co. and BlackRock Inc. (BLK) also said they were doing business as usual with Lehman.

Chief on some traders' minds was Lehman's credit rating, which is in increasing danger of a downgrade as its shares continue to slump. Lehman's current ratings are already at the threshold of what most trading partners and clients will tolerate for an investment bank, at single-A.

The large U.S. rating services are all reviewing Lehman's credit ratings for downgrades, and if they are lowered, Lehman said it could have to post as much as $2.9 billion in collateral to its counterparties. Rating cuts may also force customers to move their business elsewhere.

Bear Stearns was brought down by an inability to access short-term debt financing markets. Lehman has more protection against that outcome, as it has access to Federal Reserve lending facilities opened after the Bear collapse.

But if mutual funds, hedge funds and other clients stop turning to Lehman for money management or trading help, it will be a further blow to Lehman's ability to drum up earnings, putting more pressure on the firm.

Daniel Dektar, a portfolio manager at Smith Breeden Associates Inc. in Chapel Hill, N.C., said his firm has minimum rating standards for all its counterparties.

If Lehman's rating is cut, Mr. Dektar said, 'we have to curtail our activities with them - some clients would require us to unwind positions with Lehman, and that's probably true for a lot of money managers.'

The decisions of hedge-fund clients - which borrow money and turn to brokers like Lehman for trading and lending assistance - aren't as essential to Lehman as they were to Bear. Less than 10% of Lehman's revenue has come from prime-brokerage services in recent years, according to Glenn Schorr, a UBS analyst, compared with about 20% for Bear Stearns before its difficulties earlier this year.

Yet the Bear Stearns drama continues to hang over decisions about Lehman. On some trading desks, talking about Lehman is forbidden as hedge-fund managers and other traders fear getting subpoenas from the Securities and Exchange Commission for spreading rumors, as has happened after Bear Stearns's fire sale. 'There's a chill around talking about it,' said one trader, who asked not to be identified.

In recent months, some hedge funds and other clients have been spreading around their prime-brokerage business so as not to concentrate all their counterparty risk in one place.

Some large hedge funds, including Renaissance Technologies Corp., pulled business from Lehman Brothers several months ago, worried about the firm's future. Others in recent days have asked that their trades be matched with a different bank, said one trading-firm executive who asked that his firm's name not be used.

Serena Ng / Gregory Zuckerman / Aaron Lucchetti


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-12 08:46:22
雷曼兄弟控股公司(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.)的交易对手及客户周三如履薄冰,他们一面表达对这家华尔街投行的支持,一面为了保护自身资产而试图悄悄减持与雷曼相关的头寸。

华尔街一致认为雷曼的投资者不会像贝尔斯登公司(Bear Stearns Cos.)的投资者那样一下子变得对它信心全无。市场信心的突然丧失令贝尔斯登轰然倒塌,今年3月不得不低价贱卖。不过对雷曼的许多交易对手来说,即便他们想助雷曼及其员工一臂之力,可面对雷曼股价的一跌再跌,他们其实也不得不进行自我保护了。

高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)、美林公司(Merrill Lynch & Co.)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、德意志银行(Deutsche Bank AG)和瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse Group)周三表示,他们与雷曼的交易仍在继续。大型固定收入基金Pacific Investment Management Co.和贝莱德(BlackRock Inc.)也表示,他们仍和往常一样同雷曼开展交易。





北卡罗来纳州Smith Breeden Associates Inc.的投资组合经理丹尼尔•德克塔(Daniel Dektar)指出,他的公司对交易对手的信贷评级要求是最低的。


而对冲基金这一客户群的决定对雷曼产生的影响就不及它对贝尔斯登的影响那么大了。瑞士银行(UBS)分析师格兰•斯科尔(Glenn Schorr)称,雷曼近年来机构经纪业务的收入仅占公司总收入的不足10%,而贝尔斯登在今年早些时候陷入困境前这一比例大约为20%。对冲基金筹集到资金后会转向雷曼这样的经纪公司,向它们征询交易及贷款建议。



包括Renaissance Technologies Corp.在内的几家大型对冲基金几个月前出于对雷曼前景的担忧终止了与它的业务。一位不愿透露公司姓名的管理人员说,还有些基金最近几天也要求把业务转移至其他银行。

Serena Ng / Gregory Zuckerman / Aaron Lucchetti
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