






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-17 11:56| 查看数: 1750| 评论数: 2|

If Lehman Liquidates, Wall Street Gets Set to Make a Killing

So this is the way it ends. Not with a bang but a whimper Lehman Brothers looks headed into liquidation.

Apparently, you can put dozens of Wall Street's finest into conference rooms at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but they can't rewrite an immutable law of human nature: people act in their self-interest.

And it is in everyone's narrow interest except for Lehman's shareholders, debt holders and employees to see Lehman in bankruptcy proceedings.

Over the weekend, it has become clear that Lehman is a zero sum game. Slice it and dice it. Ring fence asset manager Neuberger Berman. Put the commercial mortgages into a separate vehicle. But the $53 billion of illiquid assets that Lehman has on its books are still bad assets.

Early on the Treasury Department made it clear the U.S. taxpayer doesn't want these assets. Barclays and the Bank of America don't want them either. So the Treasury has tried without success to convince Lehman's Wall Street brethren to take them on.

But why should they?

Imagine you are John Thain, CEO of Merrill Lynch. Unlike Dick Fuld, who has held tight, in July you sold collateralized debt obligations with a face value of $31 billion at 22 cents on the dollar. But you still are capital constrained.

And now you are asked by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, the man who didn't make you CEO of Goldman Sachs, to put up billions of dollars to save Lehman? So that Barclays or BofA can pick up Lehman on the cheap to compete with you? It is humiliating enough that you may soon need one of those banks to bail you out. Indeed, the Wall Street Journal reports that BofA and Merrill are in merger talks.

You can see Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack offer up a couple of billion dollars apiece as acts of noblesse oblige. They know a Lehman bankruptcy would be a big headache come Monday when the credit markets freeze up.

But 'unselfish' acts have their limits. Goldman has billions of dollars dedicated to distressed debt situations just like this. It may very well run counter to the interests of Goldman investors and shareholders to subsidize any deal for Lehman.

This is where the Lehman death drama turns into farce. It isn't a shortage of outside capital that is driving Lehman into bankruptcy. It is the bid-ask spread on its bad assets, or the difference between a buyer's and seller's views on price.

Sure, the $53 billion in assets are illiquid, but at some price there is a buyer. Are the assets worth 10 cents on the dollar or 50 cents on the dollar? Dick Fuld was afraid to find out because he knew that at 10 cents, Lehman likely was bankrupt anyway.

Still, there are tens of billions of dollars of Wall Street capital happy to bid for the assets. Goldman, private-equity firms like J.C. Flowers, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Carlyle Group, TPG or Blackstone Group, hedge funds, distressed-debt funds and sovereign-wealth funds all have capital. They are just waiting for the clearing prices on Lehman's assets to get attractive.

Which is why a Lehman bankruptcy makes sense. Instead of a complex game of chicken between the U.S. Treasury and Wall Street, you have a straightforward auction. Lehman is broken up and its assets sold to the highest bidder. Only in this way will each buyer and the seller be able to fulfill its obligation to act in its self-interest.

Yes, but what about the collective well-being of the markets? What about a feared-for financial apocalypse brought about by the unwinding of Lehman's $600 billion balance sheet?

It may not be pretty, but apparently Wall Street has decided that the price won't be too steep. Or else, it would have put up the money.

If a Chapter 7 filing is made, Wall Street will move on. In offices and conference rooms not far from the New York Fed, bankers probably are already gathering to prepare for bids on assets they hope to pick up on the cheap in any potential Lehman liquidation.

In the coming weeks, Wall Street's vultures will pick over Lehman's still-warm body and wait for one or two more victims to come their way.

Evan Newmark


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-17 11:57:27
雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的路最终走到了尽头──倒得并不惊天动地,却带着丝丝呜咽;残酷的清算命运似乎正等着这家老字号投行。

当然,你可以聚集数十位华尔街精英到纽约联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)开会商讨拯救之道,但他们也无法改写人类不可改变的天性:人的行为都是受自身利益左右的。


过去的这个周末,雷曼兄弟的结局已经明显变成了一个零和游戏。不甘心就此放弃的雷曼兄弟还在挣扎──出售资产管理业务Neuberger Berman,将商业抵押贷款业务分拆成单独实体。然而,该行仍然无法回避帐面上高达530亿美元难以脱手的坏帐资产。

美国财政部早就明确表示,不会用纳税人的钱接这个烫手的山芋。英国的巴克莱银行(Barclays)和美国银行(Bank of America)同样对此兴趣寡然。因此,虽然财政部已经尽力劝说雷曼兄弟的华尔街同行们出手相助,但结果依然是无人响应。


想像一下你是美林公司(Merrill Lynch)首席执行长塞恩(John Thain)。和雷曼兄弟首席执行长富尔德(Dick Fuld)死攥着不肯贱卖不同,你在7月份就以2.2折的跳楼价挥泪甩卖了票面价值高达310亿美元的债权抵押证券(CDO);但你还是感到资本捉襟见肘。

别忘了,鲍尔森当年没提拔你当高盛(Goldman Sachs)的首席执行长。现在他跑来要你掏出数十亿美元拉雷曼兄弟一把?你不买的话,巴克莱和美国银行就可能便宜购入雷曼兄弟,然后和美林竞争?问题是,你自己可能都很快需要某家银行来解救,这已经够丢人的了。实际上,据《华尔街日报》报导,美国银行和美林公司已经在商谈合并的事宜了。

当然,高盛首席执行长布兰克费恩(Lloyd Blankfein)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)首席执行长麦晋桁(John Mack)可以每人拿出了数十亿美元,显示一点高姿态。他们知道,在信贷市场冰封之际,下周一雷曼兄弟破产的消息会给市场带来重大冲击。




华尔街仍然有上百亿美元的资本对这些资产有兴趣。高盛、J.C. Flowers、Kohlberg Kravis Roberts、凯雷投资集团(Carlyle Group)、TPG或百仕通集团(Blackstone Group)等一干私人资本运营公司、对冲基金、高风险债务基金和主权财富基金手上都有钱。这些家伙都虎视眈眈地在一旁等着,打算以清算价收购雷曼兄弟资产大赚一笔。






Evan Newmark
lisa22901350 发表于 2008-9-17 12:17:57
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