






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-24 11:37| 查看数: 1369| 评论数: 2|

China Investment Corp. Wants You

Job-seeking Wall Street types don't have a lot of options. Cutbacks have eliminated tens of thousands of jobs. The number of investment banks narrows seemingly by the day.

How about going to work for China?

China Investment Corp., Beijing's $200 billion sovereign wealth fund, is launching a new round of recruiting, aiming to fill more than 30 spots from macroeconomic research to stock picking. With Wall Street firms slashing payrolls globally, Chinese working for global investment banks may be tempted to take up public service and help the motherland invest its cash stockpiles. Hey, at least they've got a nice, fat balance sheet.

CIC needs all the help it can get. Set up a year ago, it started with some staff borrowed from a government agency - Central Huijin Investment Ltd. - created to bail out and hold shares in Chinese banks. CIC launched a recruiting drive in November last year, but senior managers have had trouble attracting talent and have instead turned to global investment banks and law firms to second some of their junior staff. Many firms have seconded workers to CIC in an effort to win favor with Chinese officials. One banker recently described a pitch meeting with CIC in which a seconded colleague sat on the other side of the negotiating table.

The young sovereign wealth fund hasn't netted great returns so far, yielding more criticism at home than praise. CIC parked $3 billion in Blackstone Group (BX) at the peak of private equity euphoria in May 2007. It also paid $5.6 billion for a stake in Morgan Stanley (MS) in December, just as subprime-loaded balance sheets went from sour to toxic. Some of those investing mistakes can be attributed to inexperience, but more experienced sovereign investors such as Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd. have also taken a beating on Wall Street deals.

So why hasn't CIC been poaching? Much of the problem lies in compensation. CIC remains a state-owned company, and that puts restraints on the salaries it can pay its employees. Culture also plays a role. Few investment bankers, even Chinese in Hong Kong working for global banks, find it easy to shift from a global company where winning big returns for your firm can net big returns for yourself to a more bureaucratic job where hierarchy and procedure get more emphasis.

If you can shift your mindset, send in your resumes. China is waiting.

Rick Carew


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-24 11:38:44


拥有2,000亿美元资产的中国主权财富基金中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corp.)正在进行新一轮招聘,从宏观经济研究到选股等多个领域的30多个职位正虚位以待。随着华尔街金融机构纷纷在全球范围大幅裁员,那些为全球投行工作的中国人可能会有兴趣去从事公共服务工作,帮助中国把巨额外汇储备用于投资。嘿,至少他们不必再为公司的财务状况发愁。

中投公司需要尽可能地招募人才。该公司一年前初创时,其人员都是从政府机构中央汇金投资有限责任公司(Central Huijin Investment Co.)借调的,后者专为拯救并持股中国各家银行而设。中投公司去年11月开始进行大规模招聘,不过却难以吸引到优秀人才,于是公司高管们将目光转向了全球投行和律师事务所那些资历较浅的人员。很多公司都愿意把员工借调给中投公司,以便赢得中国官员的好感。一位银行家最近说,在一次与中投公司的推介会上,一位借调过去的同事就坐在谈判桌的另一边。

中投公司这家初出茅庐的主权财富基金目前尚未赚到大钱,国内的舆论对它也是贬多褒少。2007年5月私人资本运营行业鼎盛之际,中投公司斥资30亿美元收购了百仕通集团(Blackstone Group L.P.)的部分股份。去年12月,该公司又以56亿美元的价格收购了摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)部分股份,当时正值为次贷所累的华尔街公司财务状况由弱变糟之际。其中有些投资失误可以归咎于缺乏经验,不过淡马锡控股(Temasek Holdings)这样经验丰富的主权资金投资者也在华尔街的投资交易上跌了跟头。



Rick Carew
kathy 发表于 2015-6-4 20:57:24
Good. Thank you.
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