






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-12-30 20:41| 查看数: 1102| 评论数: 0|

Andrew Call(L) and Omar Lopez-Cepero, cast members of Green Day's Broadway musical "American Idiot", prepare to shred a bad memory provided by Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong at the fourth annual Good Riddance Day in New York's Times Square.

Looking forward to next year was not enough for some New Yorkers Tuesday. First, they needed to shredthe bad bits of 2010.

So on annual Good Riddance Day, members of the public were invited to jot downtheir least favorite moments and memories, then stuff the paper into a giant shredderset up at Times Square.

Big Apple resident Melissa Altman said she shredded "a name, a person I liked for a while, a person I just want to get rid of."

"It's the guy who didn't know I existed," another woman said, throwing her piece of paper into a bin, which then dumped its cargo into the truck-sized shredder.

Two cast members from the musical "American Idiot" tore up a note inscribed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," referring to the recently overturned law that barred gays from serving openly in the military. That too went into the big shredder.

One woman said she had scribbled "California" on her paper.

Others had less grandiosegrudges from 2010. "Inhibition, passive smoking and restless leg syndrome," Seth Magee, a graphic artist, wrote on his paper.

Whether the high-tech voodooworks is one thing. But the shredder certainly shreds -- and the shredded paper is recycled as toilet roll.

"You can trust me: none of these memories will ever be seen again once they enter this truck," said organizer Lori Raimondo, with the Times Square Alliance.

The crowd was much smaller than usual on Good Riddance Day on account of the snow left over from a major blizzardon Monday. But on Friday huge numbers of people are expected to greet 2011 on Times Square in relatively balmyconditions.



纽约市民梅丽莎 奥尔特曼说她把一个名字“粉碎”掉了。“我一度很喜欢这个人,但现在只想忘掉他。”




有些人对2010年的怨恨似乎没那么深。一位叫赛斯 麦基的平面设计师在纸上写的是:“拘谨、二手烟和下肢不宁综合症。”


这一活动的组织者——纽约时报广场联盟的洛里 雷蒙德说:“相信我,一旦这些记忆进了碎纸机,人们就再也不会看到它们了。”



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