






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-25 11:39| 查看数: 1474| 评论数: 1|

Japanese Banks Roaring Up Wall Street

The Japanese are back.

For the first time since the early 1990s, Japanese investors are making big, risky bets in the U.S. Instead of snapping up trophy assets like Pebble Beach and Rockefeller Center, however, the Japanese are helping to recapitalize the U.S. financial system.

On Monday, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Japan's largest banking group by market capitalization, said it would acquire 20% of Morgan Stanley. The deal hasn't been finalized, but MUFG will pay $8 billion to $9 billion, according to people familiar with the matter, a premium of about one-third to Morgan Stanley's closing share price Friday.

Also Monday, Nomura Holdings Inc., Japan's largest brokerage house by market cap, won an auction for the Asian operations of Wall Street firm Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., which is in bankruptcy-court protection. Nomura is paying $225 million for the equities, fixed-income and investment-banking operations of Lehman across the region, including in Japan and Australia, according to a person familiar with the situation, and includes $50 million in goodwill.

The moves show how the U.S. financial crisis has opened up opportunities for cash-rich foreign companies from Asia to the Middle East. While many had expected Chinese banks to become more prominent players, it is the Japanese financial companies, which have been relatively unscathed by the financial crisis so far, that are acting aggressively.

One reason is that after years of caution spent weathering the economic woes at home, Japan's banks are looking for growth. Japan remains the world's second-largest economy as measured by gross domestic output, but with its graying population, it is a growth laggard. In order to secure future prosperity, its institutions have to look abroad.

Nevertheless, the investments in the U.S. financial sector have come as a surprise, given Japan's reputation for risk aversion. Over the past year, sovereign wealth funds from Singapore to Abu Dhabi have taken huge hits on their investments.

Morgan Stanley needed the capital infusion because it and other investment banks found that they didn't have enough balance-sheet strength to support leveraged bets on markets from U.S. mortgages to international stocks. Morgan Stanley secured an investment from China Investment Corp., an investment arm of the Chinese government, late last year.

MUFG has been the most aggressive of the Japanese banks. Realizing there weren't adequate growth opportunities at home, MUFG officials have repeatedly said they were talking to several companies overseas to find investment opportunities that would help the bank expand its presence in strategic areas such as investment banking.

The first such deal was announced in August. MUFG agreed to pay a little more than $10 billion for the 35% of UnionBanCal Corp. that it hadn't already owned, making the San Francisco bank holding company a wholly owned subsidiary.

On Monday, an MUFG spokesman said the company wishes to partner with Morgan Stanley across a wide range of investing activities. If the deal closes, a representative of MUFG will join the Morgan Stanley board.

John J. Mack, Morgan Stanley's chairman and chief executive officer, said, 'This strategic alliance with Mitsubishi UFJ can put Morgan Stanley in an even stronger position as we look to realize the opportunities we see in the rapidly changing financial marketplace.'

Other financial companies have also invested in Western banks recently. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Japan's No. 2 bank by market cap, in June said it would inject nearly $1 billion in the U.K.'s Barclays PLC. Mizuho Financial Group in January said it would provide $1.2 billion to Merrill Lynch & Co. through the purchase of preferred shares.

The deals illustrate the reversal of fortunes between the financial sectors in Japan and the U.S. A decade ago, Japanese banks were damaged from their own bad-loan problems, requiring the government to spend nearly $440 billion to strengthen them. Many financial companies have consolidated and restructured since then, and have regained their health recently.

Many have been eager to expand overseas to keep their businesses growing at a time when the domestic market is shrinking because of a declining population.

Alison Tudor


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-25 11:43:01


九十年代初以来第一次,日本投资者在美国进行大规模高风险投资。不过,这次他们可没有收购卵石滩(Pebble Beach)和洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center)这样的标志着性资产,而是协助美国金融体系重新调整资本结构。

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan



日本三菱UFJ金融集团(MUFG)周一表示,将收购摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) 20%的股份。MUFG是日本市值最大的银行集团。这一交易尚未完成,但据知情人士透露,该集团有意支付80亿-90亿美元。收购价较摩根士丹利上周五收盘价溢价大约三分之一。

同样在周一,日本市值最大的证券经纪公司野村控股(Nomura Holdings Inc.)通过拍卖成功购得雷曼兄弟控股公司(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.)旗下亚洲业务。雷曼兄弟已经申请了破产保护。据一位知情人士表示,野村证券斥资2.25亿美元收购雷曼兄弟旗下亚洲(包括日本和澳大利亚)股票、固定收益和投资银行业务,其中还包括5,000万美元的商誉。




摩根士丹利急切需要注资,因为该行和其他投资银行发现自己没有充足的资产负债实力,难以支持从美国抵押贷款到国际股市等诸多市场的杠杆投资。摩根士丹利去年年底从中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corp.)获得了注资,后者是中国政府的投资部门。


MUFG于8月份宣布了第一笔此类交易,同意支付略高于100亿美元的价格,收购其尚未持有的UnionBanCal Corp. 35%的股份,从而使这家旧金山银行控股公司成为MUFG的全资子公司。


摩根士丹利董事长兼首席执行长麦晋桁(John J. Mack)表示,与MUFG达成的战略联盟将增强摩根士丹利的实力,我们会努力把握在金融领域迅速变动中呈现的投资机遇。

其他日本金融公司近来也纷纷投资西方银行。日本市值排名第二的银行三井住友金融集团(Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc.) 6月份也表示,计划向英国巴克莱集团(Barclays PLC)注资将近10亿美元。而瑞穗金融集团(Mizuho Financial Group)在今年1月份表示,将通过收购优先股方式向美林公司(Merrill Lynch & Co.)投资12亿美元。



Alison Tudor
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