





鼓起勇气 冲进股市

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-9 19:21| 查看数: 1103| 评论数: 2|

Summon Your Courage and Buy Stocks

During the Great Depression, an entire generation became convinced that owning stocks was dangerous. But if you were among the courageous few who bought and held stocks during and after the Depression, you earned spectacular returns.

Depression-level stock phobia might be making a comeback. Will you suffer from it or conquer it?

This past Monday, a team of researchers conducted an online survey of nearly 600 people nationwide. The results constitute a unique real-time recording of what was running through people's minds from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time on the day the Dow was shedding nearly 778 points in a ragged panic.

First and foremost, Americans are afraid.

Asked whether 'the financial challenges the country is facing now pose a greater threat to the quality of my life' than major natural disasters, 87% agreed; 83% were more worried about the financial crisis than a terrorist attack.

Psychologist Paul Slovic of the University of Oregon, who led the study, had investors estimate the performance of their stocks and stock funds over the next 12 months and the decade to come. When Dr. Slovic last asked this question, in early 2001, only 6.7% of investors expected a zero or negative return during the coming year and a mere 1.3% thought they would have no gains over the next 10 years. This past Monday, however, 36% foresaw no profits in the next 12 months and fully 5% predicted that their portfolios would go absolutely nowhere for a decade.

Investors seem riveted by what is happening, as if they were the witnesses to a fatal accident unspooling in slow motion before their eyes.

The closeness with which Americans say they have tracked events 'is really kind of astounding,' says Dr. Slovic's collaborator at the University of Oregon, psychologist Ellen Peters. Asked how long they had watched the financial news on television each day in the past week, 74% said at least one hour and 15% said four hours or more.

In short, investors' view of the decade to come is being shaped by the events of the last few days. Peering into the future, all they can see is the immediate past, which is full of anger, pain and distrust. As finance professor Meir Statman of Santa Clara University says, 'Fear increases pessimism.'

Add it all up, and it is hard not to be bullish. As an intelligent investor, you must always ask: What is my edge? What information or skill do I possess that the people on the other side of the trade don't? In normal times, that is a high hurdle. Today, however, you need only two things in order to have an automatic edge: cash and courage.

This past Thursday, Columbia Business School held a conference on value investing to commemorate the publication of the revised edition of Benjamin Graham's classic volume, 'Security Analysis.' Seth Klarman of Baupost Group in Boston is an editor of the book and one of the leading value investors in the country.

'Normally, as a buyer you have to compete with a lot of very, very smart competitors,' said Mr. Klarman. 'But many of the smartest people are on the sidelines now because of redemptions, margin calls or panicked-out-of-their-mind selling. So you don't have to be as smart as you did before. You just have to be in the game.'

The day Mr. Klarman spoke, the Dow fell an additional 348 points, and 658 stocks, or more than 15% of the total, hit new 52-week lows on the New York Stock Exchange. Yet the word Mr. Klarman and several other speakers kept using was 'excited.'

That is because investments everywhere are priced as if the whole solar system were going out of business. U.S. stocks have lost 24% since Jan. 1; foreign stocks are off 32%; emerging markets, nearly 40%; junk bonds are down 13%; even municipal bonds have fallen almost 10%. Money is pouring into U.S. Treasury debt -- so much so that stocks now offer more income than bonds do. The dividend yield on the Dow Jones Industrial Average is currently at 3.14%, higher than the 2.68% yield on the five-year Treasury note.

With so many professional money managers afraid to act, with most of the public in the grip of fear and anger, you should put your cash and your courage to work. If you have no cash, use your courage: Rebalance by selling a little of anything that's gone up and buying more of whatever's gone down.

If you have both cash and courage, make a list of 10 stocks you've always wanted to own at 'the right price.' Chances are, they are cheap. Better yet, think of an investment category you've long wanted to venture into, like emerging markets. Chances are, it is on sale. Just about everything is.



chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-9 19:22:22





领导这项研究的俄勒冈大学心理学家保罗•斯洛维奇(Paul Slovic)让投资者预测一下他们所持的股票和股票型基金在未来12个月乃至下一个10年中的表现。当上一次斯洛维奇在2001年初问这个问题时,只有6.7%的投资者认为下一年会是零回报或负回报,只有1.3%的受访者认为他们的投资在未来10年里不会增值。然而,在上周一的调查中,36%的受访者预计未来12个月无法盈利,足有5%的受访者认为他们的投资组合在今后10年里不会增值。


斯洛维奇在俄勒冈大学的合作者、心理学家艾伦•彼得斯(Ellen Peters)称,美国人对其正追踪的重要事件的密切关注程度着实令人吃惊。在问到过去一周里他们每天在电视上收看多长时间的财经新闻时,有74%的人回答至少1小时,15%的人回答4小时或更长。

简而言之,投资者对下一个10年的看法因过去几天所发生的重要事件而不断改变。面对未来,他们所有人看到的都是过去刚刚发生的事情,充满了愤怒、痛苦和怀疑。正如圣克拉拉大学金融学教授梅尔•斯特曼(Meir Statman)所言,恐惧助长悲观。


上周四,哥伦比亚商学院举行了一场价值投资会议,以纪念本杰明•格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham)的经典著作《证券分析》(Security Analysis)修订版的出版。波士顿Baupost Group的塞思•卡拉曼(Seth Klarman)是本书的编辑,他也是美国赫赫有名的价值投资者之一。





如果你既有现金,又有勇气,那就列出你一直想以“合适的价格” 拥有的10只股票吧。机会就在于它们的价格很便宜。如果能考虑一下早就想进入的投资领域,比如新兴市场,那就更好了。机会就在于它们都在低价出售。放眼望去,几乎所有一切都是如此。

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