






发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2008-10-22 10:57| 查看数: 1412| 评论数: 1|

Reader Survey: Microsoft And Google Take Top Honors


THREE YEARS ago, Google Inc. had a marginal physical presence in Asia -- a handful of staff in sales offices in Japan, Korea and Australia. Flash forward to 2008: The company has 2,000 employees in 15 offices in the region, plus 11 research-and-development centers, where engineers churn out products and services for Asian markets as well as Internet users world-wide.

The Asian focus has helped propel Google up the charts in The Wall Street Journal Asia's reader survey of Asia's most-admired multinationals. Google grabbed the No. 1 spot in the featured category, 'Innovative in Responding to Customer Needs.' It is the second survey in a row Google has held the top spot as an innovator, a category that asks readers to tell us which companies they consider best at bringing new products and services to the market as well as at employing sophisticated customer service.

The company has been especially busy in China. In July, Google invested approximately $1 million in Comsenz Inc., a provider of Bulletin Board System and social-networking software, as well as hosted services for Web sites in China. In 2007, Google bought a stake in Xunlei Network Technology Co., which offers video and game downloads in China; forged ties with popular Web portal Sina.com to jointly offer search and advertising services; and opened an research-and-development center in Shanghai, its second in China.

'We've been in massive growth mode in Asia,' says Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Google's president of Asia Pacific and Latin America Operations. 'In 2005, we made a commitment to invest in a local presence.'

Google also placed in the top three in the category of long-term vision of management. Those two strong showings boosted Google's standing on the overall most-admired list. It rocketed up from seventh place in 2006 to second most-admired multinational in this survey.

Once again, readers voted software giant Microsoft Corp. as Asia's overall top company. It occupies first place for the 12th consecutive survey. Microsoft placed second in the innovation category, up from eighth place the in 2006. Readers again voted Microsoft No. 1 in two of the five categories: long-term vision and financial reputation.

Canon Inc. was selected No. 1 for quality of products and services, and BMW AG was voted tops for corporate reputation.

Toyota Motor Corp., Nokia Corp., and Intel Corp. round out the overall most-admired top five.

A total of 2,477 executives and professionals participated in the survey, which was conducted last year between May 11 and July 3. On behalf of The Wall Street Journal, market-research firm Colmar Brunton polled subscribers as well as other businesspeople in 12 Asia-Pacific countries. Fascination with technology

The dominance of Internet, software and consumer-electronics companies in our regional survey highlights the importance of technological innovation to Asian consumers. Eight of the survey's top 10 most-admired multinationals are technology companies. Nine of the top 10 innovators are from the technology or consumer-electronics sector, including Nokia, Yahoo Inc., Sony Corp., Apple Inc., Nintendo Co., Samsung Electronics Co. and eBay Inc.

'Many people in Asia have a fascination with technology because it is a symbol of advancement,' says Chris Beaumont, chairman and chief executive of advertising and marketing agency Grey Group Japan, and chief strategy officer for Asia. 'Multinational technology companies are well-respected because they bring the new global standard and make a material difference to improve peoples' lives.'

Microsoft's long-running dominance of our Asian survey is no surprise to industry analysts. 'It's hard to argue with success,' says David Mitchell Smith, an analyst in Bedford, N.H., with technology-research firm Gartner Inc.

Analysts say Microsoft's high ranking probably has to do with the effort it puts into localizing products. In India alone, Microsoft has made 14 local-language packs that people can download free.

'Having a product in local languages is crucial to achieving the goal of putting the power of technology into the hands of more people, especially as 32% of all known languages are from Asia,' says Emilio Umeoka, Microsoft's Asia Pacific president. 'Some countries require the use of multiple languages at once, so we developed a multilingual system that could easily switch between dialects to make it appropriate and adaptable to various groups within each market. '

Asia now plays a key part in Microsoft's global quest for innovation. Microsoft invests $7 billion annually in research and development, and today two of Microsoft Research's five labs are in Asia -- one in Bangalore, India, and one in Beijing. 'Microsoft Research Asia has also achieved many technological breakthroughs. More than 200 innovations from the Beijing lab alone have been transferred to Microsoft products, including Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2007, Xbox and Windows Live. In addition, the Microsoft India Development Centre in Hyderabad has filed over 220 patents over the last four years,' says Mr. Umeoka.

Innovation that makes software more affordable for developing markets is another reason for Microsoft's high profile in Asia. One example is pay-as-you-go subscription computing, something Microsoft is piloting in India. Small-business owners can subscribe to business-related services, like accounting or Web hosting; a family could subscribe to a portal that offers distance learning.

The company also has rolled out Windows Starter, a low-cost, easy-to-use, bare-bones operating system for emerging markets that Microsoft launched in Thailand in 2003 as part of a joint project with the Thai government to make personal computers more affordable. More than one million people in developing markets use PCs with Windows Starter, says Mr. Umeoka.

It is also easy to see why Google rates so highly as an innovator.

'People think of Google as an innovative company because they're constantly trying new things. Some is the result of acquisitions, like YouTube and Google Earth. But they've also done quite a bit of other kinds of things,' says Mr. Smith, at Gartner, citing Web-based mail with virtually unlimited storage and Google Gears, which enables computer users to move Web applications offline.

Initially, Google's sales staff serviced clients in places like Singapore from their Palo Alto, Calif., offices. But in 2005 the company began to scale up its physical presence here, with Asia-based staff offering Asia-based products and services.

Analysts see Google's Asia commitment expanding. 'Google may account for 60% of search queries world-wide, but if Asia is the fastest-growing part of the Internet-search market and Google can't deliver strong market share, and can't sustain a strong search-market presence in the region, then its share of overall global queries will decline,' says Mark Mahaney, San Francisco-based director of Internet research at Citigroup Investment Research. Growth in China

China is the key to tapping that Asian growth. China's Internet user base surpassed the U.S. earlier this year. China had 253 million Internet users by the end of June, up 56.2% from the year before, according to the China Internet Network Information Center, a government research agency.

China's Internet advertising and online retail market is tiny -- just 5% of that of the U.S. -- but as China's economy, infrastructure and credit-card payments systems improve, that vast pool of Internet users should translate into a profitable market for Internet companies.

Google is the most popular search engine in certain Asian markets, like Australia, Singapore and India, but it runs a distant second to China's most popular search engine, Baidu.com Inc. Baidu has 63% of the Chinese search market share, while Google has 26%, according second-quarter data research by Shanghai-based iResearch. A measure of Baidu's local success: Our survey respondents in China voted it that country's most-innovative company.

Deals like the one Google signed with Sina.com, its investment in Comsenz and Xunlei, and ongoing product improvements in China will help, Mr. Mahaney says.

Google also signed a deal with China Mobile Ltd. in January 2007 to provide mobile online-search services, similar to a deal it signed with Bharti Airtel Ltd. in India in December 2006. In Japan, Google recently joined with mobile operators NTT DoCoMo and KDDI to provide Google Web Search and other services on DoCoMo i-mode and KDDI mobile handsets.

'We're glad to have partnerships with local companies that enable us to offer our products to more users in Asia on their mobile phones, a format that's already comfortable for them. We're also excited to see the growth in mobile advertising, and we recognize that there's a lot of potential in that area,' Google's Ms. Singh Cassidy says.

Turning out services with local language and local content -- like Google Maps for China -- is an important part of the company's strategy, she says.

'We've been rapidly introducing local products that enhance the way users experience the Web and that get them involved early on with some of our newest technologies. We recently introduced Street View in Australia and Japan, as well as iGoogle in a number of countries. Users are trying out YouTube in their own languages, and our Indian users are helping us test voice and [text-messaging] search products. That kind of engagement is truly how we measure our investment in the region,' Ms. Singh Cassidy says

The company declined to say what portion of revenue it earns in Asia or how much it has invested in the region. 'The fact that we have over 2,000 people in Asia of a global employee pool of 13,000 tells you how important the region is,' Ms. Singh Cassidy says. Other standouts

In the other categories, Canon's position as the world's largest manufacturer of digital cameras and office copying equipment cemented its strong profile among our survey respondents. Canon had a 43% share of the digital SLR camera market in 2007, followed by Nikon with 40% and Sony with 6%, according to market-research company International Data Corp. Canon had a 19% share of the global digital still-camera market in 2007, followed by Sony at 16% and Eastman Kodak Co. at 10%.

Throughout Asia, meanwhile, 'BMW is the brand younger professionals, celebrities and 'new money' aspire to in most Asian countries,' says Ashvin Chotai, managing director at London-based Intelligence Automotive Asia. 'BMW has stuck to its core values and engineering excellence,' and its culture hasn't been diluted by mergers and acquisitions, he adds.

Cris Prystay


shunitang 发表于 2008-10-22 10:58:23


谷歌在中国的业务相当繁忙。7月份,谷歌斥资约100万美元投资康胜创想(Comsenz Inc.)。这是一家提供BBS、社交网络软件和网站主机托管服务的中国公司。2007年,谷歌入股向中国用户提供视频和游戏下载的迅雷网络技术有限公司(Xunlei Network Technology Co.),并与影响广泛的门户网站新浪网(Sina.com)展开合作,共同提供搜索和广告服务。同年,谷歌又在上海设立了其在中国的第二家研发中心。

Associated Press




谷歌亚太和拉美业务总裁舒克辛德•辛格•卡西迪(Sukhinder Singh Cassidy)说:“在亚洲,谷歌的业务正处于高速增长期。从2005年起,我们致力于投资设立本土业务实体。”



佳能(Canon)被评为最佳质量管理公司,宝马(BMW AG)则被评为最佳声誉公司。

丰田(Toyota Motor)、诺基亚(Nokia)和英特尔公司(Intel)也都跻身“最受尊敬跨国公司”总榜的前五名。

共有2,477位企业高管和专业人员参与了去年5月11日至7月3日举办的调查。市场调查公司Colmar Brunton则代表《华尔街日报》对亚太12个国家和地区的报纸订户及其他商务人士进行了调查。



广告营销机构精信环球集团(Grey Group)日本公司董事长兼首席执行官、亚洲区首席策略长克里斯•比尔莫特(Chris Beaumont)表示:“很多亚洲人对于科技十分推崇,因为科技是先进的象征。跨国科技公司之所以备受追捧,是由于这些公司带来新的国际标准,明显改善了人们的生活。”

对于行业分析师来说,微软长期在亚洲排行榜上雄居榜首并不意外。新罕布什尔州贝福德市技术研究公司Gartner的分析师大卫•米歇尔•史密斯(David Mitchell Smith)表示:“微软的成功不容置疑。”


微软亚太区总裁艾米利奥•乌米欧卡(Emilio Umeoka)说:“要想实现‘用技术造福更多人’的目标,提供本土语言的产品至关重要,在亚洲尤其如此,因为人类已知语种的32%都来自亚洲。有些国家同时使用多种语言,促使我们开发出可以在不同方言之间进行简便转换的多语言系统,以满足每个市场中的不同群体。”


亚洲也是微软全球创新计划中的重要一环。微软每年研发投入达到70亿美元,目前五家研发中心中有两家设在亚洲,分别设于印度的班加罗尔和中国的北京。乌米欧卡透露:“微软亚洲研发部门实现了很多技术突破。仅北京实验室就有200多项技术革新已经转化为产品,包括Windows Vista、Office 2007、Xbox和Windows Live。此外,位于海德拉巴的微软印度开发中心在过去四年里也申报了220多项专利。”


微软还于2003年在泰国推出低成本、易于操作的核心操作系统Windows Starter。这款面向发展中国家的操作系统是微软与泰国政府合作项目的一部分,项目的宗旨是使个人电脑的价格更加“平易近人”。乌米欧卡透露,目前在发展中国家有100万以上的用户使用装有Windows Starter的个人电脑。


Gatner公司的史密斯认为,人们将谷歌视为创新公司,是由于谷歌不断尝试新事物,其中包括通过收购获得的新业务,如YouTube和谷歌地球。当然还有其它类型的创新,如实际上拥有无限存储空间的网络邮件、以及帮助电脑用户离线使用网络功能的Google Gears。


分析师认为谷歌对亚洲的重视程度正在不断增加。花旗集团投资研究部(Citigroup Investment Research)驻旧金山的互联网研究部主任马克•马哈尼(Mark Mahaney)说:“谷歌在全球搜索引擎市场可能已经占有60%的份额。不过亚洲才是全球成长最快的互联网搜索市场,如果谷歌不能在这一市场占据较大的份额、在当地搜索引擎市场保持强大的市场地位,其在全球搜索引擎市场的份额就会下降。”





马哈尼认为,与新浪等公司的合作、对康盛创想(Comsenz )和迅雷的投资、以及持续不断的产品改善,都能推动谷歌在中国的业务。

谷歌还在2007年1月与中国移动达成交易提供手机在线搜索服务,这项交易与谷歌公司2006年12月与印度Bharti Airtel达成的交易类似。最近,谷歌又与日本手机运营商NTT移动通讯(NTT DoCoMo Inc.)和KDDI达成协议,利用NTT移动通讯的i-mode平台和KDDI手机提供谷歌网站搜索等服务。






在其它分类排行榜上,佳能公司作为世界上最大的数码相机及办公复印设备生产商,继续巩固自己在亚洲受访者心中的卓越形像。根据市场调查公司国际数据咨询公司的数据,2007年佳能在数码单反相机市场获得43%的市场份额,其次是尼康(Nikon)的40%和索尼的6%。2007年佳能在国际静态数码相机市场占有19%的份额,其次是索尼的16%和伊斯曼柯达公司(Eastman Kodak)的10%。

伦敦亚洲汽车情报机构(Intelligence Automotive Asia)执行董事阿什温•科泰(Ashvin Chotai)表示,在大多数亚洲国家,宝马是最受青年专业人士、社会名流和富豪新贵们追捧的品牌,因为宝马始终坚持核心价值观并创造最优秀的产品,其企业文化并没有因为并购而被冲淡。
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