






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-24 13:09| 查看数: 1703| 评论数: 1|

Going Dark: China's Computer Screens

Computer screens are darkening in China, and it's not because the nation's netizens are powering down.

Several dozen users of Microsoft's XP operating system and its Office software took to the Internet today to say that their desktop backgrounds had begun turning black. The switch doesn't render the computer unusable, but it undoes people's efforts to personalize their computer screens with photos or designs. Many said they were able to restore their original desktops only to have their screens turn black again an hour later.

The users have run into one of Microsoft Corp.'s latest anti-piracy efforts. Its Windows Genuine Advantage software, installed via recent online updates, determines whether the software on the computer is legitimate or pirated. Users will be treated with plain black desktop if their computers fail the validation process. Meanwhile, a persistent desktop notification will pop up at the right corner, warning that the user may be a victim of software counterfeiting.

The company says that many of the press reports so far have misinterpreted the new measure. Background images can be returned. Users can purchase the software they're using. And during the whole process, the user's applications won't be affected and information won't get lost.

The software isn't restricted to China, but with many users owning illegitimate copies it has created a stir online there. According to the stats from several popular online forums such as Tianya.com, more than 50 users were treated with black desktop about 10 minutes past midnight.

At issue, say users, is the price of a legitimate copy of Windows XP. Windows XP is sold at $199, which is over 1,400 yuan. The company says that it has already adjusted the policy to make the price more attractive to Chinese computer users. For instance, the Windows XP Home/Student Edition is sold at a promotion price of 199 yuan, and suggested price for Windows Vista Service Pack is 499 yuan. Still, the price is steep for many Chinese users who have vastly cheaper pirated versions available to them.

One survey on Sina.com showed that 86% out of 90,000 people participating say they 'won't consider a shift to genuine Windows because of the crackdown by Microsoft.' 'We do not stand up for piracy, but against your company for not thinking how the users feel,' wrote blogger going by the name Ling Ge in an open letter to Microsoft.

Popular Web site Sohu.com said a Beijing-based lawyer, Dong Zhengwei, reported the case to the State Public Security Bureau, saying that Microsoft is infringing on the privacy of Chinese users.

Others had a bit of fun. Last night, drawn by media reports that black screens were imminent, hundreds crowded the discussion room in Douban.com, named 'black screen countdown,' waiting for the blackout to come. 'It'll be so exciting to have a live broadcast when thousands of computers go black!' wrote a netizen from Guangzhou.

Some preset the system time on their computers to view the blackout, with help from online instructions. Some even made their own blackscreen wallpaper to make fun of Microsoft's new anti-piracy measures. One read, 'absolutely pirated edition/voluntarily black screened.'


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-24 13:09:40





这些用户是中了微软的反盗版新招。微软的Windows Genuine Advantage软件通过最近的更新程序安装在了用户的电脑上,它会检测电脑上的软件是正版还是盗版。如果用户的电脑没有通过验证,就会“享受”纯黑色桌面待遇。与此同时,屏幕右下角会弹出一个持续存在的桌面提示,提醒用户可能是盗版软件的受害者。



用户们说,关键问题是正版Windows XP的价格。该操作系统售价199美元,也就是人民币1,400多元。微软表示,已经调整销售政策,让售价对中国电脑用户更具吸引力。比如说,Windows XP家庭版/学生版是以人民币199元的促销价销售,而Windows Vista更新程序的建议售价为人民币499元。不过,对于有便宜得多的盗版可用的许多中国用户而言,这个价格还是太高了。




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