





如何转换Windows Media音乐文件

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-24 13:16| 查看数: 1559| 评论数: 1|

Transferring a Windows Media Music File

[Technology columnist Walter S. Mossberg answers readers' questions]

Q: Is there a way to transfer a Windows Media music file to iTunes?

A: If the Windows Media file is copy-protected, typically because you bought it from an online store that copy-protects its music, iTunes cannot import or play it. However, if it is unprotected, which is typical for files you created from your own CDs using Windows Media Player, iTunes can import the file and automatically convert it into a format it can use.

Q: I need to buy a new laptop computer and am wondering if you think Vista is wise at this point or should I still stick with Windows XP if I can find it? I only do emails, browsing the net and some downloading of music and photos. I am retired and don't know much about computers.

A: Vista easily handles the tasks you want to do, but it will require heftier hardware to work at acceptable speeds, and, assuming you are used to working with XP, Vista will require you to learn some new things. If you buy XP, you can get away with a more modestly equipped computer, and you will be working with a more familiar interface. So, in your particular situation, I would suggest an XP machine. But I urge you to make sure it gets upgraded to the latest revision, called SP3, which bolsters the security of XP, so it is closer to that of Vista. Depending on your setup, this upgrade may be delivered automatically by Microsoft, but you may have to agree to accept it.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-24 13:17:07

问:有什么方法可以把Windows Media格式的音乐文件转换成iTunes能读取的格式?

答:如果相关的Windows Media音乐文件有版权保护设置,iTunes就无法导入或播放它。一般从网络商店购买的音乐都会有版权保护。但是,如果这个音乐文件没有此种设置,比如你利用Windows媒体播放器(Windows Media Player)从自己的CD上拷下来的音乐,那么iTunes就可以导入并自动把它转换成可用的格式。

问:我需要买一台新的笔记本电脑。你觉得我现在是该用Vista系统,还是坚持用Windows XP?我平常只用电脑发发邮件,浏览网页,有时候下载点音乐和照片。我已经退休了,不太懂电脑。

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