





微软公开演示Windows 7

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-30 11:09| 查看数: 1242| 评论数: 2|

Microsoft Hopes To Learn From Vista's Mistakes

Microsoft Corp. gave the first extensive public demonstration of the next release of its Windows operating system as it seeks to avoid some of the stumbles that occurred with the last version, Windows Vista.

At a technical conference here, the Redmond, Wash., company also provided programmers with a test version of the software, dubbed Windows 7. The move is an important step to drum up support among independent developers.

Microsoft said it would also further embrace a growing shift towards online software by making a future Web-based version of its Office suite of productivity applications available free. It is a move to counter efforts by Google Inc. and others to encroach on Microsoft's turf with free word processing, spreadsheet and other programs.

Microsoft's Windows Vista received a critical drubbing when it was released nearly two years ago. Vista was criticized for the sluggish performance of the software and initial incompatibilities with digital cameras and some other devices. Microsoft says the incompatibilities have largely been corrected with updates to Windows Vista.

At the same time, Windows Vista endured attacks from rival Apple Inc. in a long-running advertising campaign for Apple's Macintosh computers. Microsoft recently began an ad campaign for Windows, partly to correct the negative perception of the software.

Microsoft said Windows 7 will come with improvements including a feature called 'libraries' that will give consumers a way to easily access music, videos, photos and other documents that are located on many different storage devices, whether other PCs are connected to a home network or removable drives.

Another feature called 'homegroup' will make it easier for users with, say, a laptop to move their machine between office, home and other locations. The feature will automatically configure the laptop, for example, to work with a local printer so users don't have to manually adjust their printer settings.

Microsoft executives said they are designing Windows 7 to run more speedily than Vista. They're working closely with hardware makers to ensure the software has no trouble recognizing and working with devices like printers, cameras and other products. 'That's critical for us,' said Bill Veghte, senior vice president for Microsoft's Windows business.

Microsoft has said it expects to ship Windows 7 for consumers by January 2010.

Microsoft's move to make Web-versions of its Office suite, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint, for free online represents a gamble that it can expand its audience for the software without cannibalizing one of the company's biggest cash cows.

Microsoft Senior Vice President Chris Capossela said he doesn't believe people will choose to use the free online version of the software instead of buying the software and installing it on their PCs. That's in part because the online versions won't be as responsive for large, complex files -- for example, Word documents with lots of pages of text and photos.

Instead, Mr. Capossela says Microsoft sees the Office Web applications as an opportunity to make at least some revenue through advertising from consumers who wouldn't otherwise purchase the software.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-30 11:21:41

软(Microsoft Corp.)首次大规模公开演示其Windows操作系统的下一个版本,希望以此避免上一版Windows Vista遇到的一些问题。



微软在一场技术研讨会上还向程序员们提供了名为Windows 7的新版操作系统的测试版。这是其争取独立开发员支持的一个重要行动。

微软表示,将进一步迎合当前的软件网络化潮流,免费提供一款网络版Office应用软件包。此举是为还击谷歌(Google Inc.)及其他竞争对手以免费的文字处理、电子制表及其他程序蚕食微软势力范围的行动。




Windows 7操作系统

与此同时,Vista还受到竞争对手苹果公司(Apple Inc.) Macintosh电脑广告攻势的冲击。微软最近启动了一项Windows广告宣传活动,在某种程度上是想改变人们对Windows的负面印象。

微软称,Window 7将会有一些改进,包括一项叫“资料库”的功能,用户可以轻松访问存在多种不同存储设备上的音乐、视频、照片及其他文件,无论通过家庭网络还是移动设备连接到其他个人电脑都可以实现。


微软管理人员称,他们希望让Windows 7比Vista运行速度更快。他们与硬件制造商密切合作,确保该软件在识别兼容打印机、照相机和其他产品方面没有任何问题。微软负责Windows业务的高级副总裁Bill Veghte说,这对我们来说至关重要。

微软已表示预计将在2010年1月前向用户发布Windows 7。


微软高级副总裁克里斯•卡波塞拉(Chris Capossela)说,他不认为人们会因为使用该软件的免费网络版而放弃购买这款软件并安装在电脑上。部分原因在于,网络版无法很好地处理复杂的大文件--比如说有许多页文本和图片的Word文件。

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