






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2011-1-4 18:43| 查看数: 1204| 评论数: 0|

  white shark Bruce gives up his fish-munching ways at an alcoholics anonymous style, self help meet. And as this incredible real life image shows, sharks in the real world seem to be following in Bruce's fin-steps.


  The image taken by underwater photographer Daniel Selmeczi, shows a school of pilot fish swarming around an oceani whitetip shark. Pilot fish are carniverous and are often found in the company of sharks, manta ray and giant turtles. A school of pilot fish swarming around a oceanic whitetip shark. The relationship is mutually beneficial - the fish gain protection from the larger predators known as 'mutualism' where different species exist side-by-side while the shark is kept clear of parasites.

  这张经典照片由水下摄影师Daniel Selmeczi拍摄,照片中,一群舟狮(常与鲨鱼同游的‘小丑鱼’)围绕着大白鲨在海洋中泰然自若地游泳,大白鲨不仅没把可爱的小舟狮当做食物,反倒担任起保护它们的责任。而这种和谐的关系来源于他们“互相帮助”的精神,因为小丑鱼们也帮助鲨鱼清理它身上的“寄生虫”。据悉,一起与鲨鱼同行的队伍十分庞大,团队成员还有“小魔鬼鱼”以及大海龟等等。

  摄影师Daniel Selmeczi自豪地告诉记者:“我从2002年开始从事水下摄影业,全世界旅行拍摄好照片,而这张是我最喜欢的。后面有人

  He said: 'I have been taking underwater photographs since 2002 and have travelled to Egypt, the Bahamas, Costa Rica,Indonesia and Malaysia in search of the perfect photograph.'And this one is one of my favourites, it's rare to capture fish surrounding a shark quite like this.'I was shocked when someone pointed out my picture looked like a scene from Finding Nemo, I love the film so it has just made me like my image even more.'



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