





[原创]Share feeling,to be friend

发布者: abc | 发布时间: 2005-10-19 03:29| 查看数: 44752| 评论数: 115|

I am glad to meet you all.
Many articles and researches are talking about how internet change the world, and why poeple like to talk with someone who they hardly know, even more than their real friends.
Who cares.
I like to share my happiness when i feel great, and need someone listen to me when I feel really sad. Just few words and piece of suggestion is good.
The posts and replies here make me feel comfortable;therefore, I initiate this diary like post to share my daily life with you. Anyone wants to join; you are my friend. I do not have to know you or see you, whoever and wherever you are, neither do you. Internet connects us; that is amazing.
Life is hard, friendship is treasure; let's face this world.
Someday, I may say "Oh, this life is not bad because of a friend who I never see and never know."  Will it be sad or happy at that moment? I do not know.
<STRONG>However, I do know if 999 replies i can get here, I am going to be very very very happy; otherwise...</STRONG>
<STRONG>Come on, guys, do not let me down, ok?</STRONG><br><br>
[此贴子已经被slowpoke于2005-10-19 18:20:41编辑过]


david 发表于 2005-10-19 09:42:08
hi,abc.I am glad to meet you.Your English is very good.I hope you can make a great effort in our forum.
Let's build a beautiful and comfertale Family together.
Thank you.
Cactus 发表于 2005-10-19 11:55:30

<FONT size=3>Dear ABC,</FONT>
<FONT size=3>You are really sort of greedy in the hope of getting 999 replies. Nevertheless, I'm sure everybody that has finished reading your post can hardly reject your kind invitation, and thus replying to this post as I'm doing right now.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>I just appreciate your statements that we don't even need to see or know each other, for we are here in this cyber world to talk between souls, which are also invisuable.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>It's my great pleasure to voice chat with you, and I sincerely wish we could exchange more ideas in the writings here in the coming days.</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Sincerely yours,</FONT>
<FONT size=3>Cactus</FONT>
abc 发表于 2005-10-19 12:55:36
No, no, no! I am not greedy. 9 replies from you, 9 from David, and 9 from Slowpoke; then I get 999. haha.
I saw many friends asked English questions in groups. Why not we share daily troubles and happiness together as a family. Somehow, we all have a moment of boring, upset,lose, angry, regret sometimes. Write it down,  kind of release.
Release pressures, release our mind sounds easy; actually not.  Who can say whatever he/she really wants to say? do he/she really wants to do? That is reality.
Find a place, release ourself; Find a friend, a real friend may be right here.

slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-19 18:48:04
Dear ABC,
Welcome! I am sure you will get 999 replies when you have 999 posts. I am looking forward to that day
You are right. It is an advantage of internet forums - we can share our intimate feelings, thoughts with others without having to worry about being judged or even getting hurt (if you know how to protect yourself.). When we get response, we know we are not alone in the world, we can be understood and we have friends around the internet.
You will find friends here.
abc 发表于 2005-10-19 23:03:11
It will be, My hosts. Only matter of time.
I was moved by Cactus's novel. Everyone has his own story which sealed deeply in the heart like a bottle of wine stored in a cellar. The more years it is reseverd, the more browing, and the better taste. After 50 years, open the the bottle, get one glass of that wine. I believe it will be red like rose and smell like heaven. Taste a little,you will smile like Mona Lisa.
Life is we love and be loved. Love can be sealed, but never disapear.
abc 发表于 2005-10-20 02:21:56
I just posted <a href="https://www.enfamily.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=8&amp;ID=491&amp;page=1" target="_blank" ><STRONG>中国高材生的英语之痛大学生不如印度</STRONG>?</A>
What do you feel about this?
Actually, it does not matter what we feel; just need to refresh our mind:
Why still not open mouth  when our grammar is far better than native language speakers?
In fact, Stone posted <a href="https://www.enfamily.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=8&amp;ID=308&amp;page=1" target="_blank" ><STRONG><FONT size=2>中国21世纪的英语教育</FONT></STRONG></A> talking about same thing a week ago, till now, 20 readers, one reply.
<FONT size=2> <U><FONT face=新宋体><STRONG><a href="https://www.enfamily.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=24&amp;ID=301&amp;page=1" target="_blank" >语言是说的(口语练习组)</A></STRONG></FONT></U></FONT> was posted to promote oral English speaking 49 readers, 5 repliesne said join voice group,two good idea, and one no microphone.
Pity, isn't it?<br><br>

lullaby 发表于 2005-10-20 11:11:28
I agree with you.
soso 发表于 2005-10-20 23:10:16
Dear <STRONG><FONT color=#f70909>abc</FONT></STRONG>,
I've replied <FONT color=#000000></FONT><U><FONT color=#f709f7>your forwarded post</FONT></U>, you may have a look of it over there at your convenience. Welcome to comment on my opinion.
Cheers! <br><br><br>

slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-21 00:54:37
Dear Soso,
I read your post and replied. It's very interesting and professional.
Just in case you happen to be interested, check this out: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language" target="_blank" >http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language</A>
It is a comprehensive introduction to international English.

abc 发表于 2005-10-21 03:19:51
Thanks for reply.
In fact, I had no intention to start a debate about Indina and China. The guy's interview experience drew my attention. I wish he would join English Family Voice Chat group right after went back home. Indina and China, that is too big topic for me; I just want to motivate more people to speak English.
The guy's story lets me think lose face and win respect. We heard well-known Han dynasty general Han xin who crept between someone's legs.This somebody surely wan a lot of respect because of that.However, Hanxin conquered China.Somehow, we have to give up something to get something, right? Everyone likes to lose small,and achieve big.
Actually, I had a nice talk with 5 persons today. Cactus is a famous voice chat host. That is kind of respect; did she lose face in the beginning? I believe she did.
I am glad I do not have to worry about losing face since I have double, triple faces. Lose one really does not matter.
Tony 发表于 2005-10-21 12:35:30
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Dear abc:<p></p></FONT>
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman">  I also think it is really a failure in our English education. Students who have passed cet-4 and cet-6 could hardly communicate with others directly, and those English teachers could not share their ideas freely while being abroad. What a sad situation! What is the core of language education? Language is only a tool for communicating and the ultimate purpose of studying a language is one can understand others well and express their ideas clearly by this language, especially face to face. If u ask those common native-speakers( not those teaching staffs or educationists) grammar questions, they would feel so unaccustomed. So the orientation of English education should not be cultivating all students to be an educationist, but be an efficient English speaker. Hence I just appeal here, Dear experts, don’t let students concentrate on those endless bald grammar and so-called vocabulary for any longer. That would make a worse situation. We must create a better environment that all the students should get chances to open their mouths.<p></p></FONT>
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman">  That is all my view to the topic u set about English education.<p></p></FONT>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman">  Yours sincerely</FONT>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT face="Times New Roman">       Tony.C                                                       </FONT><p></p></FONT>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 259.5pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman">                                                         </FONT>
Tony 发表于 2005-10-21 12:38:40
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman">Dear abc:<p></p></FONT>
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman">  I also think it is really a failure in our English education. Students who have passed cet-4 and cet-6 could hardly communicate with others directly, and those English teachers could not share their ideas freely while being abroad. What a sad situation! What is the core of language education? Language is only a tool for communicating and the ultimate purpose of studying a language is one can understand others well and express their ideas clearly by this language, especially face to face. If u ask those common native-speakers( not those teaching staffs or educationists) grammar questions, they would feel so unaccustomed. So the orientation of English education should not be cultivating all students to be an educationist, but be an efficient English speaker. Hence I just appeal here, Dear experts, don’t let students concentrate on those endless bald grammar and so-called vocabulary for any longer. That would make a worse situation. We must create a better environment that all the students should get chances to open their mouths.<p></p></FONT>
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman">  That is all my view to the topic u set about English education.<p></p></FONT>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt"><FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman">Yours</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"> sincerely<p></p>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt">Tony.C<p></p></FONT>
soso 发表于 2005-10-21 18:06:03
Dear <STRONG><FONT color=#f70909>abc</FONT></STRONG>,
Do you voice chat on the Internet regularly? If so, I was wondering whether you may record the group conversation and then upload the recording here at this forum. I believe more people will get motivated by your recording.
I've provided a suitable software to David. But you'll need to use UC rather than Skype to have a recordable voice meeting.
soso 发表于 2005-10-21 18:44:00
Dear <STRONG><FONT color=#f70909>Tony</FONT></STRONG>,
I'm afraid that the huge educational system doesn't even know how to solve the problem that you mentioned. As you may know, the CETs 4 and 6 have just been upgraded, but even the brand new scoring system is still much the same as its predecessor - most universities are just using 425 as the passing grade, and that makes sense as 425 over 710 is just around 60 out of 100. So the first problem is that they just don't know how to produce a testing system similar to IELTS or TOEFL.
But the second problem is, even if they can get such a testing system, it will still prove to be ineffective in testing the language skills of the candidate. Traditional testing systems can only test how well you know, rather than how well you may use what you know.
Actually, there're quite some good materials on the past exam papers of CETs 4 and 6, but they're no longer good once you apply the traditional way to prepare for the exam.
So from my perspective, the point is to keep the students away from the exams, at least to some extent. But do you think that possible either for the institutions of learning or for the students themselves? I'm afraid the exams have already become the Damocles Sword, so much so that it's just incredible for the educational system to have any substantial reform regarding this. <br>

abc 发表于 2005-10-22 05:39:28
I really can do nothing about Education system.
However, I want to persuade you to join our voice chat practice, Could you?  When i hear you speak English, then I know I am doing something, not wasting my time. If you do not even come, I think I'd better quit.
Quickie 发表于 2005-10-22 05:57:14
I replied, you need 989 to go....
abc 发表于 2005-10-22 09:47:38
Thanks Quickie, but you are the Seventeenth. How come I still need 989 replies?
Now, I understand why you can not count how many girlfriends you had, and how bad the American education system is.
soso 发表于 2005-10-22 11:15:35
Dear <STRONG><FONT color=#f70909>abc</FONT></STRONG>,
I'm sorry that I didn't make it clear last time. I was not trying to say that I'm interested in participating in your voice meeting, but I do have interest in helping make it more populous. As I've presided over a series of such meetings at hu jiang bbs previously, and I've got a book specifically on International Conferences by TsingHua University, I feel it possible that I may do something for our <STRONG><FONT color=#0909f7>family</FONT></STRONG> in this regard.
As for your invitation, I'm afraid that I'll have to let you down, because I'm unavailable at your scheduled time, and I cannot have acceptable voice quality while using Skype, all the meetings at hu jiang bbs were held with UC. It is true that UC doesn't allow people to speak at the same time, but it enables the recording work, and it supports a much larger group of up to 100 persons, though we used to have just 5-10 persons only.
To encourage people to join a real-time voice meeting has never been an easy job. You'll have to produce a detailed post as the advertisement, and then you'll need to keep an eye on people's responses and encourage them accordingly from time to time. In that case, a recording will prove to be the best ad, as everyone is able to know from it how the meeting is really like.
Thanks for your time and consideration.

Quickie 发表于 2005-10-22 14:44:11
<STRONG><FONT color=#f73809 size=4>ABC,</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#f73809 size=4>I was at page one....[em06].... I didn't see there was a page two to your post till now....[em06]..... anyway, you got 979 to go now... :lol:lol:lol</FONT></STRONG>
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