





[原创]Share feeling,to be friend

发布者: abc | 发布时间: 2005-10-19 03:29| 查看数: 44754| 评论数: 115|


abc 发表于 2006-1-21 22:53:08
<a href="http://tony2006.byethost6.com/" target="_blank" >http://tony2006.byethost6.com/</A>
<STRONG>The objective is language exchange; that is, foreigners learn Chinese while Chinese study English; Make friends with native speakers.</STRONG>
Just test system in a free webspace which you all can apply if you need some php &amp; mySQL space.
Your suggestion will be treasure, and register there is not necessary as it is not permanent.
abc 发表于 2006-1-30 00:48:53
Happy New Year, everyone!!
Is there anyone writing down what you want to achieve in the 2006? Experts say if writing down something on paper you want to do, it will have more opportunities to be finished than people just simply say in mind; and if writing it publicly, then pretty much it will be done in the future.
<STRONG>I will setup A multi-languages BBS and draw native language speakers coming, and also promote Chinese culture world wide.</STRONG>
samin 发表于 2006-2-1 00:07:01
I want to make a big progress in my work and learn English,speak English very well,no anything else bother me...
abc 发表于 2006-2-3 01:51:14
Samin, if you want to make progress, you'd better have a clear goal. say, win a design prize in whatever fashion show, even get invitation that is a progress; depends on your achievement.
New year is not new any more; I thought a little bit about 2005. honestly, waste a lot of time. wondering and looking, then lost myself in crowed street where is so colorful and noisy with everyone says it is manufacture of the world. All stores along the street are so nice, and everybody in the street seems so excitement.Suddenly I aware that i will never reach my destination by following others.I have to choose my destiny;no matter it is a mirage or an oasis, I have to go on my path.
July 发表于 2006-2-5 13:46:12
<STRONG><FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713 size=2>abc</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713 size=2>I just read the chinese article on the fifth page.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713><FONT size=2>At first,I felt a little angree ,becaus our country is growing stongly everyday.Although the boy cannot do something except say the word,but at least he share the feeling to our own people.Eventhou some of the things he metioned does exist, but Chinese predisposition is climbing non-stop. I belive in an X amount of years later, our country will become more prosperous and powerful.</FONT> </FONT></STRONG>
abc 发表于 2006-2-7 13:48:41
<a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?p=49#post49[/mai][/hide]" target="_blank" >
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-7 13:51:16编辑过]

abc 发表于 2006-2-6 23:06:14
China is growing and will keep on growing stronger and stronger, that is for sure. I want to make new progress,too;and I believe if everyone does that, our country will be moving faster than ever.As an individual, that is only thing I can do for our country.
<STRONG>Good morning China, Time to wake up!!</STRONG>
abc 发表于 2006-2-8 00:18:32
<FONT color=#e61a1a>英国笔友500人名录名录来自网上,近500人,email真假自己试</FONT>
nine 发表于 2006-2-8 09:58:12
I believe you,so I decide to have a try,hehe[em04][em04]
nine 发表于 2006-2-8 10:00:23
I believe you,so I decide to have a try,hehe[em04][em04]
July 发表于 2006-2-8 17:52:50
<STRONG><FONT size=4>But I really don't know say what to them.</FONT></STRONG>
cser 发表于 2006-2-9 11:11:46
you english is vrey good
cser 发表于 2006-2-9 11:12:33
<STRONG><FONT size=4>But I really don't know say what to them.</FONT></STRONG>
abc 发表于 2006-2-9 13:11:54
Thanks for reply.<br>Nine and Cser, could you tell me your Skype ID? I am going to arrange small group meetings.
You also have nothing to say?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-9 13:17:53编辑过]

abc 发表于 2006-2-9 23:41:03
<STRONG>The same mesage was posted on wwenglish and hjbbs.</STRONG>
Hello everyone,<br><br>I am from Canada, but i am Chinese for sure. <br>
I am going to invite native friends to join our small group practicing; however, it will be on Skype around noon, maybe it is not a good time, but we have 13 hours time difference, no other choice. <br>
you can register in our bbs, I know many people might refuse to do so; then simply email me your Skype ID. <br>
<a href="mailto:e-abc@hotmail.com" target="_blank" >e-abc@hotmail.com</A> <br>
As the native speakers are limited personal friends, we will try to arrang small group by group(4-5 persons), so voice quality can be acceptable. if anyone missing by chance,  sorry about that.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-10 1:23:05编辑过]

abc 发表于 2006-2-10 01:21:43
<STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>美国笔友录with email </FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>从一家国际英语教育网上得来,真假自辨。</FONT></STRONG> <br>

<a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=58" target="_blank" ><a href="http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=58" target="_blank" >http://bbs.sinolia.com/showthread.php?t=58</A>

<STRONG>the same message was posted on Wwenglish and hjbbs.</STRONG></A>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-10 1:24:42编辑过]

abc 发表于 2006-2-12 23:05:57
<STRONG>Here is an Email between a professor and a foreign teacher who teaches English in China. Their names and schools were taken out for privacy reason.</STRONG>
<STRONG>ersonally, I take part in this kind of discussion related Chinese English Education since myself was one of millions students who have learned English for 10 years,still are not able to say anything in English. <BR><BR>In order to change "dumb-English" situation, We newly setup website with support from native language speakers,ESL(English as Second Language)teachers,and international students. Feel free to ask questions. </STRONG>
Here is the Email:
Venerable Professor:
Venerable? Aged maybe. But not venerated. "OK ENGL151 section 7, off<BR>your knees now and we'll start the lesson." Dream on.<BR>&gt;  <BR>&gt; But can I ask your opinion about the common -- in fact, seems to <BR>&gt; be "the rule" -- about the separation of reading from writing (and <BR>&gt; the other 2 skills areas, of course) in China.  I'm responsible <BR>&gt; for "Oral" and "Writing", whereas teachers that I haven't even met <BR>&gt; are responsible for "Listening" and "Reading".
Yes, dumb, isn't it? I had to teach like this back in the 70's in UK.<BR>We had grammar, writing and speaking classes.
Why does it persist in China?
1   It means that local teachers who aren't very fluent can teach<BR>reading and writing without losing too much face.
2   Speaking can be farmed out to expats and can be given less status.
3   "We've done it this way for a long time. It is our trasdition and<BR>possibly our culture so leave it alone.
Why do I think it is not the best way?
1   Reading is more profitable if you talk and write and use and<BR>expand on what you read, integrating it with the rest of your English<BR>and indeed with your life and experience.
2   Writing is based on speech. Writing is heard by the reader. It's<BR>only recently in history that we have taken to silent reading and we<BR>still voice it in our heads. If you can't write with sound in mind and<BR>you can't read and hear then you are missing a lot in your language<BR>ability.
3   If you learn to write without it being integrated with your speech<BR>then you are more likely to translate and this affects your communication.
4   This artificial separation helps keep English a subject not a<BR>language.
5   If you integrate these skills you have more chance of motivating<BR>learners because you have a wider range of tasks for each topic you<BR>choose. Students who are good speakers are more likely to want to read<BR>and write if it ties in and adds to the things they want to say. They<BR>need all 4 skills to function in English. Shy solitary writers are<BR>more likely to engage in discussion if it's going to help them with<BR>writing content.
6   If you think about it, it may be this separation came about by<BR>analogy with L1 teaching where writing is taught as a subject. But in<BR>this case speaking and listening don't need to be taught, these skills<BR>have already been acquired. I still think that writing and reading<BR>have strong links and could be integrated more in L1 teaching but<BR>that's not my field. With L2 learning integration is very important,<BR>especially in adult ed. because written forms aid memory. I don't<BR>think I can acquire 1,000 words a year as a young child does without<BR>being able to write things down as a memory aid. I can do it to some<BR>extent but it's slow. On an integrated course you hear, see, write and<BR>say and things are repeated more. It gives you an extra chance of<BR>getting a hook on a bit of language.
7   Integration helps the learner to see and feel the similarities<BR>between speaking and writing and also to absorb the differences and<BR>see and use the restricted codes so often there in speech.<BR>
nine 发表于 2006-2-13 09:22:08
abc,i have done,but i receive nothing[em07]
my skype id is zlyjuser,what's yours?i can add you.
boboo 发表于 2006-2-13 22:41:47
<BR>good place. i have not come here for  a long time, but  when i came in our forum for a chance, all words what you said in english give me a great shock indeed! it's amazing!!
i granduated from our university last year, working in a small company now, for  this times in my work station,i have felt that our word is really a cruelly society, mostly , the relationship between people changes more and more detached,
but now, a new ideals come out in my minds, coz i saw all of feeling what you said. anyway , i believe there are more friendship and true love in our world. i'm thirsty to be friend with all of you , and share my  happness and blue.
when i'm by myself , i like to surf the internet,i can learn so much about so  many things all over the world,and get so many good friends on line, i'm sure i can make  good friends with you!
thanks ,god bless you![em07][em07][em07][em07][em07][em07][em07][em07][em07]
abc 发表于 2006-2-14 02:37:23
以下是引用swallowzz在2006-2-14 0:50:59的发言:<BR>学了十几年英文了  却还是个英文白痴   听力不好  翻译不好  又不会说    自己也想过去英文角大胆交流   可就是害羞不敢说啊   因为真的简单的句子都说不出   谁能救救我啊    <BR>Answer:
What can i say?
No one can save you, only yourself can do that.<BR>too shy to open your mouth, We are all the same, so do not feel shamed about it.
As you have been studying English for more than ten years, you surely can say some sentences in English;however, whenever you face a person and want to say something, you feel scared, so your brain goes blank.
Come on, do not be nervous like that.
Even so, how about prepare 5 sentences? such as how are you, nice to meet you, what is your name,my name is... etc. Just 5, no more. Prepare at home, until you feel ok, you can go now. If it is necessary, write them down. Then go to the English corner, tell yourself, today you just say these 5 sentences, but with 5 different persons. This is your goal of the day. Not too difficult, right? but you have to do it, and sure you are able to do it.
I really believe that when you speak to the third guy, you will talk more than 5 sentences, maybe "where are you from? In which school are you studying?" pop out from your mouth since this person may ask you those questions; then you just repeat whatever he/she said, and ask him/her back.
Finally, you will find, actually you talk more than 5 sentences and more than 5 persons, and make some friends. The most important thing is you complete your goal of the day.
Hey, do not feel good so early, prepare 20 sentences for next time.Yeah,20 not 10 since you do not feel nervous anymore.
Next time, take these 20 sentences, but set the goal to talking with 3 persons,no more, but less; the reason is if you talk with too many people, basically just repeat the sentences you were using last time.therefore, talk with less people, but talk longer, this is the goal of next time.
What do your prepare for the third time? I do not know. Maybe you need to prepare something, like dress up or make up. Perhaps, you are ready to ask "are you married?" or something like that. Do you need my advice for this? Sure not!!
I can only say "congratulations"
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