





【gotta have you】

发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2008-11-4 13:13| 查看数: 1638| 评论数: 1|

http://blog.52harrypotter.com/UploadFiles/2008-8/282333216891.mp3   today I am crazy about searching the songs,go on with it... 一首轻快的女声歌曲 女声纯净的声音就像在诉说一个动听的故事:“再多的咖啡,再多的哭泣,再多的威士忌,再多的美酒,全部都没用,我不能没有你,我必须拥有你。”直抒胸臆的台词再加上抒情且动感的曲调,使整首歌美不胜收!


shunitang 发表于 2008-11-4 13:14:04
gray, quiet and tired and mean
picking at a worried seam
i try to make you mad at me over the phone
red eyes and fire and signs
i'm taken by a nursery rhyme
i want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home
no amount of coffee
no amount of crying
no amount of whiskey
no amount of wine
no, nothing else will do
i've gotta have you
i've gotta have you

the road gets cold
there's no spring in the middle this year
i'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears
oh, such a prima donna
sorry for myself
but green, it is also summer
and i won't be warm till i'm lying in your arms
no amount of coffee
no amount of crying
no amount of whiskey
no amount of wine
no, nothing else will do
i've gotta have you
i've gotta have you

i see it all through a telescope:
guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat
lying in the back of the blue boat
humming a tune...

no amount of coffee
no amount of crying
no amount of whiskey
no amount of wine
no, nothing else will do
i've gotta have you
i've gotta have you
no amount of coffee
no amount of crying
no amount of whiskey
no amount of wine
no, nothing else will do
i've gotta have you
i've gotta have you
i've gotta have you
i've gotta have you
i've gotta have you
the weepies - gotta have you
say i am you
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