






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-11-5 15:33| 查看数: 1851| 评论数: 1|

Li Bids For Stronger Hold On PCCW

Having tried and failed three times to sell all or part of his telecommunications holdings, Hong Kong tycoon Richard Li is leading a US$2 billion effort to exert greater control over the business.

Mr. Li's Singapore-listed holding company and state-run China Network Communications Group Corp. late Tuesday offered to buy the part of Hong Kong fixed-line operator PCCW Ltd. they don't control for 4.20 Hong Kong dollars (54 US cents) a share, a 53% premium to its last closing price. The transaction, which values the entire company at HK$28.4 billion (US$3.7 billion), would cement Mr. Li's control over a company with a dominant position in Hong Kong's traditional landline telephone business.

But the deal faces a potential showdown with PCCW's other shareholders. Analysts were expecting an offer of about HK$5 a share and could see the Li-led offer as opportunistic. Through a spokesman, Mr. Li declined to comment.

Under the deal, the Li-related entities and his listed Singaporean holding company, Pacific Century Regional Developments Ltd., would holds two-thirds of PCCW. Currently, the holding company, known as PCRD, and Mr. Li own a combined 28.3% of PCCW. The Chinese company, known as China Netcom and being taken over by rival China Unicom Ltd., would increase its stake to one-third of PCCW's outstanding shares from the 19.84% stake it currently holds.

PCRD and China Netcom 'have worked together to present a serious offer in a difficult market,' the companies said in a statement. 'In this environment, we believe that shareholders will value the opportunity for liquidity presented by this offer.'

Few think Mr. Li has suddenly grown fond of the business he has been trying to sell for so long. Financiers close to the 41-year-old son of Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing believe he may be buying at a cheaper price now to take advantage of weak equity markets. David Webb, a Hong Kong shareholder activist, believes the younger Mr. Li wants to buy the company so he can resell it at a higher price later on. Whether that is allowed 'will be up to shareholders,' Mr. Webb said.

One veteran merger banker says Mr. Li and PCCW's managing director, Alex Arena, may try to reshape the company and wait out the credit crunch to find a new buyer in two to three years.

A takeover would also make a sale easier to pull off, by giving Mr. Li greater control over the assets. Earlier attempts to sell all or part of the company were foiled in part by other shareholders.

Mr. Li owns 77% of PCRD, meaning he has control over the buying and selling of its subsidiaries. The Singapore entity also has capital and a share structure in place, making it the ideal vehicle for him to secure debt and quickly launch the offer.

Trading in PCCW's shares has been suspended since Oct. 14 as Mr. Li and China Netcom negotiated the terms of the offer. The stock closed at HK$2.75 on Oct. 13.

Since then, the benchmark Hang Seng Index has fallen 12% as investors have sold off holdings, withdrawn money from managers, and fled the markets to cope with the uncertainties of the global credit crisis. Others may be looking to cash out of their investments, complicating the debate over the fair value of PCCW's shares.

PCCW's long-term base of retail investors may be reluctant to part with their shares, said Francis Cheung, head of Asian telecommunications research at CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets. A former high-flier that traded for well over HK$100 a share at the end of the technology boom seven years ago, PCCW spent years trading near HK$5 a share until the recent downturn. It lost its blue-chip status in May when it was removed from the Hang Seng Index.

'He saw the share price crash so made an opportunistic offer,' Mr. Cheung, who expected an offer of around HK$5 a share, said of Mr. Li.

To succeed, Mr. Li will need to secure the support of 75% of minority shareholders casting votes, and those voting against must account for less than 10% of votes. At least half of the minority shareholders must participate in the voting.

Institutions listed among major shareholders, such as Fidelity Investment Management Ltd. and Matthews International Capital Management in San Francisco, declined to comment.

Mr. Li spent more than two years trying to figure out a way to extricate himself from running PCCW's staid business. He has broadcast his interest in trying new media ventures and expanding PCCW's interest in markets outside Hong Kong, including plans to build its business in the Middle East.

The maneuvering is the latest chapter in a saga that began with PCCW trying to enter the China market in 2005.

Seeking growth on the mainland, Mr. Li sold a 20% stake to China Netcom that year. The next year, after the share price fell, he entertained bids of more than $7 billion from U.S. buyout firm TPG and Australia's Macquarie Group Ltd. to buy the company's main telecommunications and media assets. But Beijing scotched the deal, unhappy about letting Hong Kong's 'strategic' assets fall into the hands of foreigners, according to people involved in the deal at the time.

A subsequent offer that involved Mr. Li's father failed. Last month, PCCW also ended talks to sell a 45% stake in its main telecommunications and media assets, saying buyout offers weren't sufficient.

Buyers that have looked at PCCW say it produces significant amounts of cash, making it easier to load debt onto the company. PCCW earned HK$1.5 billion in net profit last year on HK$23.7 billion in revenue.

HSBC Holdings PLC is advising PCRD, and Royal Bank of Scotland PLC's ABN Amro arm is advising China Netcom.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-11-5 15:46:18

三次试图出售其电信控股公司部分或全部股份的努力均告失败之后,香港大亨李泽楷(Richard Li)正牵头以20亿美元增加对这项业务的控制权。

李泽楷在新加坡上市的控股公司和中国国营中国网通集团(China Network Communications Group Corp.)周二晚间提出以每股4.20港元(约合54美分)收购香港固网运营商电讯盈科(PCCW Ltd.)中它们尚未控制的部分股份,这一报价比其最新收盘价溢价53%,使整个公司的估值达到284亿港元(约合37亿美元)。这项交易将巩固李泽楷对这家在香港传统固话业务领域占主导地位的公司的控制。



根据这项协议,李泽楷的相关企业及其新加坡上市控股公司盈科(亚洲)拓展有限公司(Pacific Century Regional Developments Ltd.)将持有电讯盈科三分之二的股份。目前,盈科(亚洲)拓展和李泽楷合计持有电讯盈科28.3%的股份。中国网通集团将把持有的电讯盈科股份比例从现在的19.84%增加到三分之一。目前,中国网通集团正在与中国联通(China Unicom Ltd.)进行合并。


几乎无人认为李泽楷会突然喜欢上他一直想卖掉的这项业务。了解香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)这位41岁儿子的金融家认为,他可能是利用目前股市低迷的时刻低价买进。香港股东权益活动家大卫•韦伯(David Webb)认为,李泽楷希望买进公司股份,日后再高价卖出。韦伯说,这是否能够实现要取决于股东。

一位资深并购银行家称,李泽楷和电讯盈科董事总经理艾维朗(Alex Arena)可能想要重组该公司,等上两三年时间,待信贷危机结束后再寻找新买家。





里昂证券亚太市场(CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)亚太电信研究主管郑名凯(Francis Cheung)说,电讯盈科的长期散户投资者可能不愿放弃他们手中的股票。在7年前科技股泡沫的末期,电讯盈科股价曾远高于100港元,在此轮下跌前的几年时间里,电讯盈科的股价一直在5港元左右。今年5月份,该股失去了蓝筹股地位,被移出了恒生指数成份股。



主要机构股东,如富达投资(Fidelity Investment Management Ltd.)和Matthews International Capital Management都不予置评。



为了寻求在内地的发展,李泽楷在那一年将电讯盈科20%的股份出售给中国网通集团。次年,在股价下跌后,他收到了美国私人资本运营公司TPG和澳大利亚麦格理集团(Macquarie Group Ltd.) 70多亿美元的要约,要求收购该公司核心的电信和媒体资产。但据当时的知情人士称,由于不愿看到香港的“战略”资产落入外人之手,北京方面阻止了此项交易。



汇丰控股(HSBC Holdings PLC)是盈科(亚洲)拓展的顾问行,苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland PLC)旗下荷兰银行(ABN Amro)子公司为中国网通集团提供建议。
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