






发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2008-11-6 16:59| 查看数: 1396| 评论数: 1|

New Economic Ills Will Force Winner's Hand

With a fresh blast of bearish news hitting just before the presidential election, Tuesday's victor will be under rising pressure to put his stamp on U.S. economic policy well before his Jan. 20 inauguration.

On Monday, auto makers reported steep declines in U.S. car and light-truck sales for October, with General Motors Corp. reporting a 45% drop compared with the number of vehicles sold a year ago. Ford Motor Co. was down 30% and even once-mighty Toyota Motor Corp. was off by 23%. A senior GM executive said the company's results, when adjusted for population changes, represented 'the worst month in the post-World War II era.'

The auto industry's woes contributed to another drop in overall factory output, with the Institute for Supply Management reporting its manufacturing-activity index fell to a 26-year low in October.

'We're dealing with a situation that could develop into another Great Depression, if not handled properly,' says Daniel DiMicco, chief executive of Charlotte, N.C.-based steelmaker Nucor Corp., who spent an hour in line on Friday waiting to cast an early vote.

Few economists predict the world is in for a repeat of the 1930s. But the deepening problems -- rising joblessness and home foreclosures, falling consumer spending and tight credit -- are prompting calls from businesses and Congress for quick action by the next president to clarify, and begin working on, his economic agenda.

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.) says the president-elect should start by picking his Treasury secretary and economic team within days. With Congress planning a session this month to push through a second economic-stimulus package and discuss remaking the nation's financial system, lawmakers will look for direction from the future president. Mr. Dodd said he will bring the next White House team into the regulatory talks.

Both campaigns declined to comment on any specific post-election plans. However, Democratic Sen. Barack Obama would likely come under pressure to assure investors that he won't increase income taxes on the wealthy during a recession -- as he hinted during the campaign -- or boost capital-gains taxes during a market slump. For Republican Sen. John McCain, one challenge would be explaining how he'd work with a Democratic Congress after a bitter presidential battle.

The central issue now, says McCain economic adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin, 'is the reality that so many Americans believe that the institutions they rely on -- banks, Wall Street, Washington -- have failed them. Those failures are the source of the lack of confidence.'

Three economic challenges are apt to dominate the early days of the new presidency: mending the economy; reshaping the battered financial industry; and crafting a policy for China, America's biggest creditor and an economic rival.

The slumping economy is the top issue. Many economists forecast that the U.S. will fall into its deepest recession since the early 1980s, with some predicting unemployment above 8% by 2010, up from 6.1% today. Former Reagan economist Martin Feldstein, a McCain adviser, recently endorsed a stimulus plan of as much as $300 billion.

Sen. Charles Schumer, the New York Democrat who is chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, says an Obama win would mean the Democratic Congress will take up a small stimulus package in a lame-duck session soon and a bigger one in January after inauguration. Even if Sen. McCain were to win, Sen. Schumer says, expected Democratic gains in Congress will help the party leadership push through a package in November.

The last stimulus package of $168 billion, including about $105 billion in rebate checks, didn't do much to help. The money boosted spending in the second quarter of 2008, but not beyond, as the pain of $4-a-gallon gasoline offset the extra cash consumers received from the government.

Now, stimulus advocates -- mainly Democrats -- are focusing on infrastructure projects, extension of unemployment-insurance benefits, and increases in food-stamp payments. State and local governments would also be targeted. Twenty-seven states have announced budget shortfalls for fiscal year 2009, which began in July, totaling $26 billion, according to Moody's Economy.com, an economic consulting firm.

Another big challenge to face the president-elect is deciding how big a role the government should play in the economy, including picking winners and losers among companies competing for federal dollars, and sharpening financial regulation. Bush Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is preparing rooms at the Treasury for a transition team to assure smooth coordination. Many decisions being made now will bind the next administration, especially how to spend the $700 billion rescue budget. While the presidential candidates talked generally about financial regulation during the campaign, they didn't propose specific solutions.

A third challenge is trade with China, an issue over which Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama have sharply disagreed. Sen. McCain is an avid free trader; Sen. Obama argues that trade agreements have been written to help the wealthy, not average Americans, and has urged that a number of them be renegotiated.

Neither candidate focused on trade during the general election. But the calendar will force the issue on the White House. After a set of textile quotas on China expires on Jan. 1, industry lobbyists will press the new administration to renew them or make them tougher. Then, around May 1, the new president must decide the longstanding question of whether China manipulates its currency to keep it below market value -- and thus give Chinese exporters an edge for products priced in dollars.

The new administration's decision will be complicated. Since July 2005, when China delinked its currency from the dollar, the yuan has gained about 20% in value against the dollar. In recent months, the yuan has also appreciated against the currency of Europe, China's biggest trading partner, making it even tougher for China to compete with Vietnam and other lower-production-cost countries. Already, thousands of Chinese factories have been forced to close or move elsewhere in the past year because of weakening demand, rising costs and the stronger yuan.

If the U.S. pushes China to further boost its currency, it would deepen China's woes. That would further rile China, which holds nearly $2 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves, the majority in dollars. Beijing's willingness to continue lending to Washington by purchasing Treasurys is hugely important while the U.S. is on a borrowing binge.

'If China buys fewer Treasury bonds from the U.S., it will not be good for the U.S.,' says Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University in Beijing. He doubts relations will get that bad: If the dollar tanked, so would China's vast holding in dollars.

But others are hedging their bets. Harry Kazazian, chief executive of Exxel Outdoors Inc., a maker of outdoor clothing and sleeping bags in Haleyville, Ala., is preparing to move much of his apparel production from a large plant he operates in China to Bangladesh. 'I have to cover my bases if the government decides it needs to punish China,' he says.

Bob Davis / Jonathan Weisman / Timothy Aeppel


shunitang 发表于 2008-11-6 16:59:56


周一,汽车制造商公布10月份美国市场的汽车和轻型卡车销售大幅下滑,其中,通用汽车(General Motors)较上年同期下滑45%,福特(Ford Motor)下滑30%,就连曾经实力强大的丰田汽车(Toyota Motor)也下降了23%。通用汽车一位高级管理人士表示,经人口因素调整后,公司本月的财务业绩是“二战”以来最糟糕的一个月。

在汽车业呈现如此惨状的同时,全美工业活动总体也出现下滑,供应管理学会(Institute for Supply Management) 10月份的制造业活动指数降至26年低点。

北卡罗来纳州钢铁企业Nucor Corp.首席执行长迪米科(Daniel DiMicco)说,我们目前所面对的情况如果处理不当,有可能发展成又一场大萧条。上周五他排了一个小时队参加了大选提前投票。

Associated Press; Getty Images


参议院银行委员会主席、民主党人多德(Christopher Dodd)说,当选总统应该在几天内就开始挑选财政部长和经济政策团队。国会计划本月召开会议推进第二轮经济刺激计划,并讨论美国金融系统重建问题。届时,议员们将从下任总统那里寻找政策方面。多德说,他将敦促白宫新一班相关人员参与有关监管的谈判。

目前,竞选双方均未对选举后的任何具体计划表态。不过,民主党候选人奥巴马(Barack Obama)如果当选,投资者可能会要求他确保在经济衰退期间不会上调富人的收入所得税(像他在竞选期间暗示的那样),也不会在市场下滑期间增加资本增值税。而对共和党候选人麦凯恩(John McCain)来说,要面临的一个挑战是在经历一场艰苦的选战后,他将如何与民主党占多数的国会相处。

麦凯恩经济顾问道格拉斯·霍尔茨-埃金(Douglas Holtz-Eakin)说,现在的核心问题是这样一个现实,即许多美国人认为他们一直依赖的银行、华尔街、华盛顿等等机构辜负了他们,这导致人们丧失了信心。


经济下滑是头号问题。许多经济学家预计,美国将陷入上世纪八十年代初以来最严重的衰退;一些人预计,到2010年,失业率将从目前的6.1%上升到8%以上。麦凯恩的顾问、前总统里根的经济顾问费尔德斯坦(Martin Feldstein)最近表示支持一项至多3,000亿美元的经济刺激计划。

民主党参议员、美国国会联合经济委员会(Joint Economic Committee)主席舒默(Charles Schumer)说,如果奥巴马获胜,民主党掌控的国会在其就职前的过渡期间将采取小规模经济刺激计划,1月份就职后将扩大规模。舒默说,即使是麦凯恩获胜,鉴于民主党在国会的势力有望加强,它也将有助于该党领袖11月推动一项经济刺激方案通过。


现在,刺激方案的鼓吹者──主要是民主党人──关注的焦点是基础建设项目、失业保险福利的扩大和食品救济券支出的增加。州、市政府也成了救济目标。经济咨询机构Moody's Economy.com称,已有27个州宣布7月份开始的2009财年将出现预算缺口,总额为260亿美元。

总统大选面临的另一大挑战是判定政府应在经济中发挥多大作用,包括从竞争政府资助的公司中选择赢家和输家,以及加强金融监管等。布什政府的财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)正准备在财政部内设立一个过渡小组,确保协调的顺畅。现在做出的许多决策都牵涉到下届政府,尤其是如何支出7,000亿美元救助预算的问题。尽管总统候选人在竞选中通常都会谈及金融监管,但他们并未提出具体的解决方案。






但有些人正在采取防范措施。室外服装及睡袋生产商Exxel Outdoors Inc.的首席执行长卡扎兹安(Harry Kazazian)正准备将大部分服装生产从位于中国的一个大型工厂迁到孟加拉国。他说,我必须为政府可能决定惩罚中国留条后路。

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