





Around the world

发布者: ieboy | 发布时间: 2008-11-6 18:04| 查看数: 1578| 评论数: 1|

Around the world


I've been around the world
Hey, hey I've been around the world
Hey, hey In the kitchen where I'm cooking what is good for me
Spices from the globe
Little by little it's the finest meal
It's appetite for hope
come and see You mix it all together in your dreams
Ingredients from the seven Seas and I'm realizing things ain't what they seem
That's the riddle of it That's the spirit of it
That's the power of life
I've been around the world (Round the world)
And I've seen it all (Seen it all)
I've been around the world (Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall
I've been around the world (Round the world)
And I want you to see (Seen it all)
I've been the only girl (Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery
In the living room I'm cleaning up from top to floor
the place I love the most
The wall is covered up with all my souvenirs
I've got from coast to coast,come and see
You mix it all together in your dreams
Ingredients from the seven Seas and I'm realizing things ain't what they seem
That's the riddle of it That's the spirit of it
That's the power of life
I've been around the world (Round the world)
And I've seen it all (Seen it all)
I've been around the world (Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall I've been around the world (Round the world)
And I want you to see (Seen it all)
I've been the only girl (Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery
I'm still coming around I keep chasing dreams
Girl, I keep coming around
Hey, Hey I keep coming around And I can never stop
Girl, I keep coming around Cause if I do I'll walk Around around
around the world I've been around the world (Round the world)
Hey hey (Seen it all) I've been around the world (Round the world)
All surrounded by mystery I've been around the world (Round the world)
And I've seen it all (Seen it all)
I've been around the world (Round the world)
The sun will always rise and fall Round the world
创建于1998年的aqua合唱团由来自挪威的女主唱le?nenystrom、djrenenorren和clausnore en、sorenrasted四位成员组成,他们造型定位鲜明,有着很强的卡通味道,老少皆宜。曲风则是以目前十分流行且上口的 techno舞曲为主。1996年的ep大碟〈myohmy〉使他们一鸣惊人,而翌年的专辑〈barbiegirl〉更令aqu a的卡通舞曲风潮席卷了欧美、日本和东南亚地区。他们全欧冠军单曲〈barbiegirl〉和〈doc?torjones〉也迅 速地在世界各地的舞池和大街小巷四处蔓延。随即,卡通舞曲的形式亦被许多新兴的舞曲组合和歌手们争相效仿,那张狂卖的专辑〈爱情大魔咒〉也忍不住借aqua的热门单曲〈doc?torjones〉的旋律火了一把。1997年以《芭比娃 娃》混音舞曲从欧美一路红到亚洲的丹麦四人团体“水叮当合唱团”,4年来创下全球2800万张惊人销售量.“水叮当合唱团”的《 水瓶座》、《芭比娃娃》、《琼斯博士》、《超强泡泡》及《环游世界》等专辑均有不错表现。


shunitang 发表于 2008-11-7 09:15:12
it is a nice song can make people dance to it.. perfect! like the ryhthm...
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