






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-11-7 11:10| 查看数: 1393| 评论数: 1|

Who s Boss? Bush, Obama, G-20

Next week's meeting of the leaders of the group of 20 to address the financial crisis is likely to be President Bush's last hurrah on the world stage, but questions still are swirling whether it will President-elect Obama's first.

Beginning Nov. 14, Bush will host a two-day summit of G-20 leaders to deal with the economic crisis. The meeting, planned as the first in a series, was always going to be clouded by the president's lame-duck status. On Monday, the White House aimed to tamp down expectations.

'We'll have a meeting that is robust in its agenda, hopefully robust in its principles for reform to move forward,' White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said. 'I don't think anybody should expect next week that we're going to walk away and have everything solved.'

But unless the U.S. presents a united front combining the old and new administrations, it is difficult to imagine anything substantive coming out of the talks.

The G-20 includes the seven major industrialized nations - Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Germany and the United States - plus Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea and Turkey.

So far, it is unclear how big a role the president-elect will play. Wednesday, it was reported that organizers of the summit were consulting Obama's team about the possibility of attending. French officials indicated that there would be talks with Obama advisers. When the meeting was announced Obama declined to say whether he would attend the meeting if elected, saying, that 'we still have one president at a time.' Etiquette might suggest that Obama keep the summit at arm's length and let his team of advisers act as observers.

However involved Obama is, it remains unlikely that any major agreements will come out of the summit. Leaders may be reluctant to make deals with a departing administration, and they will be unable to come to agreements with a team that isn't even in place yet. Obama is working on the transition now, but he has yet to fill the role of Treasury secretary, someone who would need to be a key player if G-20 talks on the financial crisis are to continue.

Of course, just because the U.S. isn't in a position to negotiate and major reforms doesn't mean that the meeting won't be important. Former IMF Chief Economist Simon Johnson says that just getting these leaders in the same room is an important step. 'The fact that G20 heads of government will now start meeting is most significant,' he wrote. 'Almost always, once a group like this meets, it can agree on its own importance and the need for another meeting.'

Carl Weinberg of High Frequency Economics says that even though Obama may not be a direct participant, he may be able to show off negotiating skills in backroom discussions. Weinberg says that Europe must consider stimulus for its economies, and Obama may be able to get the ball rolling. 'Someone has to get the Eurolanders to step up to the plate, and everyone has to move forward together,' he said.

However, anyone thinking this meeting is going to turn into Bretton Woods II is in for a disappoint. It may be a good start to a process of global economic reform but as long as a lame duck is dealing for the U.S., major changes aren't in the cards .


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-11-7 11:11:08




白宫发言人派里诺(Dana Perino)表示,即将召开的峰会议程非常明确,其推进下一步改革的原则应该也会很明确。我认为,大家不应该期望会议结束后所有问题就都能得到解决。





当然,美国眼下不适合进行磋商及重大改革的状况并不意味着这次会议不重要。前国际货币基金组织(IMF)首席经济学家西蒙·约翰逊(Simon Johnson)说,能把所有这些领导人汇集一堂就是重要的一步。他写道,G20国家领导人将举行会议本身就是最重要的。几乎总是这样,一旦这样规模和级别的会议召开后,就会对会议本身的重要性以及继续召开类似会议的需求达成共识。

High Frequency Economics的卡尔·威恩博格(Carl Weinberg)说,尽管奥巴马或许不会直接参与峰会,但他或许会在会后讨论中显示出他的谈判技巧。威恩博格说,欧洲必须考虑对其经济采取刺激措施,而且奥巴马或许能够推动这些措施的出台。他说,必须有人让这些欧洲人开始采取行动,所有人必须共同前进。

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