






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-11-20 18:00| 查看数: 1407| 评论数: 1|

Blackberry Bold Is Big, Bulky And Beautiful

Change is a familiar concept in the mobile-phone industry. Most recently, Apple and Google introduced mobile devices with two vital innovations: They run on fast 3G networks and use touch screens. Yesterday Research In Motion, maker of the BlackBerry, brought out a device that goes halfway: the BlackBerry Bold, which runs on AT&T's 3G network, but doesn't have a touch screen.

The $300 (with two-year contract) Bold doesn't pose as RIM's real iPhone competitor; that distinctionwill fall to the touch-screen BlackBerry Storm due out later this month. Instead, the Bold serves as an upgraded version of the company's BlackBerry 8800 series devices. These models are popular with corporations because they focus most on functionality over style. As a result, they tend to be a bit on the large side -- especially compared with the BlackBerry Curve or BlackBerry Pearl.

I've been using the Bold for the past couple of weeks, both in New York City and in Washington, D.C., and had almost no trouble doing email and Web browsing with its 3G network connection and Wi-Fi capability. I admit that I didn't use it much as a phone, mostly because its bulky size made it awkward to hold to my ear while chatting.

On the plus side, the BlackBerry Bold has a bright, beautiful screen and one of the most comfortable keyboards I've used on a mobile device. Behind the scenes, it has a speedy processor that handles email, Web browsing and video playback with ease. The Bold's 2.66-inch screen is the largest yet on a BlackBerry.

But the Bold reminded me of my grandparents' new Buick: handsomely polished and luxuriously comfortable, with plenty of extra bells and whistles. As much as I like the plush feel of this ride, it can feel as big as a boat when I need to park or navigate narrow city streets. Likewise, the Bold's large size affords mobile extravagances like a keyboard I could use without looking down and a leatherette-covered back panel. But when tossed in a bag or even held in my hand, the BlackBerry Bold simply feels too heavy and too big.

Short Memory

Furthermore, this device's $300 price is steep considering it comes with only one gigabyte of memory, and a memory-card slot for expanding that should you choose to do so. By comparison, Apple's smallest $199 iPhone comes with eight gigabytes of memory.

The Bold's battery lasted for me just over a day after being fully charged. RIM says a full charge will last for four and a half hours of talk time and about 13.5 days of standby. The BlackBerry 8820, by comparison, lasts a bit longer: five hours of talk time and 22 days of standby.

But the Bold's brighter screen and faster network allow it to do things that were slow and stuttering in previous models, such as quickly loading and watching YouTube clips on the device's browser.

Icons on the Bold's main menu look like pale white versions of the colorful, cartoon-like icons found on previous BlackBerrys; perhaps these more-staid icons were added to make the device look more sophisticated. The Bold's edges are distinguished with silver chrome, and buttons abound on all sides: a volume rocker on the right edge, customizable convenience keys on the right and left sides, a microSD card slot on the left, a mute button on the top edge and a one-touch button on the bottom that releases the entire back panel.

The Bold's leatherette-covered back panel gave the device a richer feel -- a far cry from the flimsy plastic back on my BlackBerry Curve that falls off if I drop it. This black leatherette back can be swapped out for other colors like blue, red, slate and brown, which can be bought at ShopBlackBerry.com.

This BlackBerry's Web browser uses an on-screen magnifying-glass icon to remind users that they can zoom in to more easily read Web pages. Google's G1 device uses a similar magnifying glass. The Bold's Menu button (to the left of the trackball) offers a helpful way to browse using the Go To command. This command opens a screen with a blank address bar; a search box that can be set to use Google, Wikipedia or Dictionary.com; and a list of bookmarks and recent history.

Emailing on the BlackBerry Bold was a breeze. I grew so fond of its keyboard design -- made with flat, roomy keys and silver 'frets,' or dividing lines, that separate each row -- that I found myself touch typing without looking down after only three days of use.

RIM says that each key has a subtle high point on it that makes typing more comfortable, and I agreed, rarely typing an incorrect keystroke. Attachments opened in a blink, and DataViz Inc.'s Word To Go, Sheet To Go and Slideshow To Go make it simple to open and edit Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents.

As the presidential election approached, friends often emailed links to videos or Web sites with information about the latest news. On my BlackBerry Curve, I rarely even bother trying to open these links because that device's EDGE connection is so slow. But the Bold opened Web addresses and videos with no problem, whether I was on AT&T's 3G network or Wi-Fi in my home or office.

A pre-installed AT&T application called CV, which stands for Cellular Video, holds a selection of clips from sources like CNN, ESPN and ABC as well as full episodes of TV shows (I watched a good portion of '30 Rock'). Categories at the bottom of the CV menu screen combine videos into groups like Most Watched, Entertainment and HBO Mobile, which costs $5 a month extra.

Driving Directions

While you're driving, AT&T Navigator, by TeleNav, makes use of the Bold's big, bright screen by flashing clear turn-by-turn directions on the device as you go.

I found the BlackBerry Bold to be a huge asset for on-the-go productivity, and some users won't mind this mobile device's large build and higher price because of its luxuriously comfortable features.

If you're thinking of upgrading your BlackBerry to get a faster experience, and don't want to wait to try the BlackBerry Storm's touch screen later this month, the Bold is definitely worth a look.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-11-20 18:04:08

新求变是手机行业永恒的主题。最近,苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)推出的手机有两项重大的革新:支持高速3G网络、使用触摸屏。不久前,黑莓(BlackBerry)手机制造商Research In Motion推出的新款手机则是介于两者之间:BlackBerry Bold支持美国电报电话公司(AT&T)的3G网络,但是并未使用触摸屏。

其实,售价300美元(需签订两年期合同)的Bold并不是RIM真正针对iPhone推出的竞争产品;这个任务要交给于最近推出的使用触摸屏的BlackBerry Storm。Bold可以说是BlackBerry 8800系列手机的升级版。这个系列的手机在企业用户当中很受欢迎,主要是因为它们更注重功能而非外观。因此,它们看起来块头比较大,与BlackBerry Curve或者BlackBerry Pearl相比而言更是如此。


Blackberry Bold


值得称道的是,BlackBerry Bold的屏幕既清晰又美观,其键盘是我所用过的手机当中最舒服的一个。说到配置,它的高速处理器可以轻松处理电子邮件、网页浏览以及视频播放等要求。Bold超大的2.66英寸屏幕也是现有黑莓手机中最大的一款。



此外, 考虑到只有1G的内存(还有一个存储卡扩展接口),Bold 300美元的售价不免显得太高了。相比之下,苹果最便宜的售价199美元的iPhone都有8G内存。

Bold的电池使用时间在完全充电的情况下只有一天多一点。RIM表示,在完全充电的情况下,Bold可以支持四个半小时的通话时间,待机时间为13.5天。相比之下,BlackBerry 8820的使用时间更长:通话时间5小时,待机时间22天。



Bold的皮质背板让手机更富质感──这与我现在使用的BlackBerry Curve的设计大相径庭──如果掉在地上,它那脆弱的塑料背板很容易摔坏。此外,Bold的黑色皮质背板还可以换成其它颜色,如蓝色、红色、蓝灰色和棕色,用户可以通过ShopBlackBerry.com购买。

BlackBerry Bold的网页浏览器使用屏幕放大镜图标提醒用户可以随时放大网页以便阅读。谷歌(Google)的G1手机也使用了类似的放大镜。Bold的“菜单”按钮(轨迹球的左边)让用户可以使用Go To指令浏览网页。这个指令将打开一个新窗口,上面有空白地址栏;搜索栏──用户可任意设置为谷歌、Wikipedia或者Dictionary.com;以及书签和历史记录清单。

BlackBerry Bold的电子邮件功能异常强调。我非常喜欢其键盘设计──按键平滑、宽大,还有用来区分各行的银色分隔线。我发现,经过三天的使用,我竟然能够不用看键盘就可以正确键入内容了。

RIM表示,每个按键都有一个精细的凸起点,可使打字更加舒适,我非常同意这一点,因为我很少弄错按键。所有附件很快就能打开,DataViz Inc.的Word To Go、Sheet To Go和Slideshow To Go也使打开并编辑微软Word、Excel和PowerPoint等文件轻松自如。

由于当时正值美国总统大选,因此朋友们经常通过电子邮件发送有关最新消息的视频或者网页链接。在我的BlackBerry Curve上,我甚至很少试图打开这些链接,因为这款手机上的EDGE连接速度很慢。不过,Bold手机打开网页和视频都毫无问题,无论我使用的是AT&T的3G网络还是Wi-Fi,无论我是在家里还是在办公室。

Bold手机还有一个内置的AT&T程序CV──即手机视频(Cellular Video),内容丰富,既有来自CNN、ESPN和ABC等电视频道的视频,也有各种电视连续剧(我就观看了很大一部分30 Rock)。CV菜单屏幕底部的分类选项可以将视频分门别类:观看最多的内容 (Most Watched)、娱乐(Entertainment)和HBO Mobile,用户需要每月支付5美元获得此项服务。


当你在开车的时候,由TeleNav开发的AT&T Navigator能够借助Bold的超大清晰屏幕,为你指明方向。

我发现BlackBerry Bold对于提高驾驶生产率是一大贡献。对于一些用户来说,由于BlackBerry Bold极为舒适的体验,他们应该不会介意这款手机的大跨头和高价。

如果你想升级自己的黑莓手机,体验更快的速度,而且不想等着去体验BlackBerry Storm的触摸屏,那么Bold显然很值得考虑。
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